Information for Bailees
Electronic monitoring is a condition of your bail. This means the Department of Corrections
(Corrections) will electronically monitor you while you live and work (if you have been given
permission to do so) at an approved address. Corrections will make sure that you are
following all the rules of your bail for as long as your EM bail continues.
You will wear an electronically monitored tracker 24 hours a day. The tracker sends a
continuous signal to a monitoring unit installed inside your home or place of work. The
monitoring unit in turn sends real time information to a control centre which lets security staff
know that you are where you’re supposed to be.
> replace faulty monitoring equipment
> check tamper alarms.
On behalf of the Department of Corrections,
Please remember: monitoring company staff
3M, together with their representatives,
cannot change the conditions of electronic
First Security, monitor all people being
monitoring. This means they cannot give you
electronically monitored in New Zealand
permission to leave the house or change any
as part of their bail conditions, and they
aspect of your bail conditions. This can only be
also maintain the equipment installed in your
done by the Court.
The monitoring company uses a central
Both the receiver and transmitter have a number
database to monitor movements and generate
of built-in safeguards to prevent them being
reports for Corrections.
tampered with. Do not attempt to tamper with,
If you aren’t sure about the rules of electronic
move or remove any of the electronic monitoring
monitoring, or any other aspect of your bail
conditions, contact the EM Bail Team.
The tracker will trigger an alarm, and Police will
Visits or calls from security company
arrive to check on you if you:
> tamper with the electronic equipment
> try to take off your tracker
Monitoring company representatives may visit
you at any time without warning while you are
> leave your address without permission
being electronically monitored. You can ask to
> are late back from a planned absence.
see their identification on arrival, but you must
You may be arrested and have to appear before
co-operate with them so they can check and
the Court who will decide whether your EM bail
maintain the equipment. They may visit to:
should continue.
> install and activate the monitoring equipment
If you are found to have tampered with or
(this may be done with a probation officer)
intentionally damaged the monitoring equipment
> inspect the condition of the monitoring
you may be charged with a criminal offence and
be asked to pay for its repair or replacement
In an Emergency
In an emergency you can leave without
> tamper with or damage the monitoring
permission if:
equipment or let others do so. Any sign of
1. you need to seek urgent medical or dental
tampering or deliberate damage will result in
treatment; or
enforcement action being taken
2. you need to avoid or minimise a serious risk
> disconnect the monitoring equipment from
of death or injury to yourself or any other
the power supply
person – such as fire, earthquake, flood or
> place anything on or over the receiver
You should call the EM Bail Team on
> touch or move the receiver
0800 EM BAIL (362 245) as soon as possible.
> loosen or wear a thick sock under the
You WILL be required to produce proof of any
emergency absence.
transmitter (tracker)
Note: All of the above will set off an alarm and
Corrections and Police staff will decide if your
result in either the Police or monitoring company
breach of curfew or conditions was justified by
the emergency, based on the situation and the
proof you provide.
Never call the monitoring company to ask for
approval to leave the approved address. You
If you are unable to provide proof of the
must contact the EM Bail Team
emergency, you may be arrested and have to
attend court to explain the reason for your
Contact with the EM Bail Team
The EM Bail Team’s role at Corrections is to
keep in contact with the bailee and occupants of
> stay at the approved address during your
the house.
curfew hours
Contact the EM Bail Team on 0800 EM BAIL
(362 245) or at
[email address]
return to the approved address before the set
if you:
time for any approved absence
> have any difficulties with the electronic
> answer the telephone during curfew hours in
case it is the Police, Corrections or the
> want to talk about your bail conditions
monitoring company trying to call you
> contact the EM Bail Team if you have any
> schedule an absence
problems with the monitoring equipment or
with the mains power supply
have any complaints about the monitoring
> tell the EM Bail Team immediately if you
company, its representatives or any other
have any problems with the transmitter
aspect of electronic monitoring.
> co-operate with the monitoring company
Your complaint will be investigated and you
will be informed of the outcome
representatives, at all times, so they can
check and maintain the monitoring