21 February 2020, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
NZTE, Level 15, The Majestic Centre, 100 Willis Street, Wellington
Paul Brock, Peter Chrisp, Grant McPherson, Julie Christie, Steve Smith, Rebecca Smith
Alexandra Lutyens (Acting Divisional Manager at MFAT)
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith, Dave Samuels, Chris Seed, Andrew Cutler, Stephen England-Hall
Paul Brock opened the meeting.
1.1 The board noted and updated the disclosed interests.
1.2 The board approved the minutes of 9 December 2019 board meeting.
1.3 Action Points from Previous Meeting
Action: Updating ‘Action Points’ document in relation to key actions for strategy execution.
1.4 Board member activities
Julie and Pete provided an update on Expo2020. $7 million is set aside for the stories and
equipment inside the pavilion, from which $1.6 million is for developing video content (6-8 stories).
So far, stories have been developed on fishing, dairy, wool, Weta Workshop, Rocket Lab and tech.
It has been chal enging finding stories that are authentic and work cross language barriers.
The Board had a discussion around NZ Story’s participation in the Olympics and Rugby World Cup.
It was mentioned that having New Zealand stories told in these events would be a good
opportunity. The Board is supportive for NZ Story to leverage and lean into these events.
2.1 Virus impact update
Grant provided an update on virus impact on Education New Zealand. China represents over 30%
of international education total value at 1.8 billion. There is significant economic contribution at
risk depending on when the travel ban is lifted. There are three streams to ENZ’s recovery work
programme: 1) rebuilding China market; 2) taking actions on other markets; 3) supporting Chinese
students in New Zealand. ENZ has a budget of $1 million set aside for the recovery programme
under the Official Information Act 1982
until June 2020.
Pete provided an update on virus impact to NZTE. In terms of export, half of the impact are made
on primary sector. Ports are running at 15% capacity. Manufacturing is also impacted consequently
due to 25% of NZ companies source 80% of their components from China. NZTE will increase their
storytelling in diluting market concentration risk.
2.2 Budget bid update
Pete provided
Released an update on the budget bid process. MBIE has decided to go with the smal package
(with no NZ Story bid), with an outside chance of an additional $2 mil ion for NZ Story. It was noted
that Paul Stocks mentioned the opportunity around coronavirus funding package at NZTE Board
Action: RS to contact Brook Barrington and Peter Crabtree re coronavirus /reputation rebuild
funding to NZ Story.
3.1 Strategy Review Update
The Board noted that a specific framework on tight/loose approach and a clearer guideline should
be in place to set standards. It was mentioned that besides being “brave and humorous”, the
stories should also be “unexpected”. The Board also mentioned it is important to activate the
champions and get them to tel the stories.
Changes had been made by the Board to ‘Strategy and plan on a page 2020-2025’.
The updated documents are attached.) It was recommended by the Board to prioritise actions on Influencer Strategy, Maori Partnership
and Capability (board, leadership and deploying master coaches).
4.1 Priority Markets for 2020-2025
The Board noted the heat map produced based on market priorities across all Government
agencies and the nine recommended international markets. It was noted that the decision on
perception research should depend on time and effort required and the co-funded model. It was
mentioned that ENZ also conducts market research and aligns with MFAT’s “LIFT” markets. The
Board noted the strategic priority markets for NZ Story is an overall reflection of where New
Zealanders are trying to achieve its objectives.
The Board discussed and agreed to the fol owing 5 international priority markets for NZ story:
1. Germany
2. Japan
3. USA
4. China
5. UK
4.2 Summary of operational update and dashboard
s and Q&A
Rebecca provided an update on the operational highlights.
It was noted that a refreshed website
the was launched in December 2019. The Board recommended
to have Minister Twyford announce the website launch.
Action: Rebecca to contact Jane Cunliffe re website launch before next minister meeting.
It was noted that Dubai Inside Stories was launched at Gulfood in February by Minister Parker.
The Board noted that we now have 269 FernMark Licensees, and the programme is generating a
reasonable surplus.
5.1 Any other business
Paul is currently working with MBIE through NZ Story Board refresh process.
The Board agr
Released eed to have the next board meeting on 28th April in the Hawke’s Bay.
Julie is planning to depart NZ Story Board due to other work commitments. This is not imminent.
Paul closed the meeting at 4:00pm.
28 April 2020, 1:00pm – 3:40pm
Paul Brock, Peter Chrisp, Grant McPherson, Stephen England-Hall, Julie Christie, Steve
Smith, Andrew Cutler, Rebecca Smith, Chris Seed (1-1:45pm)
Gil on Carruthers (MPI); Richard Laverty (TPK)
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith, Dave Samuels
Paul Brock opened the meeting.
1.1 The board noted and updated the disclosed interests.
1.2 The board approved the minutes of 21 February 2020 board meeting.
1.3 Action Points from Previous Meeting
All previous Actions are completed and closed. Awaiting other items to be added.
1.4 Board member activities
Julie provided an update on Expo2020. There has been one positive Covid-19 case on the
construction team. Recommendations have been made to delay expo by 11 months. Minister
Peters has pre-approved NZ’s support for the delay. The proposed new start date is 1 October
2021. The probable delay appears to be acceptable by major sponsors and stakeholders. A paper
is being developed along with MFAT to develop a strategy for the cost implications. Staff
implications are under consideration.
The America’s Cup is likely to continue as planned, but it is to be confirmed by the government.
2.1 NZ Story in the context of Covid-19
The Board showed an overal support to accelerate the momentum of NZ Story and our storytel ing
in international markets. The Board agreed it is important to keep the NZ brand presence alive,
and the storytelling across different agencies should be more aligned and values based.
Chris mentioned the government continues to have a heavy focus on recovery and re-engagement
internationally. Digital tools are one important element to the process, especially with limited
resources in market. It was noted that it would be powerful to have NZ Story as one of the channels
to keep New Zealand messages out in the world, and meanwhile to use this opportunity to
reposition in our ministers’ mind. The Board also noted that there is a need for a strategic approach
with aligned messaging on storytel ing to support the public diplomacy effort.
With borders remaining closed and businesses back in the market, it was noted that there is a
great need now for government to support businesses with resources and storytel ing. The Board
agreed that Covid-19 provides evidence to our story, demonstrating our values of caring for people
and place. However, the story needs to be told appropriately, and what we need is a narrative to
link that with our value propositions going forward. F&B sector story was recommended to be one
of the main focuses in the next 12 months.
Chris Seed left the meeting at 1:48pm.
Richard Laverty mentioned the story could be built on how we dealt with recovery in a way that is
inclusive, sustainable and productive. Particularly in the Maori context, the story could be about
19 June 2020, 12:45pm – 3:15pm
NZTE, Level 15, The Majestic Centre, 100 Wil is Street, Wel ington
Paul Brock, Peter Chrisp, Grant McPherson (Zoom), Stephen England-Hal , Dave Samuels Julie
Christie, Gil on Carruther, Andrew Cutler, Rebecca Smith
Ben King (Deputy Chief Executive MFAT), Kel ie Nathan
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith, Chris Seed, Steve Smith
Paul Brock opened the meeting.
1.1 The board noted and updated the disclosed interests.
1.2 The board approved the minutes of 28 April 2020 board meeting.
1.3 Action Points from Previous Meeting
Rebecca provided an update on working with Richard Laverty from TPK on the position description of
the Māori Lead role.
1.4 Board member activities
Julie provided an update on Expo2020. The one-year postponement of the Expo would require
agreements from two-thirds of the participating nations. The acceptance of the delay has been
reasonably well received by ministers, and New Zealand wil stil be committed to the Expo participation.
