This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Te Ahu a Turanga – Manawatū Tararua Highway - Geometry'.

50 Victoria Street 
Private Bag 6995 
Wellington 6141 
New Zealand 
T 64 4 894 5400 
F 64 4 894 6100 
24 August 2022 
Richard Young  
[FYI request #20029 email] 
REF: OIA-10639 
Dear Richard 
Extension of time to respond to request made under the Official Information Act 1982 
Thank you for your email of 27 July 2022 requesting the fol owing information under the Official 
Information Act 1982 (the Act): 
I understand that as part of the Te Ahu a Turanga – Manawatū Tararua Highway that a 
new shared path is being provided paral el to this road.  Please can you provide drawings 
showing the horizontal alignment, cross-section, elevation and long-section of the 
proposed path. 
Where the proposed path is adjacent to the new road please can you provide details of 
the separation and details of the protection measures that wil  be provided. 
If cycling is to be permitted on the new Te Ahu a Turanga – Manawatū Tararua Highway 
please can you also provide horizontal alignment, cross-section, elevation and long-
section of the proposed road. 
Given that the area is a wel -established for wind energy harvesting please can you also 
provide any assessments that have been undertaken related to the risk to users of the 
shared path to wind. 
This letter is to advise you that Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is extending the 20 working 
days available to respond to your request, as allowed for under section 15A of the Act. We 
require an additional two working days to respond to your request and wil  send you a response 
on or before 26 August 2022.  
The deadline is being extended as you have requested a large quantity of information. It wil  take 
us more than 20 working days to locate, col ate and copy this information. 
Under section 28 of the Act, you have the right to complain to the Ombudsman about my decision 
to extension this request. More information about the Ombudsman is available online at  
If you would like to discuss the extension with the Waka Kotahi, please contact Ministerial 
Services by email at [NZTA request email]. 
Yours sincerely 
Sam Russell 
Acting Principal Advisor, Regulatory Services