Current Operating Model
Purpos•: Programme direction/oversight
-2x HCC partner representatives
-2x Waka Kotahi partner representatives
-2x GW partner representatives
Riverlink Board
-Ngatiloa Rangatira partner representative
-Taranaki Whanui kit e Upoko o te lka parmer representative
-Strategic Advisor
Support r•am:
Purpose: Provide mana whenua partner
PD, Programme Services Lead, Partnership Coach
guidance to ensure River Link is
collaboratively designed and delr/ered
to ma>Cimise positive outcomes for
mana whenua and the environment.
PurpoH1: Accountability
for the
Programme Director
4 x iwi mana whenua representatives
Riverlink programme
2 xTreaty partner representatives
Support b!am:
Purpose: Accountability as a leadership
team for all phases of the programme.
-All programme workstreams to be run
through PLT
-Drive accountability/ delivery across the
emire programme
-Strong connection with work-stream leads
Programme Director
Alliance Coach
Purpose: Accountable for all phases
b: HCC panner representative
Procurement Phase
Delivery Phase
of the programme.
1x Woka Kotahi partner representative
Consenting Phase
- Manage reporting/ synergies (for
lx GW partner representative
Riverlink and supporting internal
be Mana Whenua partner representative
Oient organisations)
Support team:
, I Workstream Lead I I Workstream Lead I I Workstream Lead I I Workstream Lead
� Functional support to the PD, PLT
Workstream lf!'CJds
and workstream leads
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under the Official Information Act 1982
Purpose:Account;;ible for driving their s,pecific workstream and reporting back
to the PLT. Ensuring programme synergies are reported and managed.