Surprisingly, the Expo has been receiving a lot more sponsorships from private sectors, with an
increasing interest in storytel ing.
The Board noted the ministers have approved to proceed with the board appointments. The coalition
parties are currently identifying nominations. Paul wil circulate the shortlisted nominations in the
Board once available. Paul is working with MBIE to finalise the position brief.
Dave provided an update on TPK strategic shifts – influencing across wider State sector; continuing to
lead policy advice on Māori outcomes and strengthening approach to implementation on issues of
specific importance to Māori; innovative investment; brokering in 17 offices across 6 regions as their
connection to the community; identifying programmes and services that can be transferred to wider
public service agencies. TPK is also developing Māori economic and community resilience strategy for
post Covid-19 recovery.
Ben King updated that MFAT is continuing to bring New Zealanders home from overseas, with an
expectation of twenty thousand more to return. Foreign repatriation programme is also in place to
take foreigners in New Zealand home. There is complexity on the foreign policy and trade, and MFAT is
working with NZTE to ensure NZ is wel positioned in the next two to three years. Another focus for
MFAT is sustaining the offshore network.
Grant provided an update on international education. An international education recovery plan is being
delivered to the cabinet on Monday 22nd June, which focuses on 1) media recovery and support for the
industry and 2) new approach to international education. There has been a shift in the market where
students are not wanting or al owed to travel for various reasons, which generates an opportunity for
us to build around offshore delivery and online/digital delivery programmes. ENZ is also working closely
with TNZ to ensure we retain our visibility in markets.
Gil on provided an update on MPI’s Fit for a Better World programme.
2.1 Brand Campaign Overview
Rebecca presented “Brand NZ Restart” presentation to the Board.
Stephen mentioned the chal enge is to keep NZ alive in the hearts and minds of people around the
world. The chal enge from the creative point of view is how to keep a brand layer acceptable,
leverageable, unique to NZ and accessible by other sectors. The creative idea is to deliver “Messages
from New Zealand”, as a platform of getting people to tell the stories. It is very important to put our
values at the centre of the marketing proposition and story. The Board noted the three values
Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga and Ingenuity, are the current working values, which wil require a refresh
in the future.
Stephen left the meeting at 1:30pm
The idea behind this campaign is to reach out to the world in a heartfelt genuine way that only kiwis
can, by sending heartfelt messages of positivity and optimism. The intention is these messages do not
just come from famous people but from everyday New Zealanders, and creating messages that the
world can receive, feel lifted by and respond to. There are four main stages, which are enlisting support,
brand message, sector messages and topical messages. The Brand NZ hero film is already in the process
of being filmed, with the concept of “if you could encourage the world to do one thing, what would it
be?”. The team is looking at whether there are any influential people around the world who we can
encourage to support this campaign and participate. However, there had been many declines due to
various reasons. The team is also gathering user generated content to get people involved and create
their own content. There is also an idea being developed around sending an F&B experience to friends
of New Zealand to encourage them to participate.
NZTE and MPI are leading the F&B campaign. The intent is to promote the fact that NZ is a safe haven
that creates outstanding healthy products with care, and to give a feeling of trust. There is also an
activation and conversion layer to make sure the products are available in those different regions.
The Board noted the campaign overview.
The Board agreed for NZ Story to take on the Tech sector story. The Chair and Director wil decide if any
activities need to be dropped to enable that. The Board also agreed to use and repurpose existing NZ
Story ingenuity footage for the Tech story.
Action: NZ Story to take on Tech sector story.
Stephen returned to the meeting at 2pm.
The board noted there is a unique opportunity to engage with private sector and individual New
Zealanders in this campaign. The Board had a discussion on whether to use “# EXPERIENCE NEW
ZEALAND” or just “EXPERIENCE NEW ZEALAND”, and agreed with the approach of launching the channel
and content first, then decide whether to add the hashtag. The Board also had a discussion on whether
to use “NEWZEALAND.COM” or “100% PURE NEW ZEALAND” as the end frame. The Board noted, on
one hand we could leverage the already existing “100% Pure New Zealand” brand as the
aspiration/statement of intent of the country, whilst on the other hand it could narrow the parameters
of our content and lead to a national conversation, it also would be chal enging for some sectors such
as education and tech to connect with this brand. The Board also mentioned the perception of our
priority markets on “100% Pure New Zealand” is a very important factor for consideration.
Grant left the meeting at 2:45pm.
2.2 Strategic workplan for FY21
Rebecca provided an update on the Strategic workplan. The Board noted there wil be a phase two on
the taskforce work to ensure w
under e have a central unifying idea and a clear set of values we al agree to.
The Board noted specific content for each priority market is being developed, comprising the inside
story film, specific capability stories, and market tips. An example of this content for Middle East was
presented to the Board.
2.3 Capability change plan for FY21
The Board noted the Māori lead role is intended to be a permanent role, which has not been finalised
yet. The Board suggested we should prioritise to bring in someone for a short term to fil the role in the
Paul closed the meeting at 3:15pm.
11 September 2020, 1pm – 4pm
Paul Brock, Peter Chrisp, Grant McPherson, Stephen England-Hal , Steve Smith, Julie Christie,
Andrew Cutler, Richard Laverty, Rebecca Smith
Emma Bannock (MPI delegate), Nathan Farmer (One Picture)
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith, Chris Seed, Dave Samuels, Gil on Carruthers
Paul Brock opened the meeting.
1.1 The board noted and updated the disclosed interests.
1.2 The board approved the minutes of 19 June 2020 board meeting.
1.3 Action Points from Previous Meeting
Rebecca provided an update on Action Points.
Ingenuity campaign filming is scheduled on 14-15 September.
Māori engagement work has been pre-briefed to Jaewynn McKay, with a proposal outline underway in
building the strategy and Māori engagement plan. The Board mentioned it is important to have
Jaewynn connected with other Māori advisors from different agencies to align storytel ing initiatives.
Action: Rebecca to send the list of people whom Jaewynn wil be connecting with, for the Board to
add to the list.
We have now reached 308 FernMark licensees, and the programme continues to generate a surplus.
The increase of FernMark acquisition is a result from both organic and acquisition programmes. An
acquisition campaign is underway in partnership with the F&B campaign. A FernMark 2.0 plan is
underway to explore next steps for the programme and how to streamline to improve the customer
Action: Review FernMark 2.0 and develop next steps for the programme.
s9(2)(f)(iv), s9(2)(b)(ii)
1.4 Board member activities
Pete provided an update on Expo2020.
There has been a further $8mil ion increase in expense to allow us to delay Expo by a year. Pete
mentioned there was stil a gap in the education and tech sectors. The Expo Board had a few changes,
Miriana Stephens and Nicola O'Rourke joined, and Julie agreed to stay
on the Board.
Steve Smith also mentioned the Fit for a Better World idea has gained good traction.
2.1 Global Pulse Insights
Nathan Farmer joined meeting at 1:25pm.
The Board noted the pulse check research has been done globally in June to check if perceptions
of NZ had shifted throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, to validate if our previous global perception
research still held true and to identify what some of our opportunities are.
Nathan Farmer presented Global Pulse Check Insights to the Board, fol owed by a Q&A session.
Presentation has been shared with Board.) It was suggested NZ being ‘good for the world’ be an implicit positioning, and we would need a
long-term and consistent messaging given the world is changing rapidly. It was also mentioned
that our people are seen as great problem solvers, and there is an opportunity to tel the ingenuity
story. Pete added that Expo’s fundamental idea is to showcase NZ applying ingenuity to achieve
the outcome of caring for people and place. Richard asked if we were now ready to link local and
authentic Māori stories. The Board noted that Māori values are at the heart of storytelling and are
important proof points for our nation’s integrity, though people’s understanding of Māori values
differs by country. There are certain markets where we could speak up more confidently about Māori
values, while in others we might lose traction due to lack of understanding.
