Phil Hokianga, Graham Burke
Board Members
Heather MacKay, Nick Clayton, Amos Kamo, Honor Columbus, Martin Carrol ,
David Fabish, Pamela Bel
General Manager
Bharti Raniga
In Attendance
Vanessa Nash (ConCOVE Executive Assistant)
Craig West
Whakatau and Karakia
Given by Phil
Register of Interests
No new interests. Pam removed Opoly Advisor and Mt Vic Hub (New Crossways
Trust) Trustee
Minutes of last meeting
Added in request for research methodology to be presented to the Board,
removed Board Member names. Confirmed by Heather MacKay, seconded by
Honor Columbus.
TEC revised funding schedule, reporting template, performance template
received – to be sent to Board. (Action Register #117).
Actions Table
Risk Register
Revised high-level risks, no new risks added.
Board-Only Time
Closing Karakia
Given by Phil
1. General Manager’s Monthly Report
included in report
included in report
included in report
included in report
1. Wel on track, under budget, have surplus funds. June funds have been received. Recruitment / staff
starting late - created surplus. Surplus wil be used to get staff across country to do more engagement. In
a healthy position to do the work. Is there a risk TEC may slow down funding due to surplus? Bharti to
have a conversation with Kim at TEC to confirm back to them we have a lot of engagement to do and
funding wil be utilised. Tackle upfront. They won’t claw back without discussion upfront – don’t want to
create a problem that doesn’t exist – don’t feel we are in risk territory yet. On track with board and
advisory group expenditure.
1. Lit reviews almost complete, announcing goals and objectives shortly.
2. First set of reports, lit reviews, project plans - next week to be submitted to Board for review and
feedback (Action Register #110). Process for reporting is set in stone, goes to MIT, then Te Pukenga, then
TEC. 10 working days ahead of submission to TEC it goes to Te Pukenga. MIT wants one weeks’ notice,
but can be faster.
3. Annual report - working on this.
4. On track for POAP targets.
1. Mani going to get into engaging with industry now Lit Review is done. Plan in place for engagement. Wil
tie in with sustainability and teresa.
1. Team recruitment - Four project leads in place, short one (Entry) - offer sent out - waiting to hear back
from Wel ington researcher role. At the moment this should be sufficient for researchers but can recruit
more if needed.
2. Contractors - website wil be upgraded to be more interactive. Once Career Framework design approved
by TEC, need to build. HR and Bharti are talking and figuring out best way for contractors - advertising or
via firms. Wil happen over next week or so. (Action Register #111).
2. General Business
Introductions –
1. General update from everyone. Main point - skil s and supply chain issues, confusion while WDC’s are
standing up.
ConCOVE Perception -
1. Feedback on how broader industry seeing ConCOVE – that ConCOVE is only about raising participation of
Maori in the sector. A lot of speakers about this at the last Auckland event - Robotics, vocational degrees,
Pasifika discussed, Advisory Group leaders spoke, sustainability - Terri Ann Berry. Northpower - getting
Maori leadership in place, Pasifika / Maori study and learning and career development, Kylie spoke about
getting herself into leadership position (Maori) - if someone had a bias they could see it as biased. We are
not worried about this. The labour force has been bought in from overseas, when we have massive
unemployment in Maori / Pasifika - Covid has bought this to light and we are now focusing on Maori /
Risk Register –
1. Scope creep (Risk Register #16) - We are not touching Health and Safety, and skil s relating to this.
Potential scope extension we could add on as we finish current items. We have to focus on what we have
infront of us at this stage, before going into this. If we can fold it in to current projects, this would be
good, rather than standing up another project. Scope creep - reduced to medium.
2. Risk of replicating work of others (Risk Register #23)- work in progress - there is a lot of duplication with
projects with others - a lot are funded by TEC and MBIE. Add this in next TEC report - where they are
funding an overlap. Bharti to ask Kim Ulberg for list of TEC funded research. (Action Register #112).
Marketing –
1. Membership increasing, wil increase further after next event.
2. Linked in - key notes from Lit Reviews, wil start writing articles to go on Linked In and our website to
share with industry.
3. Next event - 29th July, majority of ConCOVE team to go down. Board stil to provide nominations for
speakers. Graham, Phil, Nick, Honor wil attend.
4. David Fabish to connect with Dave Kel y, Nick to support (Action Register #114).
5. Trade shows coming up – Dom to arrange. Good to get across them 3 - 4 months before they run. (Action
Register #115)
6. If anything is coming up where we can send ConCOVE representative in to speak, Board to please let us
know. (Action Register #116).
7. Bharti speaking at Indian High Commission.
8. NZIOB email out this morning - looks great when ConCOVE is mentioned in another company’s
comms. The more we can do this the better.
9. Stocktake for sector boards - ConCOVE has been mentioned.
10. FAQ / organisation diagram - Remember WDC and RSLG’s not operational yet.
11. Ecosystem - PTE added to Te Pukenga – (private training establishments), RSLG, Te Pukenga, WDC, CoVE -
al part of ROVE. RSLG’s run by MBIE, look at skil s shortages. Discussion had - revisit this in 3 months time
(Action Register #118). Wil get clearer as system develops. Update ecosystem and get statements about
how the system works (Action Register #119).
ConCOVE team update
1. Welcome to Teresa - introduced herself, Board introduced themselves to her.
2. Phil to connect with Teresa re Toitu Tairahiti Housing Limited Project, Waikato Tainui, BRANZ (Action
Register #120).
