Electronic monitoring as a condition of bail (EM bail) is granted to suitable defendants who
would otherwise be remanded in custody, in prison, while waiting for a court hearing.
A person on EM bail (a bailee) wears an electronically monitored tracker and lives at an
address approved by the Court.
Department of Corrections (Corrections) and New Zealand Police (Police) manage EM bail.
How does EM bail work?
What about community safety?
A person on EM bail wears an electronically
For a Court to grant EM Bail, it must be happy
monitored tracker 24 hours a day and lives at an
that the public, witnesses, victims, associates
agreed address at all times unless they have
and those who will share the house are safe
permission to leave for an approved purpose,
from the defendant.
such as work.
Police respond to alarms triggered by the tracker.
The tracker is monitored by a security company
and lets them know the bailee is where they’re
The tracker will trigger an alarm, if the bailee:
supposed to be.
> tries to take off the tracker
> leaves the address without permission
How does the application process work?
> is late back from a planned absence.
The bailee may be arrested and appear before
Any person remanded in custody by a Court
the Court to decide whether their EM bail will
under the Bail Act 2000 can apply for EM bail.
An application for EM bail is usually made
through a lawyer.
How can I find out more about EM bail?
A probation officer from Corrections completes a
Suitability Report for a Judge to consider when
You can find more information about EM bail
making a decision about an application for EM
along with the Application for Bail with Electronic
Monitoring from:
Police will also present their own view to either
> Corrections website
oppose or support EM bail to the Court.
or Police website
What are the benefits of EM Bail?
> local Court house
> Community Probation Service Centres or
> Sometimes a bailee can continue working
and contribute positively to their family.
> prison remand units.
>Staying in a home environment means people
on EM bail aren't negatively influenced by others
remanded in custody