Rebecca provided an update on the latest RepTrak Report conducted pre Covid-19. (
Report has been
shared with Board.) The Board noted the perceptions of NZ being an ‘Advanced Economy’ and
‘Effective Government’ have moved up into a stronger tier, and New Zealand is now the 4th most
reputable country.
ACTION: The Board suggested the RepTrak Report to be shared widely.
Nathan Farmer left meeting at 2:45pm.
2.2 Brand NZ (Project Kuaka) – project update
Stephen provided an update on Brand NZ project. The Board noted the sentiment on the core campaign
content remains positive across our top markets, s6(a), s9(2)(g)(i)
Act The highest
performance content to date is the ‘shout out to the world’ content. It was also mentioned two
different metrics ‘appeal’ and ‘preference’ are being tracked within the active considerer audience
group, from which it was found the ‘appeal’ metric for NZ F&B is very high in Australia, US and UK, and
not as high in China, Japan and Korea. If we could shift the ‘preference’ metric in those markets, there
could be a substantial return to be gained.
2.3 Unified Brand NZ Approach – project update
Rebecca updated that the next steps would be reviewing the data and learnings from current work
across different agencies to frame up the phase 2 approach, which wil be discussed in detail in our
December board meeting.
3.1 Priorities update
Rebecca provided an update on priorities from both strategy refresh and post Covid response. It
was noted that there has been work done around advocates and brand champions, with one of
our team members currently working with NZTE F&B team on business engagement and running
webinars. We are also working with Tech NZ to build advocacy within the tech sector, as wel as
building advocacy within the FernMark licensee group.
Rebecca shared Regional Kōpū content with the Board. The Board noted the Kōpū content for
different regions will make it easier for all government agencies to access relevant content in
different markets.
3.2 Operational highlights + Q&A
Rebecca provided an update on operational highlights. The dashboard of June 2020 (year-end) was
shared, and the board noted the high engagement rate on social media, government registered
users and download figures. The dashboard of August 2020 was also shared, noting the
engagement rate has slightly dropped, FernMark licensees have continued to grow, and the NPS
is +75. The Board noted the type of sectors using the Toolkit is continuing to diversify.
Rebecca shared Middle East Ingenuity Short Story with the Board. Pete suggested to link the
ingenuity with care. The Board also requested measures for the Ingenuity campaign be consistent
with other campaigns.
With the sector stories moving to NZTE and in discussion with NZTE people, NZ Story has decided
to stop offering workshops. s9(2)(g)(i)
4.1 Any other business
4.2 Close
Paul closed the meeting at 3:40pm.
11 December 2020, 2pm – 5pm
NZTE, Level 15, The Majestic Centre, 100 Wil is Street, Wel ington
Paul Brock; Peter Chrisp; Stephen England-Hall (Zoom); Grant McPherson; Dave Samuels;
Steve Smith; Ben King; Andrew Cutler; Gil on Carruthers; Rebecca Smith
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith, Chris Seed, Julie Christie
Paul Brock opened the meeting.
1.1 The board noted and updated the disclosed interests.
1.2 The board approved the minutes of 11 September 2020 board meeting.
1.3 Action Points from Previous Meeting
Rebecca provided an update on Action Points.
It was noted the Tech Story refresh is underway, aiming to launch in May 2021.
Paul provided an update on advisory board appointments.
1.4 Board member activities
A summary of ‘NZ Country Branding Landscape’ was presented to the Board
. Action: Rebecca to circulate the ‘Global Nation Brand Indices & Rankings’ pack to the Board.
Ben King also provided an updated on the committed budgets. The Board noted the government would
start reviewing and recal ing some of the funds that had been allocated, as the economy was
performing better than expected. The Board also noted René de Monchy had been appointed as the
Interim Chief Executive of TNZ.
2.1 Phase 1 Kuaka Review & Discussion
The Board noted in-depth interviews had been conducted for the Phase 1 review. A summary of
feedback had been circulated to the Board.
The Board noted the next four steps: 1) clarifying roles, responsibilities, and collaboration; 2) refreshing
values; 3) better incorporating Māori dimension; 4) maintaining reach, volume and momentum. The
recommendations and timeline were also noted and are outlined in more detail in attached below.
The Board advised there was no need or motivation to rethink/reinvent the core values, although there
was a suggestion around adding another value bespoke to each sector. The Board noted “Kaitiaki” and
“Ingenuity” were the two most common values across NZ Inc. The Board agreed to a recalibration of
the values.
Dave mentioned there had been many changes in the Maori Crown relationships which resulted in
different expectations. The Board suggested we need an influencer strategy, and potentially a brand
summit to involve creative business influencers.
Action: Add another recommendation – Build the tribe with an influencer strategy and plan for a
brand summit in Feb/March 2021.
The Board supported the idea that Brand NZ needs strong leadership that’s highly col aborative, highly
credible with Māori and has strong project management skil s, but what’s involved in this role needs to
be clarified and defined before the next Board discussion.
The Board acknowledged the value in developing a creative brief to deliver strategy with objectives for
the next wave of Brand NZ activities, as this would bring consistency across agencies in different
executions. The Board also noted the importance of incorporating the Māori dimension in the brief.
However, this could be chal enging and time consuming.
3.1 Māori Engagement update
Rebecca provided an update on Māori engagement. The Board noted the updates and
A list of names were nominated for establishing a Kāhui Māori.
Action: Stephen to connect Rebecca with Hemi Sundgren.
Action: Rebecca to reach out to Expo and APEC Māori leads as a starting point to set up a Kāhui.
3.2 Operational update & dashboards
Rebecca provided an operational update.
The Board noted the good performance of
Ingenious Together campaign. A dashboard of Campaign
Delivery Overview was presented to the Board.
The Board noted the November Metrics Dashboard and FernMark Dashboard, and noted the next
phase of FernMark acquisition campaign would be in partnership with NZTE targeting another tranche
of NZTE customers. It was also noted the FernMark licensee renewal process would be changed to auto
Rebecca also provided an update on Regional Kōpū content, advocacy, advisory support and PR &
media coverage, al noted by the Board. The Board suggested to explore the opportunity with Te Papa
on incorporating the New Zealand story component.
3.3 Workshops update
The Board noted NZ Story physical workshops were replaced with online webinars and digital speaking
opportunities over lockdown, which would be continued as we gained good results and high
engagement. NZ story is also delivering insight led presentations to industry and support groups,
supporting the development of relating workshops by other providers, and exploring adding “Why
Leverage NZ’s Reputation” to services and training programmes.
Pete asserted the need to continue physical NZ Story workshops as a priority.
Action: Board to have a discussion on the overal budget planning for next year in the Feb board
4.1 Any other business
4.2 Close
Paul closed the meeting at 4:50pm.
Board Meeting 11 December 2020: Recommendations and Board Approvals:
Next Steps / Resolution
1. Deliver Kuaka Phase 2 in 2021 to resolve some key Agreed
Propose instead the creation of Brand Hub with
foundations including values and identity.
