Reference: 20220182
9 June 2022
Adam Irish
[FYI request #19402 email]
Dear Adam
Thank you for your Official Information Act request, received on 19 May 2022. You
the total interest cost on Crown debt for each year for the last 10 years along with
the corresponding total crown debt figure for each year. Additional, while it may
be difficult for forecasts to be made on interest rates and government bond rates,
have forecasts been undertaken on the total cost of interest payments for the
upcoming years and if so, what are these figures.
Information publicly available
Finance costs and Crown debt levels for the last 10 years and forecasts for the years
ending 30 June 2022 to 30 June 2026 are publicly available on the Treasury website.
Accordingly, I have refused your request in accordance with section 18(d) of the Official
Information Act:
the information requested is or will soon be publicly available. I am
however providing details on where you can find this on the Treasury website.
I thought you may be interested on both core Crown and total Crown debt and finance
costs. For clarification, the core Crown is a reporting segment consisting of the Crown,
departments, Offices of Parliament, the NZS Fund and the Reserve Bank of New
Zealand. The total Crown consists of the Core Crown segment plus Crown entities and
State-owned Enterprises and excludes transactions between these entities, this is also
known as the Government reporting entity.
You can find the historical debt and finance costs figures for both the core Crown and
total Crown in various published documents, including the Budget Economic and Fiscal
Update (BEFU) 2022, Fiscal Time Series Historical Fiscal Indicators 1972-2021 and
the annual Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand, which are all
available on the Treasury website. Note that the financial statements only present one
comparative reporting period. Consequently, you need to check each of the annual
financial statements from the year ended 30 June 2013 to 2021 in order to see the
finance costs on total Crown borrowings for the last 10 years.
The Treasury's five-year forecasts for government finances and the New Zealand
economy are published at least twice a year within the Economic and Fiscal Update
documents. The most recent of these forecast documents is the BEFU 2022, where
1 The Terrace
PO Box 3724
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
tel. +64-4-472-2733
you can find the core Crown and total Crown debt and finance costs for forecast years
ending 30 June 2022 to 30 June 2026.
Please refer to the table below for the summary of where to find the figures for debt
and finance costs in each of the documents I have mentioned above.
Website Address
Where to find it in
Information available
the document
1. Gross debt (a core Crown
Budget Economic
Time Series of
measure), net debt and total
and Fiscal Update
Fiscal and Economic
Crown borrowings for the last 10
and Fiscal
Indicators (page
years and forecast years 2022-
Update 2022
2. Finance costs on total Crown
Forecast Statement
borrowings for 2021 and forecast
of Financial
years 2022-2026
Performance (page
3. Core Crown finance costs for the
Table 5.16 –
last 5 years and forecast years
Finance costs (page
4. Gross debt and total Crown
Data - Fiscal
Data - Fiscal Time
Debt, Net Worth tab
borrowings for the last 10 years
Time Series
Series Historical
Fiscal Indicators
5. Core Crown finance costs for the
Spending tab
last 10 years
6. Finance costs on total Crown
Year end financial
Statement of
borrowings for the last 10 years
of the NZ
for the years
2013 to 2021
Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) and enclosed
documents may be published on the Treasury website.
This reply addresses the information you requested. You have the right to ask the
Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision.
Yours sincerely
Kamlesh Patel
Deputy Chief Government Accountant