12 August 2022
File ref: IRC-3632
P Lambert
[FYI request #19964 email]
Kia ora P Lambert,
Residents Monitoring Surveys
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings
Act 1987 (the Act), received on 19 July 2022. You requested the fol owing information:
• All reports and summaries of each annual Resident Surveys going back to 2014 (2014-2021)
• A list of all questions asked in all these surveys
The Wel ington City Council has partly granted your request for information.
Please find attached to this email response the collated information Council officers have gathered
split into ‘Reports’ and ‘Questions Asked’.
This folder contains reports that were created based on the results of the annual Resident
Monitoring Surveys undertaken from 2014 to present.
Please note, the formatting of these reports varies over the years and was ultimately dictated by
the needs of the users at the time. You may note the 2021 and 2022 reports are consistent with
each other and we can expect this or a similar format to be likely used when undertaking future
Questions Asked
This folder contains the list of questions asked in respect to the annual Resident Monitoring
Surveys from 2015 to present.
Unfortunately, on investigation Council officers were unable to source the questions asked in the
2014 survey, therefore we are refusing this part of your request under Section 17(e) of the Act
whereby the document al eged to contain the information requested, despite reasonable efforts
to locate it, cannot be found. However, the 2014 report captured above will give an indication of
what questions were asked that year.
You may be interested to know that Council officers are in the process of creating a space on our
website that can house many of the reports created from the results of the annual Resident
Monitoring Surveys, allowing for this information to be publicly available.
Right of review
If you are not satisfied with the Council’s response, you may request the Office of the Ombudsman
to investigate the Council’s decision. Further information is available on the Ombudsman website,
Please note, we may proactively release our response to your request with your personal
information removed.
Thank you again for your request, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards
Ollie Marchant
Official Information
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