Subject to definition around the role of the leader of
representation from al agencies with central project
this and what’s required. Agreed in principle that’ it’s
coordination. This Brand Hub determines together the
NZS but need more clarity on what the brief is for the
Brand NZ workstreams and outputs.
leader of the work before agreement
2. Create an inclusive 2021 taskforce with the
speed, capability and agility of 2020
3. Develop and deliver a refreshed and agreed brand Agreed
Scope Value Prop territories with Brand Hub
essence, and clearly defined values
Calibrate Values with Brand Hub
Test at a Brand Summit with independent facilitator
4. Develop and deliver a New Zealand Brand Tohu to
Brand Hub to determine the scope of the Brand Tohu
aid speed and execution alignment
Subject to the brief of what’s covered/involved
and who leads it.
5. Develop and deliver a creative brief to:
Agreement from al partners that a
Brand Strategy
A. Deliver a creative strategy
Subject to the brief of what’s covered/involved should be the deliverable of the Brand Hub (not a
B. Achieve agreed objectives
and who leads it.
creative brief). This wil be interpreted by each agency
into a Creative Strategy, Brief, and sector objectives
5. Host a brand summit/workshop in the new year
New action from Board
See 3.
with some big names from the private sector to
share plans, get their ideas as input too our
strategy. Led by an expert facilitator.
4 February 2021, 10am – 1pm
NZTE, Level 4, 139 Quay Street, Auckland
Paul Brock; Peter Chrisp (Zoom); René de Monchy; Steve Smith; Ben King; Julie Christie; Gil on Carruthers;
Richard Laverty (Zoom); Rebecca Smith
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith; Chris Seed; Dave Samuels; Andrew Cutler; Grant McPherson
Paul Brock opened the meeting.
1.1 The board noted and updated the disclosed interests.
1.2 The board approved the minutes of 11 December 2020 board meeting.
1.3 Action Points from Previous Meeting
Rebecca provided an update on Action Points.
The board noted Rebecca had met with Andrew Grant to discuss the brand summit idea. His advice was to explore some
big actions that government could take to demonstrate our values. It was suggested that we should have a game plan
prior to wider engagement with the private sector.
Rebecca provided an update on her meeting with Hemi Sundgren, who was also looking at a Kāhui of support and very
encouraging about collaboration potential. The Board noted Hemi is helping with the recruitment process for the Head
of Partnerships & Māori role. The Board suggested to have Paul and a few board members to meet the candidate at
appropriate time within the interview process, and to connect the candidate with other organisations’ Māori leaders.
The Board noted we now have some physical workshops lined up to support both NZ Story and Made with Care campaign,
followed by workshops around NZ tech and innovation story, linking the workshops into sector-specific activation
Rebecca also mentioned the need to discuss the
connection between QualMark and FernMark with TNZ. It was noted a development is underway to streamline the
FernMark application process and refresh the IT Infrastructure foundation within 8-12 weeks.
The board noted the $1mil ion support from MBIE towards the refresh of Tech Story.
Rebecca provided an update on the film Outside the Val ey, which wil be premiered in Wel ington on 25th March. The
Board suggested TVNZ OnDemand would be a great start for distribution and getting more exposure for the film.
1.4 Board member activities
Ben King provided an update on the Covid response. The Board suggested the key positioning requirement now is
empathy, and we need to be careful with our tone vv storytel ing. Paul mentioned it is crucial to share our perceptions
research. The Board suggested we should start thinking about how to show care in our messaging, and find the stories
that demonstrate it. The Board agreed the next step could be gathering an agency group to start working on what the
messaging could be like for this year and how we build a momentum.
2.1 Brand NZ (Project Kuaka) update
Rebecca presented the Brand Hub Proposal and Board noted the Brand NZ Plan 2021. (A copy has been sent to the Board.)
The Board suggested to engage with ministers to get their support for Brand NZ. The Board agreed that Minister Mahuta
is crucial to engage for this project as she would be a great amplifier for our storytel ing and the gateway into the Maori
caucus to build partnership with Māori. The Board suggested to have a strategic plan for next steps before pitching to
the ministers in June/July.
It was also mentioned that Brand NZ project should also consider the domestic component to bring New Zealanders along
the journey. Richard mentioned the relevance of New Zealand stories for Māori could be a big domestic opportunity.
The Board noted a piece of work is underway with Woven Pacific to find Māori stories to inspire the Māori community.
The Board endorsed the suggestion of setting up Brand Hub, and have New Zealand Story as the key project coordinator.
The Board emphasised the need to include TPK in the Brand Hub. It was mentioned there is a lack of private sector in the
Brand Hub, although most organisations have private sector capability on their boards. The Board agreed that Kel ie
Nathan wil be the Lead of Brand Hub, and to report to Rebecca Smith. The deliverables of this project need to be clearer
and the Board requested the Brand Hub provide that clarity along with a plan and timeline.
2.2 Budget Planning & Al ocation for FY21
Rebecca provided an update on budgets for the rest of FY21.
The Board noted we have put on hold new regional story filming, and instead wil continue amplifying the Ingenuity
Campaign (phase 3). We wil gather the Brand Hub to share the plan for the next financial year.
3.1 Operational update & dashboards
Rebecca provided an operational update from the board report, noted by the Board.
The Board also noted the media performance for Ingenuity Campaign phase 1 – we had 23 mil ion impressions, 2.58
mil ion engagement, and an engagement rate of 11.2%. It was mentioned there was a negative sentiment coming through
on social media last year around NZ being seen as ‘smug’, which is being monitored closely.
The Board noted that Goodman Fielder is now a FernMark licensee.
The Board mentioned there is opportunity to leverage New Zealand’s growing reputation global y, but need to be aware
of the risks. It was suggested to work through some of the strategic risks and how to mitigate them in the next board
4.1 Any other business
4.2 Close
Paul closed the meeting at 12:50pm.
30 April 2021, 8:30am-11:30am
The Exchange Room, Porters Boutique Hotel & Conference Centre, Hawke’s Bay
Paul Brock, Grant McPherson, Steve Smith, Ben King; Richard Laverty; Kel ie Nathan (Zoom)
Tony Rogers (TNZ Delegate) (Zoom); Sanchia Yonge (NZTE Delegate)
Savannah Chen
Peter Chrisp, René de Monchy, Ray Smith, Dave Samuels, Chris Seed, Andrew Cutler, Julie
Christie; Gil on Carruthers
Paul Brock opened the meeting at 8:30am.
The Board discussed Rebecca’s resignation and the process for appointing the new Director of New
Zealand Story. Paul also briefed the Board on the appointment process for new private sector
2.1 The board noted the disclosed interests.
2.2 The board approved the minutes of 4 February 2021 board meeting.
2.3 Action Points from Previous Meeting
Kellie provided an update on action points.
Paul updated on advisory board appointment that the shortlist is being discussed with Ministers
and interviewing is expected to commence late May/early June.
2.4 Board member activities the
Steve Smith mentioned the youth generation are now influencers at business level, and we need
to have a strategy to connect with them. Kellie mentioned that youth is within our Brand Hub
stakeholder list and there is an opportunity to bring them into the brand strategy development
Ben provided an update on MFAT’s planning horizon, with re-engagement planning scheduled
from mid next year.
Richard suggested two reports that talk about the current Māori economy and the holistic
approach that Māori businesses take and their potential to become globally competitive. The links
to these reports wil be shared with the Board. It was also noted that TPK is involved in Aho-Tini,
an indigenous summit that focuses on economy, sustainability, community and more.
3.1 Brand Hub Update
Kel ie presented an update on Brand Hub.
See presentation attached. The Board noted the four workstreams and the clarification on value proposition and brand
strategy. It was noted that there had been diverse views from the group, and one of the key
chal enges is to bring different perspectives into one unique compel ing idea. The Board
mentioned it is important to have robust analysis and research on perceptions of NZ to support
the process.
The Board suggested to add major events/activities across NZ Inc such as ministerial missions into
the activity planner, and adding a by-market activity view.