3. Amos to connect Teresa with Ngai Tahu (Action Register #121).
4. How can Board interact with Project Leads? Lit Reviews done, we wil share with Board. Project Leads to
get closer with Board Member who want to champion / have strategies regarding objectives with
projects. Get aligned. (Action Register #122). If Board has ideas, send to Graham and Phil, who wil pass
onto Bharti to give to Project Leads where appropriate (Action Register #123). However, don’t want to
get in Project Leads way.
For next Board Meeting
1. Sort Board Meeting dates for 2022. Everyone to have diaries for next year at next meeting. Monthly
meetings or bi-monthly? Timeframes? Vanessa / Bharti wil come back to Board with a suggestion.
(Action Register #124).
2. H&S polices - look at for next meeting. Policy to have face to face meetings converting to online, defer to
another time etc. Working from home. Document out from our own plan to go out before next meeting
for discussion. (Action Register #125).
3. Advisory Group Update
1. Protocol for Board to join - we wil send topics to Board, if Board member is interested they can join in for
15 mins or the whole time. Just needs to be a space for them to have a healthy discussion, Board may not
get time to talk, or may be debated if they say something, but welcome to join, and great for Advisory
Group to see how serious it is for the Board as wel .
2. Groups appreciate seeing Board members and being able to communicate.
3. ConCOVE works with Chair to set agenda. ConCOVE guides agenda to keep it focused on what we want
to know, rather than just the groups issues. They are there to help provide specific focus / representation
on the projects. We want their advice and input to be independent, not their choice of topics.
4. Women’s and Maori meetings were on point, however with the Pasifika Group, their convos got out off
track - ConCOVE provides topics to discuss.
5. Now that we have lit reviews done and projects moving, PL’s are setting topics.
6. Create a joined korero of chairs of Advisory Groups and Board - periodic. Have one sooner rather than
later. Invite Advisory Group Chairs to attend next Board meeting - 1 hour at start of meeting. Bharti’s
report, to understand big picture. Get alignment about what we are trying to achieve. Bharti to ask
Chairs what questions they want answered by the Board so we can prepare. (Action Register #126).
7. Everyone to attend November event - Advisory Group’s and Board.
ConCOVE Board Action Register
Due Date
Status (In progress
or Closed)
23 Investigate if the MIT Marae could ‘gift’ ConCOVE a name Bharti
In progress
Update – In progress, Wiremu is translating our proverb,
and wil use this to choose a name
57 Logo – can we add under Construction and Infrastructure Bharti
In progress
‘Vocational Excel ence’? If we are gifted a Māori name,
that can be incorporated as wel . Wait until marketing
specialist starts to act on this.
Update – Waiting on the Maori name, and then wil
update the logo.
76 Offer roles for Project Leads.
In progress
Update – Four project leads have started. Stil looking for
Entry Project Lead - offer out
77 Offer roles for Researchers.
In progress
Update – Four researchers have started. Looking for
84 If Board has any contacts for training initiatives /
Board / Project 12-May-21
In progress
information sharing let us know.
Update - no one responded. Project Leads to get in touch.
88 Marketing person to work on grassroots level engagement Dom
In progress
93 Board to get people interested in events, nominate
In progress
speakers from your contacts, or yourself.
98 Board to let Bharti know if they hear of any similar
In progress
projects happening
100 Vanessa to let Board know dates of Bharti’s travel. Board Vanessa
In progress
to send connections for Bharti to meet face to face on her
102 Future roadmap of markting plan, prioritised items, Dom Dom
In progress
to create and share with Board
103 Map out when we feed back into WDC's so we can
In progress
communicate how we plan to translate research into
action (feedback loop / flow chart). Stakeholder
engagement piece - how and when.
104 Add slide to PowerPoint presentation with contact details Dom
In progress
/ sign up for membership
107 Create a booklet of PowerPoint to leave with people
In progress
109 Share research methodology with the Board
In progress
110 Send first set of reports, Lit Reviews, and Project Plans to Bharti / Board
In progress
Board for feedback
Bharti & HR talking about how to engage contractors -
Bharti / HR
In progress
111 advertising or via firms
112 Bharti to ask Kim Ulberg for list of TEC funded research.
In progress
Share key notes from Lit Reviews on Linked In and website Dom
In progress
114 David (with Nick's support) to introduce ConCOVE to Dave David, Nick
In progress
Kel y.
Arrange for ConCOVE representation to be at upcoming Dom
In progress
Trade Shows (touch base 3 - 4 months before they run)
116 if anything coming up where we can send ConCOVE
In progress
representative in to speak, please let us know.
TEC revised funding schedule, reporting template,
In progress
117 performance template - send to Board.
118 Revisit ecosystem in October once RoVE system develops. Board
In progress
Update ecosystem and get statements about how the
In progress
119 system works.
120 Phil to connect with Teresa re Toitu Tairahiti Housing
In progress
Limited Project, Waikato Tainui, BRANZ.
121 Amos to connect Teresa with Ngai Tahu
In progress
122 Project leads to get closer with Board Member project
Project Leads
In progress
champions regarding strategies and objectives with
If Board has ideas on how to connect with Project Leads, Board
In progress
send to Graham and Phil, who wil pass onto Bharti to give
123 to Project Leads where appropriate.
124 Sort Board Meeting dates for 2022. Everyone to have
In progress
diaries at next meeting. Monthly or bi-monthly?
Timeframe? Bharti / Vanessa to give Board suggestion.
H&S Policies - look at next Board meeting - send plan out Bharti / Vanessa 30-Jul-21
In progress
125 before next meeting for discusson.
126 Invite Advisory Group Chairs to the start of the next Board Vanessa
In progress
Meeting for 1 hour to hear Bharti's report, then schedule
it periodical y. Ask Chairs what questions they want
answered by the Board so Board can prepare.