[FYI request #18903 email]
Ref: OIA-2021/22-1127
Dear Scott
Official Information Act request relating to GCSB-NZSIS Ministerial Policy Statement
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on 16 March
2022. You requested:
“ONE: "Review of the Ministerial Policy Statements under the Intelligence and Security
Act 2017” [1920NSP/010]
TWO: “Review of the Overseas Cooperation Ministerial Policy Statement: Proposed
Consultation Plan” [1920NSP/031]
THREE: “Proposed Revised Approach for Reviewing the Ministerial Policy Statements”
FOUR: “Consultation on Ministerial Policy Statement: Conducting surveillance in a
public place” [1920NSP/054]
FIVE: "Review of the Ministerial Policy Statements ‐
revised timing” [2021NSP/010]
SIX: “Consultation on ministerial policy statement: cooperating with overseas public
authorities” [2021NSP/030]
SEVEN: “Ministerial Policy Statement: Cooperating with overseas public authorities -
approval to reissue" [2021NSP/066]
EIGHT: "Consultation on three Ministerial Policy Statements" [2021NSP/086]
NINE: "Consultation on Ministerial Policy Statement: Information Assurance and
Cybersecurity Activities" [02 Jul 2021]
TEN: "Consultation on Ministerial Policy Statement: Information Management" [05 Jul
ELEVEN: "Consultation on the final three reviewed Ministerial Policy Statements" [27
Oct 2021]””
I have decided to release the documents listed below, subject to information being withheld
as noted. The relevant grounds under which information has been withheld are:
• section 6(a) – the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the
security or defence of New Zealand or the international relations of the Government
of New Zealand;
• section 9(2)(a) – the withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy
of natural persons.
Item Date
Document Title
1. 27 September 2019
Review of the Ministerial Policy Statements under the
Intelligence and Security Act 2017
2. 24 January 2020
Review of the Ministerial Policy Statements Update and
Proposed Consultation Plan
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9698
3. 21 June 2020
Briefing: Proposed Revised Approach for Reviewing the
Ministerial Policy Statements
4. 22 June 2020
Consultation on Ministerial Policy Statement: Conducting
Surveillance in a Public Place
5. 28 August 2020
Review of the Ministerial Policy Statements – Revised Timing
6. 18 December 2020
Consultation on Ministerial Policy Statement: Cooperating
with Overseas Public Authorities
7. 12 March 2021
Briefing: Ministerial Policy Statement: Cooperating with
Overseas Public Authorities – Approval to Reissue
8. 8 April 2021
Briefing: Consultation on Three Ministerial Policy Statements
9. 2 July 2021
Consultation on Ministerial Policy Statement: Information
Assurance and Cybersecurity Activities
10. 5 July 2021
Briefing: Consultation on Ministerial Policy Statement:
Information Management
11. 27 October 2021
Briefing: Consultation on the Final Three Reviewed Ministerial
Policy Statements
In making my decision, I have taken the public interest considerations in section 9(1) of the
Act into account.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under
section 28(3) of the Act.
This response will be published on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s
website during our regular publication cycle. Typically, information is released monthly, or as
otherwise determined. Your personal information including name and contact details will be
removed for publication.
Yours sincerely
Tony Lynch
Deputy Chief Executive
National Security Group