The Board endorsed the decision of appointing PwC as the Brand Hub facilitation partner. The
Board noted the general process, and that PwC uses Sandbox as the methodology, which is a
collaborative approach that allows a wide range of participants to be involved in the process. The
Board agreed to slightly push out the process timing to June, to get the right people involved.
In principle the Board agreed the Brand Hub has the mandate to make decisions during the process,
although further clarification is required on how the NZ Story Board would be involved. It was
suggested to have someone outside of the Design Sprint team to test the thinking. The Board
suggested the business influencers in Sandbox need to include FernMark licensees, tourism
operators, education providers and IT companies.
Action: Brand Hub to clarify when and how NZ Story Board should support the process, and what
are the key decision points.
Action: Brand Hub to clarify on the overal project timeline of the four workstreams.
The Board is keen to be involved in the Sandbox, ideal y on a board meeting date. The Board
suggested to involve wider ministers in the Sandbox, but not yet involving the Prime Minister.
Ben offered to deliver a pitch to Hon. Kris Faafoi.
Paul suggested to craft a comms plan on how to keep al key stakeholders engaged along the
process and to clearly communicate the expected outcomes.
3.2 Budget Planning & Al ocation for FY21/22
The Board noted that Brand hub endorsed the decision to allocate $1.5 million (out of the $4
million Covid Trade Recovery Fund) to continue the delivery of the Made with Care campaign. The
Brand Hub wil come up with a spending plan for the remaining $2.5 million.
Kel ie provided an update on NZ Story operational budgets. Paul added we need to set aside some
budget for any new capability along the strategic development process.
Kel ie provided an update on some key operational learnings and highlights. The Board noted our
current FernMark monthly acquisition is 6-8 licensees, and the target of 10 monthly needs to be
reviewed strategically and phased to better reflect seasonality and holiday periods. The Board
noted we now have A2 Milk and Midlands Honey signed up as FernMark licensees. The Board
noted the FernMark 2.0 IT upgrade project business case is currently awaiting to be reviewed by
Richard Kay then to Peter Chrisp for approval. With a delay on this project, the budget previously
set aside for this IT project in this FY is now being reallocated to some marketing activation
Kel ie provided an update on the team momentum during the leadership transition.
Kel ie Nathan left the meeting at 10:30am.
The Board noted the NZ Story additional funding from NZTE’s Covid Trade Recovery Fund is an
appropriation but not given. It is available to keep the amplification of the messaging in the right
areas such of F&B, and we need to make sure to perform with it.
The Board noted both Minister Nash and O’Connor have been kept informed of our strategy and
activities, and they have shown strong support. The Board suggested we should start spreading
the awareness and gain support amongst other ministers.
Action: Paul to share the latest NZ Story BIM papers with the Board.
Ben mentioned ministers often became aware of NZ Story through video content played in
functions, and we are missing these opportunities. It was suggested the team should think about
how to build awareness through parliamentary functions.
4.1 Operational update & Dashboards
The Board noted in the FernMark dashboard that we are generating a surplus. The Board seeks
clarification on whether the surplus is reinvested back to the programme, and how the surplus is
strategically allocated. The Board reiterated the importance of leveraging the FernMark licensees
to amplify our messaging.
Action: Kellie to update on FernMark surplus al ocation plan in the next budget discussion.
Richard suggested to add to the FernMark Dashboard an indication of how many FernMark
licensees are Māori-owned businesses.
Action: Savannah to add the number of Māori-owned FernMark licensees to the Dashboard.
Ben noted the negative comment sentiment in the Ingenuity Campaign Dashboard. Grant
suggested the idea of Brand Health survey. It was suggested to have a briefing back to the Board
on Brand Health researching, and clarify how this could intersect with the Brand Hub metrics
Action: Brand Health update briefing in the June Board Meeting.
5.1 Any other business
The Board provided positive feedback on having board meetings outside of Wel ington with a
separate function that could potentially involve other stakeholders such as FernMark licensees.
Paul closed the meeting at 11:00am.
25June 2021, 1pm-3pm
Paul Brock, René de Monchy, Grant McPherson, Steve Smith, Ben King, Richard Laverty,
Kel ie Nathan
Sanchia Yonge (NZTE Delegate), Karl Wixon (Brand Hub Māori Advisor), Kristin Carden (NZ
Story Legal Counsel)
Savannah Chen
Peter Chrisp, Ray Smith, Dave Samuels, Chris Seed, Andrew Cutler, Gil on Carruthers 1982
Paul Brock opened the meeting at 1:00pm.
1.1 The board noted the disclosed interests.
1.2 The board approved the minutes of 30 April 2021 board meeting.
1.3 Action Points from Previous Meeting
Kellie provided an update on action points.
t was also noted that Pania
has already been connected to Karl Wixon on the Brand Hub project.
Paul updated the advisory board appointment is still underway with a great list of candidates,
awaiting ministers to agree then will proceed with interviews.
1.4 Board member activities
Grant provided an update on the partnership launched recently between ENZ and the global online
education platform “FutureLearn”, which has proven to be very successful and engaging, with over
8500 enrolments since launched three weeks ago. The question they have in mind is how to brand
this offshore and have a consistent branding with other government agencies. Grant also
mentioned they are seeing growing intensity in international competition.
René updated there has been a significant uplift of 16% in domestic tourism spend. And research
has shown that more New Zealanders who are engaging in domestic travel think tourism is good
for New Zealand and their community. The NSW travel bubble pause extension is affecting the
TNZ’s new campaign “Stop dreaming and go”. René also mentioned TNZ has made some changes
in their portfolio footprint and adopting the hub structure, the consequences of which would be
closing offices in Brazil, Argentina, and Indonesia.
Ben mentioned international travels have been challenging for the ministers. The Board also noted
the government is looking into whether we could extend quarantine-free travel into the Pacific,
particularly with a view to increase the flow of regional seasonal workers, mainly for agriculture
2.1 Brand Hub Update
Kel ie presented an update on Brand Hub.
See presentation attached – Appendix 1. Karl joined the meeting at 1:25pm and presented the Māori Engagement slides.
Grant mentioned the Minister of Education knows about NZ Story but not engaged, so suggested
NZ Story to have an engagment plan with ministers. Grant also mentioned we should have
consistent messaging ready for when ministers travel overseas for speeches, e.g. the Expo. Kellie
will work with Clayton Foster and Kaylee Butters on ministerial engagement. The Board noted we
will have Kylie Archer present the creative strategy of Expo to the Brand Hub group.
Karl left the meeting at 2:00pm.
2.2 Brand Health Update
Kel ie presented an update on Brand Health.
See presentation attached – Appendix 2. The Board noted PR is one of the key metrics of NZ Inc Dashboard, which is to understand
commentary on global news mentioned of NZ and associated commentary.
The Board suggested to look into secondary data sources to understand brand health from the
business and investment perspective. Richard mentioned NZTE Investment team tracks the pulse
of overseas investor interests.
Action: Kellie to connect with Dylan Lawrence at NZTE Investment team.
René mentioned TNZ has a global partnership with Google and AdWords Facebook and would be
able to help in the process.
Grant mentioned the challenge of getting the information on brand health is timeliness. Kellie
mentioned the tracking might be updated monthly and reported quarterly. Paul added the most
cost-effective way is to leverage and tap into existing research. Paul also suggested we could
ultimately build a demand funnel, to manage and monitor the activities, as well as tracking the
conversion of active considerers.
Steve mentioned he could help introduce Kellie with K9 Natural (acquired by KKR) to get some
insights from an investment point of view.
2.3 FernMark Update
Kel ie presented an update on FernMark Strategy.
