5 July 2022
Polly Adams
[FYI request #19657 email]
Ref: OIA-2021/22-1419
Dear Polly Adams
Official Information Act request relating to staff in the Health and Disability System
Review Transition Unit
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on 13 June 2022.
You requested:
Further to my request on 27 May regarding staff in the health sector Transition unit,
please provide copies of:
1) the organisation structure of the transitional unit as at 31 May 2022
2) the organisational structure of the transitional unit as at 1 December 2021
3) the total number of staff employed by EY who have worked in the transitional unit
since it was established.
The organisation structure does not need to include the names of individuals - I’m just
requesting the structure not the roles specific individuals work in.
Please find attached an organisation structure document for the Health and Disability System
Review Transition Unit (the Transition Unit) as at 17 June 2022. This is a living document
related to the current staf , so no longer exists for the specific dates you have requested.
With regard to your third question, the total number of Ernst & Young contractors working in
the Transition Unit since its establishment in August 2020 has been 24 including the Director.
Not all of these people have been full-time.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under
section 28(3) of the Act.
We do not intend to publish this response on the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet’s website.
Yours sincerely
Chris Gianos
Acting Executive Director
Strategy, Governance and Engagement
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9698 www.dpmc.govt.nz