OIA Ref: CAS-01346-M1F8X1
Information Requests Team
Christchurch City Council
[email address]
cc: [email address] 23 May 2022
Tēnā koe koutou
Transfer of Official information request from Cody C relating to Christchurch City drinking water
safety plan
We received an information request under the Official Information Act 1982 on 20 May 2022
requesting for the following information:
“Please supply the Christchurch City drinking water safety plan”.
The requester’s details are:
Name: Cody C
[FYI request #19410 email]
We do not hold the information pertaining to this request and consider the Christchurch City Council
to be better placed to respond to this request.
In accordance with section 14(b) of the Official Information Act 1982, we transfer this information
request to the Christchurch City Council.
We will be informing the requester of the transfer of this request.
Ngā mihi
Sue van Daatselaar
Strategy and Governance Manager