OIA Request:
May we please request what the TOTAL cost of the now ceased "Wellington Redesign Project" has come to.
Cost of e-bikes and e-bike equipment.
Cost of bringing in "E-Bike trainer's" whos position elsewhere also needed to be filled.
Cost of "Redesign Operations Staff" to implement the change, over the last 12-18 months re: salary/wages.
Cost of refurbishments to the Johnsonville Delivery branch to house e-bikes / equipment.
Cost of early retirements of Johnsonville Delivery Agents not wishing to ride hilly and possibly unsafe conditions.
Cost of Johnsonville Delivery Agents resigning re: accumulated annual leave needing to be paid out
Wellington Delivery is predominately walking and as volume declines, walking to letterboxes is lengthening. In order to work a full day, people are needing to
walk further and further which is unsustainable and poses safety concerns.
The question of “how far is too far” has been raised, and whilst it hasn’t been answered as yet – it’s inevitable that without making changes to the way the region
is structured, the point of “too far” will be reached sooner or later through continued mail decline.
Programme Aim
To maintain full time employment (FTE), create a sustainable Network to ensure delivery undertaken in a safe manner across increasingly large distances as
mail volume continues to decline.
Increase customer service standard by clearing floor and delivering within our service promise.
The Wellington Team are continuing the eBike conversion programme (largely supported by BAU resource) and will continue to implement alternative modes
where suitable using the round assessment process. Newly appointed DA’s will continue to be trained on cycle mode.
To date:
Johnsonville - 10 delivery rounds are converted to eBike with approximately 4-6 DA’s out on bikes on most days on alternate delivery rotation.
Kilbirnie - 2 runs are converted to eBike (additional to current biking rounds).
The switch from walking to biking has alleviated resourcing challenges, predominantly due to bikes being able to travel further distances than walking delivery
and less effort required.
Note: eBikes may be transferred between Branches to locations required based on mode assessments completed and signed off.
Cost of e-bikes and e-
Tern eBikes
$76,675.20 The Tern eBike is an ideal mode in areas assessed for suitability. The mode
bike equipment.
has the option of two batteries to ensure enough power to complete
(12 bikes are deployed into Johnsonville and
delivery. Additional batteries can be purchased for some areas where they
4 into Kilbirnie).
may experience the need due to distance or hilly terrain.
The purchase of the Tern eBikes would have been made regardless of this
project, and bikes may be used in areas outside of Wellington where
appropriate. Every eBike implemented provides both safety and
productivity benefits, and thus has a financial benefit.
3 eBikes were deployed into Kilbirnie to replace aging Reiker cycles. With 4
additional bikes, the total in Kilbirnie is currently 7.
Cost of bringing in "E-
3 Trainers (1 for 4 weeks) 2 for a
None of the trainers’ positions required filling elsewhere as the nature of
Bike trainer's" whose
combined period of 41 weeks between
their roles is to support a wide range of projects for the business. Resource
position elsewhere also June and December 2021, covering the
was allocated based on surplus within the locations at the time of them
needed to be filled.
whole of Wellington and wider Region
being released.
The trainers were utilised for delivery within these sites in times of volume
spikes. These costs should therefore be viewed as “soft costs” and not a
specific cost of the project.
Cost of "Redesign
2xcoordinators (partial income for time
Redesign operations staff were not working on this project throughout the
Operations Staff" to
on project)
entire 18 months with resource allocated to other projects and priorities.
implement the change,
One co-ordinator was prominently on this project, the other was seconded
over the last 12-18
1x Project Lead (partial income for time
into another role halfway through.
months re:
on project)
The Project Lead was working across several projects and Business
priorities. Based on this, costs are an estimate.
Cost of refurbishments
An area at the base of the Branch has been converted to house eBikes. A
to the Johnsonville
ramp is installed, new door installed, and a carpark removed to allow for
Delivery branch to
Replacement of two fluorescent fittings
house e-bikes /
with 60W LED battens
Installation of 3x new 20Amp circuits
The refurbishments were the result of responding to safety concerns
including RCD protection and
$3,747.35 +
bought up by the team with trying to get the bikes in and out of a single
switchboard work.
door and tight hallways.
Installation of conduits and wiring for 9x
single 10amp power outlets spaced
evenly across three walls.
Building Works
$3,840.00 +
Handrail on the other side of the ramp
attached to the door
Dead bolts install on the door where the
handrail is going to be installed (on the
left side). To be installed inside.
Install a keyless punch lock for the door
Paint walls and floor.
Total Building Cost
$ 7,587.35 +
Cost of early
These costs relate to payments to individual staff members and are
retirements of
therefore withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the Official Information Act to
Johnsonville Delivery
protect the privacy of natural person.
Agents not wishing to
ride hilly and possibly
Each of the areas are assessed for safety and checked for suitability before
unsafe conditions.
being considered for biking mode.
All concerns have been captured and responded to with the Branch
recommending areas that could be delivered using alternate modes e.g.,
Cost of Johnsonville
Annual Leave is an entitlement not an additional cost. This would be paid
Delivery Agents
regardless of whether they are employed and taking the leave, or leaving
resigning re:
and being paid out remaining entitlements.
accumulated annual
leave needing to be
paid out.