This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Outcome of Discipline Committee hearings during 2021 and 2022'.
  Summary of Cases Heard by Discipline Committee from 1.01.2022 – 27.04.2022 
Type of Case* 
Applicable University Statute/Policy  Resolution 
Examination misconduct 
Student Academic Conduct Statute 
(0 cases) 
Coursework misconduct 
Student Academic Conduct Statute 
The penalties imposed included:** 
(9 cases) 
•  Letter of reprimand. 
•  Assignment/test given a mark of zero/not marked. 
•  Course grade reduced to maximum C- grade. 
•  Course grade reduced to a grade of “Fail”. 
•  Fines of up to $750. 
Statute for Student Discipline 
[Withheld to protect the privacy of the persons to whom 
misconduct (2 cases) 
Addressing Bullying, Harassment and  the information relates under section 9(2)(a) of the 
Discrimination Policy 
Official Information Act] 
IT Acceptable Use Policy 
Review (9 cases) 
Student Academic Conduct Statute 
4 decisions upheld in ful  on review; 1 decision upheld in 
part on review (penalty reduced). 
* One student discipline case may include academic and non-academic misconduct. 

**The Discipline Committee commonly imposes multiple penalties for misconduct.