Regional Resilience Coordination Centre
1 July 2022
c/- Harol
d [FYI request #19524 email]
Tēnā koe Harold,
Official Information Act Request for Te Manawa Taki Region Resilience Plan –
OIA number 14356
I refer to your Official Information Act request to Hauora Tairāwhiti dated 31 May 2022,
subsequently transferred to the Te Manawa Taki Regional Coordination Centre on 22 June,
for the following:
“I would like to make a request for a copy of the COVID-19 Resilience Plan for the Te
Manawa Taki region”.
Please find attached the
Te Manawa Taki Regional Resilience Plan Final draft 9 November
2021 V.1.0, presented by the Te Manawa Taki Region to the Health System Preparedness
Programme in November 2021. At the time of writing Delta was assumed the main COVID-19
The estimated funding was not used for any decision-making purposes. A separate process
was undertaken to determine how the COVID-19 funding was allocated.
I trust that this answers your question.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi na
Te Manawa Taki Regional Coordination Centre