NZDF Governance Committees – Terms of Reference
New Zealand Defence Force Advisory Board (the Board)
The purpose of the New Zealand Defence Force Advisory Board is:
Support the Chief of the New Zealand Defence Force (CDF) in executing their role as Chief Executive of the NZDF.
Strengthen the NZDF's ability to set organisational strategy, implement defence policy, provide stewardship of the organisation and promote its long-term success.
Counsel the NZDF through quality advice to influence the organisation in delivering against its strategic priorities, particularly those identified in the Four Year Plan.
The key responsibilities of the New Zealand Defence Force Advisory Board are:
Decision Making Matrix ref: CDF Directive 18/2021 (NZDF GOVERNANCE, COMMITTEE DECISION
Support the Chief of Defence Force (CDF) in discharging the duties and obligations as a Chief Executive of the NZDF by providing advice and feedback.
Provide comment to CDF on NZDF organisational strategy.
The Board is an advisory board and it has no authority to direct any Crown
Challenge the
CDF by critically analysing and informing long-term strategies.
department, agency or entity (including NZDF), employ staff, enter into contracts,
or make commitments or undertakings on behalf of the Crown (including CDF).
Provide advice to the NZDF's to align the medium-range (1 to 4 years) and long-range (4 plus years) plans.
Further exclusion details can be found in the NZDF Advisory Board Rules of
Advise on any external and internal trends and events that may affect or require alteration of NZDF long-range and medium-range plans.
Procedure document.
Advise on the alignment of NZDF long-range and medium-range plans with Government and Ministerial priorities.
Appointment of External Independent Member
Provide CDF with an annual report on the performance of NZDF against its strategy and emerging strategic issues the Board has considered.
The CDF will approve the appointment of any independent member.
Analyse strategy risk assessments and suggest mitigations.
They should not be a current member of NZDF, bringing a range of industry and
Conduct risk scenario modelling and analysis and other models for futures thinking.
specialist skills and experience.
Produce materials and activities relevant to defence assessments approved and resourced by CDF.
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The independent member must hold a CONFIDENTIAL security clearance and be
When requested
, provide consultation regarding NZDF Annual and Four Year Plans.
appointed for a term no longer than three years, with an option to extend for an
Organisational and
output execution against NZDF medium and long-term strategy, Focusing on strategy and risk over the mid to long term (4-25 years).
additional two years.
Maintain an external perspective, assisted by the appointment of members from outside the Defence Force.
An appointment as an independent member to the Committee must not create
Provide advice on setting the long-term strategy for the Four Year Plan, ICT Governance, and Estate Investment strategies.
an employee/employer relationship between the member, the Executive Health
Provide an independent perspective to decision making, putting the interests of NZDF ahead of their interests.
and Safety Committee, the NZDF, and the Crown.
Use the NZDF Risk Framework to help align decision making.
Utilise the NZDF Governance Toolkit as a resource to support both presenters and members.
Agenda Items
Business Rules:
Membership List
Schedule Meetings, Draft Agenda & Meeting Minutes in
The NZDF Advisory Board may not assume any management functions or make decisions that are the statutory responsibility
Dame Paula Rebstock ((Chair) External Member)
conjunction with the Chair.
of the Chief of Defence Force.
Chief of Defence Force (Deputy Chair)
Call for papers and consult with presenters.
The quorum is the Chair or Deputy Chair, and half the listed members.
Vice Chief of Defence Force
Agenda and papers will be published to members five
Meetings are scheduled 4 times throughout the year.
Chief of Navy
working days before the meeting.
A member must advise NZDF Governance of a pending apology.
Chief of Army
Future items for EXCO are to be submitted to NZDF
A member may only be excused from a meeting and replaced by a nominated alternate with the Chair's approval.
Chief of Air Force
Governance Team for consultation, then added to the
Papers are to be submitted to the NZDF Governance Team with approval from the Sponsor; submissions must include a
Warrant Officer of Defence Force
forward work plan.
completed cover sheet a minimum of eight working days before the meeting.
The committee should review the forward work plan at
Papers are to be a maximum of five pages, clearly stating; purpose, clear decision points, and answer 'what, so what, now
External Members
each meeting.
what' to support decision making. Project artefacts are to conform with change management framework methodology.
Secretary of Defence
Back briefs should be provided from other relevant
Additional supporting documents can be made available via links. Acceptance of late papers is at the discretion of the Chair.
Murray Jack
committees when requested.
Will consult a draft of the minutes with presenting members then passed to the Chair for review before publishing in the next
Action and Decision recording
meeting pack for approval.
In Attendance
A post-meeting matrix with actions & decisions will be
Must undertake consultation with all stakeholders, conduct a risk assessment before submitting papers, and be included in
Chief Defence Strategy Management
sent to owners and members in a timely fashion.
the cover sheet.
Governance Support
If out of session endorsement is required, distribute papers with precise response requirements and timeline, and publish
Non-members can be invited as a relevant specialist or
Induction material collated and provided to all new
outcomes to all members.
speaker to a specific item/paper at the Chair's
members of EXCO on appointment.
An annual review of the Terms of Reference, performance and membership.
Members must commit sufficient time to prepare for meetings, attend and follow up on actions delegated.
Version: v0.2 July 2021