NZDF Governance Committees – Terms of Reference
Organisation Committee (ORG)
The purpose of the Organisation Committee is:
Performance monitoring, oversight, and provide direction on behalf of the Executive Committee (EXCO) to assure that the Annual Plan is delivered effectively.
Provide advice to EXCO through a whole enterprise lens regarding projects, people and organisational output performance measures.
Performance monitoring and oversight where appropriate over change programmes, and in the People, Finance, Estate and Defence Information portfolios.
Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of decision making at the strategic level of the NZDF.
The key responsibilities of the Organisation Committee are to:
Provide EXCO with regular reports about ORG Committee decisions and business outcomes (in-
particularly reallocation/redistribution of resources).
Provide oversight, advice, and
direction on the management of the Annual Plan, and the annual NZDF-
New in-year investments with a whole of life cost up to a maximum of $5M.
led projects prioritisation round.
Provide direction about prioritising resources for all in-year approved investments and funded initiatives up to a maximum of
Provide oversight of the NZDF Annual Budget through Budget Sub Committee to be approved at EXCO.
Provide recommendations on the addition of new multi-year ongoing personnel costs to support new
Provide direction about where to prioritise resources for approved and budgeted investments.
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and current initiatives.
The reallocation/redistribution of approved budgets between Navy, Army, RNZAF and NZDF Portfolios up to a maximum of
Provide recommendations for amendments to Annual Plan, Plan25, Strat25, and Statement of Intent
Assure EXCO that the budgeted and approved investments portfolio is effectively delivered in
An increase of Navy, Army, RNZAF and NZDF Portfolio budgets up to a maximum of $5M.
accordance with the Capability Management Framework (CMF).
A funding contingency up to a maximum of $5M.
Provide recommendations to EXCO, including new investments and adjustments to the existing
Changes to the NZDF establishments including:
portfolio composition, through consideration of:
Changes to position rank grading
o Project initiation in the context of achievability and the future project pipeline;
Changes of title
o Business cases seeking investment and ensuring that advice to Government meets standards
Addition and deletion of positions within currently approved stated personnel caps
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for good public policy;
Addition of new positions mil and civ within currently approved NZDF personnel budgets
o Project eligibility for approval thresholds under the Investor Confidence Rating for referral to
The employment of contactors with a whole of life cost between $250k and $1M.
Investment Ministers;
Amendments to NZDF HR DFI’s & DFO 3 & 5.
o Changes to optimise the effective delivery and achievability of projects through their life cycle;
o Matters referred from EXCO.
o Provide oversight on the development and implementation of internal controls, including a
New investments with an in-year whole of life cost up to a maximum of $25M.
regular review to assure that the organisations activities are compliant.
NZDF Annual Budget.
Provide an independent perspective to decision making, putting the interests of NZDF ahead of their
The reallocation/redistribution of budgeted funds between Navy, Army, RNZAF and NZDF Portfolios up to a maximum of $25M.
New multi-year personnel costs to support enduring new and current initiatives.
Use the NZDF Risk Framework to help align decision-making; this committee is an accountable body for
The employment of contactors with a whole of life cost over $1M.
enterprise risk.
Amendments to DFO 1.
Utilise the NZDF Governance Toolkit is a resource to support both presenters and members.
Annual Output Plan, including in-year amendments.
Agenda Items
Business Rules:
Membership List
Schedule Meetings, Draft Agenda & Meeting Minutes in
The quorum is the Chair or Deputy Chair, and half the listed members.
Chair – Chief Financial Officer
conjunction with the Chair.
Meetings are held monthly throughout the year.
Deputy Chair - Chief Defence Strategy Management
Call for papers and consult with presenters.
A member must advise NZDF Governance of a pending apology.
Deputy Chief of Navy
Agenda and papers will be published to members five working
A member may only be excused from a meeting and replaced by a nominated alternate with the Chair's approval.
Deputy Chief of Army
Papers are to be submitted to the NZDF Governance Team with approval from the Sponsor; submissions must include
Deputy Chief of Air Force
days before the meeting.
Future items for EXCO are to be submitted to NZDF Governance
a completed cover sheet a minimum of eight working days before the meeting.
Chief of Staff Joint Forces Headquarters New Zealand
Team for consultation, then added to the forward work plan.
Papers are to be a maximum of five pages, clearly stating; purpose, clear decision points, and answer 'what, so what,
Assistant Chief Capability Branch
now what' to support decision-making. Project artefacts are to conform with change management framework
Commander Logistics
The committee should review the forward work plan at each
methodology. Additional supporting documents can be made available via links. Acceptance of late papers is at the
Director Financial Service Delivery
discretion of the Chair.
Chief Information Officer
Back briefs should be provided from other relevant committees
Will consult a draft of the minutes with presenting members then passed to the Chair for review before publishing in
Chief of Staff People Capability Portfolio
when requested.
the next meeting pack for approval.
Head Defence Estate & Infrastructure
Action and Decision recording
Must undertake consultation with all stakeholders, conduct a risk assessment before submitting papers, and be
Chief of Staff Joint Defence Services
A post-meeting matrix with actions & decisions will be sent to
included in the cover sheet.
Attendees: Principal Risk Advisor, Chief Internal
owners and members in a timely fashion.
If out of session endorsement is required, distribute papers with precise response requirements and timeline, and
Governance Support
publish outcomes to all members.
Non-members can be invited as a relevant specialist or
Induction material collated and provided to all new members of
An annual review of the Terms of Reference, performance and membership.
speaker to a specific item/paper at the Chair's discretion.
EXCO on appointment.
Members must commit sufficient time to prepare for meetings, attend and follow up on actions delegated.
Version: v0.3 March 2022