Context and Background
Purpose and Scope
The monitoring framework relates to the monitoring relationship between the
The key purpose of the monitoring function as outlined in l egislation is “to assist the
Mi ni stry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD or the Mi nistry), Kā inga Ora -
res ponsible M nister to ca rry out his or her rol e” to “oversee and manage the
Homes and Communities (Kāinga Ora ), and responsible Mi nisters (Mi nister of
Crown’s i nteres in, and relationship with a s tatutory entity and to exercise any
Hous ing and Minister of Finance).
s tatutory responsibilities”.
In i ts monitoring role, HUD advises and assists Mi nisters with appointments to the
The Mi isters role includes f nctions and powers to revi ew the entity’s operations
Boa rd, setting and clarifying expectations, a nd reviewing the performance of the
a nd perfo mance, request nformation for review or otherwise, participate in the
Boa rd and Crown entity overall. The Treasury has a role i n monitoring balance sheet
p ocess of setting the strategic direction and performance expectations, and
i mpacts.
moni toring performance.
In pra ctice this m ans a ctively engaging with Ministers and the Board to set Kāinga
The rol e of the Kāinga Ora Board is to be the governor of the entity a nd the
under the
Ora ’s s trategic d ect on, communicate Mi nisters expectations and to revi ew Kā inga
Mi ni ster’s primary a gent for ensuring the organisation i s achieving i ts objectives. The
Ora ’s governance capability, operations and performance to ensure responsible
Boa rd has wide-ranging responsibilities, i ncluding s etting the organisation’s strategi
Mi ni s ers are well advised on these matters.
di rection and annual performance expectations (in conjunction with Mi nisters),
ma naging risk and ensuring compliance, a nd maintaining appropriate relationships
The purp se of the monitoring framework is to provide guidance to the monitor to
wi th key s takeholders.
determine the focus and extent of monitoring activities, with a n emphasis on major
pp tunities a nd ri sk.
A productive three-way relationship is required between the responsible Mi nisters,
It hel ps the monitoring team to understand what to monitor. It outlines how HUD
the s tatutory entity a nd the Crown monitor for overseeing organisa ional
gets vi sibility and understanding of the a reas i t needs to, to advise Mi nisters on the
performance. HUD provides constructive challenge a nd i nsight to Kā nga Ora a nd to
Crowns relationship with the entity a nd how to exercise their s tatutory
Mi ni sters.
res ponsibilities, functions and powers.
fficial Information Act 1982