See presentation attached – Appendix 3.
The Board noticed there is a drop from the retargeting prospects figure to the lower number of
leads in FernMark digital campaign. Kellie explained this could be due to the lag between when
people are being targeted and when they make the action, which makes activities difficult to track
The Board noted we use FernMark licensees in the testimonial videos for marketing campaigns to
validate the values offered by the programme.
The Board mentioned the FernMark campaigns mainly focuses on goods and merchandise
companies, and wondered if we have plans for targeting services. Kellie will confirm and get back
to the Board.
3.1 Trademark Protection Overview
Kristin joined the meeting at 2:35pm Kristin presented the Trademark Protection Overview.
See presentation attached – Appendix 4.
The Board mentioned the trademark protection and support is very valuable to businesses
especially to SMEs. The Board noted FernMark is not currently being used in the filming industry
despite there is an increasing trend in film production in NZ. s9(2)(b)(ii)
Kristin left the meeting at 2:50pm
3.2 Operational Update & Dashboards
The Board noted the Ingenious Together Campaign has performed well. Kel ie updated the media
investment for the campaign has now been completed with many great learnings. The only slight
negative point was around the commentary and sentiment, most of which were related to the fact
that New Zealand is not open as a country.
4.1 Any other business
No other business mentioned.
4.2 Close
Paul closed the meeting at 3:00pm.
17 September 2021, 1pm-4pm
Paul Brock, Peter Chrisp, René de Monchy, Grant McPherson, Ben King, Pania Tyson-Nathan,
Gil on Carruthers
Management: David Downs; Kel ie Nathan
Debby Giness (PwC); Karl Wixon (Brand Hub Māori Advisor), Nathan Farmer (One Picture)
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith, Dave Samuels, Chris Seed, Steve Smith
1.1 Karakia and Mihi Whakatau
David Downs opened the meeting at 1pm.
1.2 Introductions and Farewel
Paul Brock introduced David and Pania to the Board and acknowledged Steve.
1.3 The board noted the disclosed interests.
1.4 The board approved the minutes of 25 June 2021 board meeting.
1.5 Action Points from Previous Meeting
David briefly updated on the FernMark programme and that adding value is part of the strategy
presented in Agenda Item 2.1.
Paul provided an update on the selection and appointment of new advisory board. The Board
noted that interviews are underway with MBIE.
The Board acknowledge Kellie’s contribution as the Acting Director in the past few months and
noted Kel ie is now on a permanent role as the Director of Marketing.
1.6 Board member activities
Pete provided an update on Expo. The Board noted the Expo stories led by Karl Wixon and
Workshop E have now been completed. The evolution of the story was linking Tiaki and Ingenuity
to express the idea that we innovate because we care. Pete suggested to share the Expo stories
with the Board when it’s finalised. Pete also provided an update on the Made with Care (MwC)
Campaign. The Board noted the MwC Campaign performance results have exceeded expectations,
which also have been activated onto e-commerce platforms.
Ben provided an update on MFAT’s planning horizon. The Board noted there has been an ongoing
debate around access across the border and the MIQ has been under enormous pressure due to
events such as closing the Trans-Tasman bubble, getting the Expo team offshore and making sure
they can get back in a timely manner, and the Afghanistan response. It was also noted the Auckland
attack on 3rd September has been a preoccupation for parts of the ministry. The way we responded
to these events have contributed to our image abroad.
René updated the pause of QFT has impacted Tourism directly. The PM announcement on NZ
reconnecting to the world was overall well received by the sector and offshore travel customers,
which was particularly important in light of global aviation. It was noted TNZ continues to work
closely with MoT and airports to build a compel ing story for those international carriers to return.
René also provided an update on our brand appeal around the world, and the appeal for travel has
decreased due to the current travel restrictions. It was noted we are now also under pressure
for growth due to our competition opening up again. René also shared an interesting survey
with the Board that indicates how Kiwis have been spending their overseas travel money during
the pandemic.
Pania provided an update on the review of regulatory environment. The Board also noted that
Māori Tourism is employing over five hundred more people now compared to March last year.
Pania also mentioned they are now watching for the inflation repression and its impact.
Grant updated there has been no major shifts on the Brand Health for ENZ, however it is worrying
as competitors are starting to take in students. Grant also shared an interesting insight delivered
by the education sector to the minister, that the message around keeping us safe by keeping the
borders closed has created a negative sentiment against foreigners coming through the NZ borders.
The Board noted ENZ is moving their positioning from “study in NZ” to “study with NZ” which is
part of the approach of taking NZ education to the world. Grant also mentioned the partnership
with the global education online platform has been a successful way of remaining connected
2.1 Strategic & Budget Planning Update
Strategy Update
David presented the
NZ Story Strategy 2021 v1.
See presentation attached – Appendix 1. The Board noted the NZ Story team has been engaged in the strategy refresh process.
The Board noted the two main shifts would be 1) to introduce the expertise of the organisation to
help others amplify and tell their NZ stories, and clarify value propositions through workshops and
the consultancy model. And 2) to utilise our unique culture of Kaupapa Māori in our storytelling.
The Board endorsed the updated Purpose statement. David clarified that with limited resources
and budget, the amplification would mean leveraging and working with others to influence the
stories told through other existing channels, instead of us putting money behind media spend.
Kellie clarified the different roles between 1:1 consultancy and 1: many services.
Pete raised the question around where campaigning sits in the strategy. David mentioned NZ Story
hasn’t done campaigning that’s directly targeting at end consumers with a clear call-to-action and
measurable outcome. Kellie added the Ingenuity campaign was to create awareness to NZ as an
ingenious nation without trying to convert consumers to invest. With the limited budget, it is hard
to keep the general awareness of NZ alive and hence best to partner with other agencies that run
activation campaigns to align our storytelling to get a better reach. David mentioned the next NZ
Story campaign would likely be when the NZ border opens again. Pete suggested to add
campaigning in the strategy as some of our activities would be campaign driven.
René mentioned the integrated NZ Inc global activity calendar would help us to get more cohesion.
Gil on provided feedback and suggestions on the wording of the Purpose statement.
Paul mentioned the strategy is not just describing where we are at, but also an aspiration of where
we want to be. He also mentioned we shouldn’t underestimate the power of businesses and
individuals that are connected to the rest of the world, and we should leverage and work more
closely with the private sector. Grant added we should also leverage the international stakeholders
that have engaged with us.
Gil on mentioned we should get some media coverage to tell the NZ story within New Zealand,
which would encourage more people to share their stories that we could leverage.
The Board noted the budget recommendation, and
agreed to allocate $1million to NZ Story and
provisionally allocate $1.5million to MwC campaign, and meanwhile the team will work to confirm
a more precise amount that MwC requires for the second half of FY22, and if there’s any extra
amount it would be released back to NZ Story.
The Board noted there won’t be major risks if the extra $500k cannot be supported, but the
implication would be slowing down some strategy activities.
The Board also noted TNZ is in the process of developing the Manaaki campaign for next year, so
René will explore if there is any opportunity to dovetail with the MwC campaign.
2.2 Brand Hub Board Update
Karl and Debby joined the meeting at 2:40pm.
Kellie presented the
Brand Hub Board Update.
See presentation attached – Appendix 2. The Board noted there is an element of truth and aspirations in all of the values presented. 1982
Karl clarified the difference between “Pōtikitanga” vs. “Pōtiki” and the reason why we use the
former word. It was also clarified that we used the verb “Tiaki” and “Manaaki” so they are active,
as opposed to “Kaitiakitanga” or “Manaakitanga”. The Board noted using Māori words a
Act s our
values have more agility and flexibility, whereas the English terms failed to express our Kiwi
2.3 Global Perception Research Update
Nathan joined the meeting at 3:10pm.
