26 August 2014
Joshua Grainger
[FYI request #1954 email]
Ref: OIA 0303
Dear Mr Grainger
Thank you for your email of 26 August 2014 requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982, the
following information:
“I would like to request under the Official Information Act any information relating to a
review or proposed review of the Immigration Profiling Branch. Such a briefing was
mentioned in a briefing to the Minister of Immigration on 24/03/13.
To be specific, I would like to request all information related to any review planned or carried
out between 2012 and now of the Immigration Profiling Branch (IPB), including, but not
limited to:
* terms of reference for a review
* any documents detailing the conclusions and/or outcomes of any review
* any draft terms of reference for a review
* any Cabinet papers or minutes relating to any review or planned review
* any documents that have been to a Minister for approval or advice about a review or
planned review
* which organizations, Ministries, or Departments were involved in the review or are planned
to be involved in the review? How were they involved?
I am not at this stage interested in any operational information made during the review, just
in the documents about the review itself. This is in an attempt to refine the scope of my
Your request is being processed in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982. If you have any
enquiries regarding your request, you may contact us via email at [MBIE request email] or
Alan Witcombe
Manager, Ministerial Services
Organisational Strategy and Support
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
PO Box 3705
Wellington 6140
Your email was received on 26 August 2014 and a response will be sent to you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Alan Witcombe
Manager, Ministerial Services
Organisational Strategy and Support