This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Complaints received regarding 'White Lady' food truck'.

All of the actions you mentioned did not show any results. During our meeting in May, Rob mentioned that 
will not renew their license unless the problems we previously discussed are resolved; But renewed the
license for their shop until the month of 9, although the problems still persisted until now.
Please take a look at the pictures attached in the email. They were taken last weekend.
TWL customers are still blocking our shop entrance while drunk and we cannot talk to them while they are
in this situation to avoid any problems.
Please take effective actions. It has been nearly one year since we communicated  to find a solution to this
On Monday, 4 July 2022 at 01:07:23 pm NZST, Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Hi S7(2)(a) Privacy
They have proposed the following measures:
·         Implemented improved communication to their customers with signs bringing attention to
queuing, litter and obstruction of the footpath
·         Hourly checks of the surrounding area when possible
·         Regular checking the rubbish bins on a regular basis
·         Stronger communication to staff regarding keeping the footpath clear especially at peak times
·         From 20th June – implement process for staff to check rubbish bins
·         Looking at implementing larger bins to stop overflow of rubbish.
·         Monitor the work load at peak times and consider adding an extra person
From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Monday, 4 July 2022 1:02 pm
To: Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Cc: Rob Abbott <[email address]>; S7(2)(a) Privacy
Subject: RE: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Hi Anita
What new systems are they implementing?

Please advise if you are available 11am at the premises.
From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Monday, 16 May 2022 7:03 pm
To: S7(2)(a) Privacy
 Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Cc: Tristan Monasterio <[email address]>
Subject: Re: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Hi All
With this email, you will find attached photos. Please note that this will be my last email to you regarding
this issue. If our employees are harmed or killed by drunken people who refuse to move S7(2)(a) Privacy
and threaten our employees, then you are responsible. You will also take the
responsibility for our financial losses. Your failure to resolve this problem is evidenced by the emails we've
exchanged. Despite requesting a solution for months, no effective action has been taken.
It is also evident in the emails between us over the past four months that you are biased towards the White
Lady Food Truck. Your decisions were unfair to us; which caused great losses to us.
On Sunday, 8 May 2022, 07:42:57 pm NZST, S7(2)(a) Privacy
Hi Anita
Please find the photo attached after the new procedures or steps that have been put in place by the white
lady food truck.
This photo 07-08 of May .

S7(2)(a) Privacy
On Sunday, 8 May 2022, 07:41:43 pm NZST, S7(2)(a) Privacy
Hi Anita
Please find the photo attached after the new procedures or steps that have been put in place by the white
lady food truck.
This photo 07-08 of May .
S7(2)(a) Privacy
On Sunday, 1 May 2022, 07:09:50 pm NZST, S7(2)(a) Privacy
Hi Anita
We hope you are fair with both parties.
Please find the photo attached after the new procedures or steps that have been put in place by the white
lady food truck.
This photo 29-30 of April and 1st of May.
S7(2)(a) Privacy

On Friday, 29 April 2022, 08:17:37 am NZST, Anita Marsh <[email address]> wrote:
Good morning S7(2)(a) Privacy
Inspectors have been out doing observations. The new procedures or steps that have been put in place by
the white lady food truck has only happened in the past couple of weeks.
To be fair and reasonable we need to allow time to see if these procedures work or not.
I will keep you updated.
From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Thursday, 28 April 2022 9:12 pm
To: S7(2)(a) Privacy
 Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Cc: Tristan Monasterio <[email address]>
Subject: Re: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Hi Anita,
Thanks for your reply
Sorry but why haven’t you conducted your observations four months ago? We’ve been suffering for four
months and haven’t seen any response from your side.
You can come any time at night and observe everything. Come in the weekend from 11 pm - 3 am  and
observe what you need to see.
We are not lying ; All the photos that we’ve sent include the date and time, I don’t understand what do you
need more to take a decision regarding what is happening.
If you’re unable to help us please inform me so that we resolve this problem in our way.

Please accept my apology for the unfriendly tone I used in my email; I understand that you are not solely
responsible for what is happening; however, my attitude is the result of the neglection of our complaint
over the last four months.
S7(2)(a) Privacy
On Thursday, 28 April 2022, 03:17:36 pm NZST, Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Afternoon S7(2)(a) Privacy
Thank you for sending this information through to me.
We are currently working through the information and also conducting our own observations at night,
so we can make an informed decision on all the evidence presented to us. I do appreciate you sending this
information to me.
once we have collated everything, I will let you know the outcome of any decision.
I would be happy to receive any photographs you send through preferrable with date and time on it.
From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Wednesday, 27 April 2022 8:48 pm
To: S7(2)(a) Privacy
 Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Cc: Tristan Monasterio <[email address]>
Subject: Re: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Hi Anita,

I was planning to send you an email yesterday because we haven’t seen any change since the first time
we sent our complaint. We’ve been trying to resolve the problem in the best way we could; but now we are
sorry to say that if TWL will not move completely from S7(2)(a) Privacy  in the next two weeks; your
communication will be transferred to our attorney and we will file a lawsuit to remove TWL from S7(2)(a) Privacy
and compensate our losses. The person who granted permission to TWL did not take into
account the negative impact on the nearby shops. S7(2)(a) Privacy
 TWL, not to mention
the bad smell that is produced in our shop as a result, & the dirt that customers leave in-front of our shop.
Moreover, we are facing difficulty in finding someone to work in this particular shop; because most of
TWL’s customers are drunk and when trying to ask them to move from the shop’s entrance they don’t
respond. Take a look at the attached pictures to get a better sense of the situation please; the situation is
S7(2)(a) Privacy
On Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 10:49:54 am NZST, Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Good morning,
Hope you are well.
The White Lady (food truck) has implemented some new procedures to try and mitigate people blocking
your entrance.
These were implemented just before Easter weekend.
Just wanting to get your feedback on their procedures.
Have you noticed an improvement
People are no longer blocking your doorway as they were previously
Any other feedback you want to give regarding the operation of the food truck.