Nathan presented the
Global Perception Research.
See presentation attached – Appendix 3.
Kellie continued to present and explain the ideas researched. The Board noted the relations
between the ideas researched and the values presented.
The Board noted the three draft value propositions and gravitated towards the first option of “We
innovate because we care for people, place and planet”, but the Board suggested to finesse the
wording. The Board noted this would be col aborated with each government agency to develop a
customised approach for everyone.
Debby, Karl and Nathan left the meeting at 3:40pm.
3.1 FernMark Update
The Board noted we currently have 399 FernMark licensee registrations. s9(2)(b)(ii)
mentioned part of the new strategy is to explore how to add value to the programme and licensees.
3.2 Operational Update & Dashboards
David and Kel ie provided an update on team shifts and team performance under lockdown, noted
by the Board.
4.1 Any other business
No other business mentioned.
4.2 Close
David closed the meeting at 4:00pm.
10 December 2021, 1pm-4pm
Paul Brock, Peter Chrisp, René de Monchy, Grant McPherson, Ben King, Pania Tyson-Nathan,
Gil on Carruthers
Management: David Downs; Kel ie Nathan
NZ Story Team: Lydia Roseby
DPMC Guests: Heather Peacocke; Alice Hume; Rob Huddart
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith, Dave Samuels, Chris Seed
1.1 Karakia and Mihi Whakatau
David Downs opened the meeting at 1pm.
1.2 The board noted the disclosed interests.
1.3 The board approved the minutes of 17 September 2021 board meeting.
1.4 Action Points from Previous Meeting
Expo: Pete updated on the Expo stories action point.
Action: Kellie to get in touch with Nicola Garvey to obtain Expo stories/links to share with NZ Story
New Board members: Paul updated that ministers have now approved preferred candidate list
which will go to APH in the New Year. The list remains confidential.
1.5 Board member activities
Pete provided an update on Expo. Due to the high vaccination rate at UAE, COVID did not affect
the Expo experience, however, it has affected the overall global participation. The NZ pavilion and
stories are performing well capturing the essence of the connectivity between people and place,
with an NPS of -12 on the way into the pavilion, and an NPS of +30 after the pavilion experience
to recommend New Zealand. The Board also noted the media issue the Expo is currently dealing
s6(a), s9(2)(f)(iv)
Ben provided an update on Minister Mahuta’s travel, which was a significant first and expansive
trip for the Minister of Foreign Affairs to see the complexity of issues across countries and discover
the opportun
Released ity story for NZ, as well as projecting us as an engaging principal partner.
Action: Ben to share the summary report of Minister Mahuta’s trip to the Board.
René provided an update on the state of aviation. International airlines will be looking for clarity
on NZ border open timeline at end of Feb, as decisions would need to be made for fleet
deployments into our next summer. David added Auckland Airport is keen to be involved in the
reopening NZ conversation.
2.1 Brand Hub Update
Brand values proposition (workstream 1 output)
David presented the Brand Hub Output.
See presentation attached – Appendix 1. The board is in support of the workstream direction, and suggested we need to find ways to
demonstrate the values and proposition to bring them alive across agencies. Another point
mentioned was that we need to utilise our research to understand where our gaps are, and what
the opportunities are to close those gaps.
It was mentioned the value of Pōtikitanga (Ingenuity) could be the weakest of our value set globally.
We need to understand the market perceptions, and tel stories that are aligned with the rest of
our messaging and reinforce these values. David shared the feedback from Owen Eastwood,
suggesting us to have a realistic aspiration and we need to be defensible al the time, and earn the
right to use these values over time.
Brand hub status & key learning
Kellie provided an update on highlights of learnings from Brand Hub to date. The Board noted the
review and feedback from the Brand Hub – the group appreciated the opportunity to coordinate
and collaborate across NZ Inc, which helps with alignment; they are hoping to anticipate more
sharing and deeper conversation; they wonder what we could do more next in terms of engaging
with NZ Inc. It was noted one of the workstreams NZ Story has to formalise the relationship with
each agency and add value through our partnership.
2.2 NZ Reconnecting to the World
DPMC plans
DPMC and Lydia joined the meeting at 2:05pm.
Heather provided an update on summary of comms from the PM office. The Board noted there
are three areas of focus in terms of reopening NZ to the world: 1) External facing – what we need
to be doing international y; 2
under ) Compliance information – requirements that people need to meet
when they enter the country; 3) domestic assurance – providing assurance to NZ public after the
border opens. DPMC is working through the funding details and coordination amongst
government agencies in the next month. René reiterated TNZ could be the intermediary and help
with disseminating the compliance information through travel trade channels. Heather mentioned
that DPMC will be working with different agencies to ensure all three areas are all interconnected.
Pete mentioned the strategy to reconnect exporters and investors is starting to emerge, and
suggested to combine the contrived strategy with ministerial travel, business delegation and
narrative/storytelling, focusing on a few target markets like USA, Australia, UK, Germany, South
Korea, Japan, and Singapore. Rob mentioned the ministers are having conversations around what
Step Three looks like, including allowing non-New Zealanders to enter the country, and clarification
for aviation industry.
Grant mentioned it is important to work on messaging alignment across NZ Inc, consider how our
domestic messaging might be translated in international markets, and capture information of
other countries’ restrictions and perspectives of NZ that might be critical to our success of
reopening. s9(2)(f)(iv)
It was also noted TNZ will be doing some data modelling of what it would look like to have an
asymmetrical border setting, i.e., outbound travels are al owed but inbound travels are restricted.
DPMC left the meeting at 2:35pm.
Action: Ben to share the country register of MIQ requirements with the Board.
NZ Story’s possible role
René mentioned the NZ Inc calendar would be a powerful tool to collaborate and identify
opportunities and gaps in primary markets. And if we could get visibility the official visits and event
planning, each agency could align and build a cohesive story. it was iterated that we should refer
to the research and find out what is the gap/problem that needs to be solved together.
Ben mentioned the Kiwi expatriates offshore have amplified negative sentiment in market. It’s our
job to be present and think about how we position ourselves and how we calibrate and touch on
a range of different perspectives from stakeholders.
s9(2)(f)(iv), s9(2)(g)(i)
Action: David to connect with Border Executive Board.
Action: Ben to e-introduce David Downs to David Taylor.
The Board noted the quantitative research NZ Story has conducted recently shows that the NZ
perceptions are holding up well in most markets, with some variations in certain markets where
their responses are related to their government’s covid reactions.
Ben suggested to involve Immigration New Zealand in the conversations of reopening NZ, which
could help improve the credibility of our messaging. The Board mentioned we should identify al
the critical paths of recovery to ensure all elements across government agencies are lined up.
Action: NZ story to assemble a taskforce to jointly develop a draft strategy for reopening NZ.
Lydia left the meeting at 3:25pm.
2.3 Tākiri (Change Programme) Update
David highlighted a few Tākiri updates from the board papers, noted by the Board.
On the major events update, the Board noted NZ Story wil be working with s9(2)(b)(ii) on how to best
tell the New Zealand story through the event. René expressed TNZ is keen to connect on the s9(2)(b)(ii)
storytelling. The Board noted the NZ Inc calendar also includes missions & events, with which
agencies could leverage to join forces.
Paul suggested it would be useful to inform the Board of NZ perception findings from research in
future board meetings.
Action: Kellie to share NZ Inc Calendar and Brand NZ Dashboard at Feb board meeting.
