Wel ington Office
Our Ref
DOIA 22-205
Radio New Zealand House
155 The Terrace
PO Box 5501
Wellington 6145
24 May 2022
New Zealand
T 0800 665 463
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E [email address]
Craig Innes
W www.linz.govt.nz
[FYI request #19259 email]
Dear Craig
Response to your official information request
Thank you for your official information request received on 3 May 2022 for “a copy of the
NZ Properties (Government Only) dataset referred to in the recent property data services
survey (closing 20 May 2022).”
As part of its programme to modernise the Landonline system, Toitū Te Whenua Land
Information New Zealand (LINZ) is creating a national district valuation role (DVR) dataset
using DVR data collated from Territorial Authorities (TAs). This dataset is called NZ
Properties (Pilot) on the LINZ Data Service and is only accessible to local and central
government users; hence it being referred to NZ Properties (Government Only) in the
customer survey.
LINZ has entered into data supply agreements with individual TAs to collate and use their
DVR data. Conditions set out in the data supply agreements and the dataset’s licence
agreement limits access to local and central government users only.
Due to these established conditions, I must refuse your request under section 9(2)(ba) of
the Official Information Act to protect the information which is subject to an obligation of
confidence and where making available the information would likely prejudice the
ongoing supply of the information.
Furthermore, some TAs commercial y licence their DVR data to third parties. I therefore
must also refuse your request under section 9(2)(b)(i ) of the Official Information Act as
making the information available would likely unreasonably prejudice the commercial
position of these TAs.
I am of the view that the withholding of the information is not outweighed by other
considerations which render it desirable in the public interest to make that information
While I cannot provide you with the dataset for these reasons, I can advise the data fields
within the NZ Properties (Pilot) dataset; these include rating valuations, construction date,
construction materials, land and floor areas, legal descriptions and property title numbers.
The national dataset does not include any personal information such as ratepayers’
I can also confirm that many TAs make their DVR data for their district openly available on
their websites at an individual property level.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this
decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact
[email address]
Yours sincerely
Aaron Jordan
Head of Location Information
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