From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Thursday, 10 March 2022 7:17 pm
To: S7(2)(a) Privacy
 Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Cc: Tristan Monasterio <[email address]>
Subject: Re: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Hi Anita and S7(2)(a) Privacy 
The White Lady from last week was parked S7(2)(a) Privacy their premises. The visibility of my clients shop
is blocked by the White Lady.
Please confirm what steps Council and AT are taking to mitigate the problem
Kind regards
S7(2)(a) Privacy
On Tuesday, 25 January 2022, 01:08:36 pm NZDT, Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Hi there,
Following your email that you sent on Friday and I received yesterday morning I spoke with TWL operator
and sent him your photographs.
They agreed that they would move down further in the parking bay so that the issues with TWL and their
till area being S7(2)(a) Privacy
should not be a problem. Last night (Monday night) was the first time where they moved further down in
the parking bay.
From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Tuesday, 25 January 2022 1:02 pm
To: Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Cc: S7(2)(a) Privacy
 Tristan Monasterio
<[email address]>
Subject: Re: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD

Hi Anita
Thank you for your email. The manager of the convenience store has advised that The White Lady on both
Saturday and Sunday evenings had not moved position at all and was parked directly outside their
premises. Please confirm what steps Council and AT are taking to mitigate the problem.
Kind regards
S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent from my iPhone
On 25/01/2022, at 7:47 AM, Anita Marsh <[email address]> wrote:
Good morning,
Hoping things were better last night as I’m advised that TWL food truck moved down further
in the parking bay
so that they were not S7(2)(a) Privacy
door way.
The operators are aware that they need to move further down in the parking bay so hoping it
will work out for both businesses.
From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Monday, 24 January 2022 8:55 am
To: Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Cc: S7(2)(a) Privacy
 Tristan Monasterio
<[email address]>; Rick Bidgood (AT)
<[email address]>
Subject: Re: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Yes please- my client is desperate for a solution from AT / Council so as to eliminate the
burden AT/Council has caused my client by allowing the White Lady to park in the current
S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent from my iPhone
On 24/01/2022, at 8:30 AM, Anita Marsh

<[email address]> wrote:
Good morning S7(2)(a) Privacy
Thank you for your email.
Are you happy for me to share the photos you have provided with the
operators of the White Lady food caravan?
If you are then I will go back to them and discuss.
From: S7(2)(a) Privacy
Sent: Friday, 21 January 2022 5:07 pm
To: Anita Marsh <[email address]>
Cc: S7(2)(a) Privacy
 Tristan Monasterio
<[email address]>; Rick Bidgood (AT)
<[email address]>
Subject: White Lady, Commerce Street, Auckland CBD
Importance: High
Dear Anita
Thank you for taking the time with your colleague Tristan to meet with me on
Tuesday morning to discuss the severe impact the operation of The White
Lady food caravan is having on my client who owns and runs S7(2)(a) Privacy
on Commerce St.
As discussed and agreed with you, please see below numerous photos
provided by the business showing the entrance being blocked by customers of
The White Lady as they wait for their food to be prepared.
My client is experiencing:
 1.  His customers being blocked from entering his premises. This is only a
problem when the White Lady is open for business. When asked to move
away from his entrance the White Lady customers are frequently abusive and
threatening. Often they are intoxicated and can create a threatening
environment for my clients staff and customers. My client has numerous times
spoken with the owner of The White Lady business about this but although
relations with the business owner are amicable, nothing has improved. My
client should not be left to suffer mentally, financially and physically as result of
a third party making a decision to allow The White Lady to park in its current
location. These problems are being caused as a direct result of the White Lady
parking S7(2)(a) Privacy
. My clients business
opens S 7(2)(a) Privacy in the weekends whereas so many other businesses on
Commerce St are not. The problem could be so easily resolved if the White
Lady was moved even 5-10 metres down Commerce Street. That way the
problems outlined here disappear.
 2.  The cooking fumes from the White Lady extract end up entering my clients
 3.  My client is constantly having to clean up vomit and food waste from his
entrance way deposited by The White Lady customers.
 4.  The visibility of my clients shop is blocked by the White Lady.
The positioning of the White Lady S7(2)(a) Privacy
resulted in major adverse effects on my clients business and resulted in a loss
of turnover, threats to staff and costs to manage the problem.
The Council/AT has permitted The White Lady to park where it is, and that
decision is severely negatively impacting a long established existing business.
This is not fair and not something I believe the Council or AT should be

S7(2)(a) Privacy
S7(2)(a) Privacy
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