3.1 FernMark Update and Directors for NZ Way Discussion
David provided an update on FernMark. The Board noted NZ Story is currently working with ENZ
on a FernMark campaign targeting education providers.
The Board agreed to add David Downs as a director of The New Zealand Way Ltd.
3.2 Operational Update & Dashboards
David and Kel ie provided an update on team performance under lockdown, noted by the Board.
4.1 Any other business
4.2 Close
David closed the meeting at 4:00pm.
25 February 2022, 12pm-3pm
Paul Brock, Peter Chrisp, René de Monchy, Grant McPherson, Pania Tyson-Nathan, Gil on
Carruthers, Andrew Cutler
Management: David Downs; Kel ie Nathan
Savannah Chen
Ray Smith, Dave Samuels, Chris Seed, Ben King
1.1 Karakia and Mihi Whakatau
David Downs opened the meeting at 12pm.
1.2 The board noted and updated the disclosed interests.
1.3 The board approved the minutes of 10 December 2021 board meeting.
1.4 Action Points from Previous Meeting
NZ Inc Metrics: Kellie provided an update on NZ Inc Calendar and Brand NZ Dashboard. The Board
noted the calendar wil be updated with upcoming campaign activities from NZ Inc, and the
dashboard will be shared with the board once the design is finalised.
FM: The Board agreed to take FM2.0 action point off the list, as it’s an ongoing activity and updates
wil be shared at board meetings.
New Board Members: The Board noted the candidate list will be reviewed in the next APH meeting
on 9th March.
1.5 Board member activities
Andrew updated MFAT has now set up an emergency centre for Ukraine. The Board also noted
Ben King is currently offshore with Minister Mahuta i
Official n London and next scheduled for Geneva.
Feedback on Minister Mahuta’s offshore engagement has continued to remain positive, as she
builds up the NZ values element in her international activity and messaging, including her
engagement with the UN Human Rights Council.
Pete updated the Expo has reached 850k visitors, with the NPS score increased from -20 to +37.
The Board noted David wil be going to the Expo in mid-March.
Paul mentioned there are still challenges such as talent shortages and supply chain disruption in
the business sector.
s9(2)(f)(iv), s9(2)(g)(i)
René mentioned there is labour challenges in the tourism sector as well, and also shared the same
concern for the ability to process visas. The Board also noted the aviation and cruise sectors are
now at crucial points for decision making. Despite the opening of Australia is positively received,
it provides an immediate competitive risk for NZ across these sectors.
2.1 Reopening NZ
The Board noted we have good engagement with DPMC and the wider NZ Inc comms group to
work on the strategy plan for reopening NZ, and we are working on how to best structure and
engage with this group.
The Board noted we need to rebuild relationship with in-market media & PR community, and NZ
Story is working with TNZ, ENZ and NZTE on the landscape of agencies used in markets to utilise
the existing relationships.
David presented the Kantar Tracker Research that NZ Story recently conducted to measure the
impact of COVID-19 on the impression of NZ. The Board noted this is a quarterly tracking research
with the sample size of 400 individuals in each market across ten different markets, and noted that
‘despite a recent period of potentially negative publicity regarding NZ, two-thirds of those recalling
are gaining a more positive impression of NZ’. The Board suggested to put out a press release when
we receive the full data from Kantar. The Board also noted the insight from Bloom Consulting, that
the global perceptions of success has shifted to how well a country can reintegrate with the world.
Paul mentioned it would be good to understand the size of the demand funnel and convert active
considerers into business or visitors to NZ. The Board noted our research shows the top line level
on the appeal of NZ as a country, rather than dialling into the demand funnels and conversions,
but we can connect our research insights with each individual activation agency’s research to get
a deeper understanding. René mentioned TNZ works with Kantar TNS for research as well but more
specific to holiday travel, and they will share the data with the Board.
Andrew mentioned the virus is unpredictable and we need to take the uncertainty into
consideration when we are designing the messaging. The ongoing messages should focus on
enduring value themes (such as “care”) that we strongly demonstrated continuously. The Board
noted the approach would be constantly feeding new stories through channels and continuously
reinforcing our key messages, rather than a big campaign of reopening. It was also noted the role
of paid media is to engage with PR and media partnership to help bring NZ stories back in local
markets while reinforcing the existing campaigns.
TNZ is currently boosting Messages from New Zealand, which has been running for 18 months
under the closed border setting.
under s9(2)(f)(iv)
On the communication objectives in Item 2.1 paper, the Board endorsed the goals of “NZ is
position on the world stage as a credible partner and desirable destination” and “New Zealanders
understand the importance of international connections and connectivity”, but the Board did not
endorse to pr
Released ioritise “New Zealanders feel welcome and worthy at home and abroad”.
2.2 Brand Hub Update
The Board noted most of the Brand Hub focus has been shifted onto the border reopening comms
The Board noted an update on workstream 2 (Brand Guidelines) which is currently with
DesignWorks to craft the design brief. This will align some common brand elements in the short
term, while also focusing on the long-term version of the brand. These results will be shared in the
next board meeting.
2.3 Tākiri (Transition Plan) Update
David highlighted a few Tākiri updates from the board papers.
s9(2)(b)(ii), s9(2)(f)(iv)
It was noted the Māori Advisory Group has been valuable providing guidance on Toolkit content,
internal capability and capacity, and more.
The Board noted the Export Storytel er Pilot Programme is set up to help educate exporting
businesses about marketing 101 and how to create storytel ing for their business. Partnering with
One Picture and Many Minds, the programme will start in early April with three FernMark licensees
to test out the concept. It was noted around 60 FernMark licensees have reached out to be part
of the pilot programme which shows the demand is high. Grant added the education sector would
find the marketing 101 and capability building very useful.
Kel ie updated on the creative agency partnership workstream. The Board noted NZ Story has
partnered up with Communications Council and is planning to deliver a webinar to over a hundred
creative agencies in NZ. Pete suggested to formalise a preferred supplier panel across different
sectors and regions for a better-aligned and consistent storytel ing amongst creative agencies, i.e.,
a refresh of Creative Col ective.
David updated the Tech Innovation Story was launched this week with Minister Clark, the
reception from the industry appeared to be positive. NZ Story wil be running workshops with
companies in the tech sector on how they can utilise the tech story. However, there is still
challenges in activation due to the lack of in-market activation funds.
2.4 Consulting Update
The Board noted the majority of the consulting service will focus on trade and missions in
particularly major events. Part of the service would be engaging on regional storytelling
opportunities, as well as sector storytelling initiatives.
The Board noted this would differentiate from already-existing delegation and events teams in
other agencies, as it adds expertise to storytel ing and identify different event opportunities in the
process, being a consultant that can work with agencies in designing experiences.
The Board suggested to rescope and strengthen up the service, as some of the current tasks might
be too micro. It was also suggested to change the word “consultant” to “advisory service”.
Gil on suggested to have David to connect with the wider MPI team.
Pania mentioned we would need someone with Māori credibility and marketing expertise to help
with this initiative.
3.1 Budget Planning for FY2022/23
The Board suggested to find out what the metrics MwC is driving off to determine how much
budget is required for this campaign, then decide on the rest of the priority project fundings. It
was agreed the Covid recovery fund allocation does not require approval from this Board. However,
it was suggested to come back to the Board with final total budget and operational plans for
approval. The COVID recovery funding allocation will also be bought back (for information) to
the board so we can all understand how funding is being allocated this year.
Action: David, Kel ie, Pete and Clare to discuss on MwC next step and funding.
4.1 Any other business
The Board noted the positive team performance despite predominantly working from home under
the current Covid setting. The Board also noted the personnel changes in the team.
4.2 Close
Paul closed the meeting at 3:00pm.