Piritahi Kahui Ako
Memorandum of Understanding 2020
The Boards of Trustees and Tumuaki/Principals of the kura/schools identified below undertake to work
collaboratively as a Community of Schools/Kahui Ako to raise ākonga/student achievement in Reading,
Writing, and/or Maths using effective pedagogy, in the
Piritahi Teaching and Learning Framework. Equity,
Excellence and Belonging through Mauri Ora is integral to the Teaching and Learning Framework, and aligns
with our vision of ‘Whiria nga tahi nga ākonga - Weave Learners Together’.
The Teaching and Learning Framework is organised into the following three workstreams: Strengthening
Teacher/Leadership Capability; Haura; Community, Iwi & Māori Engagement. Achievement and progress will
be measured in Reading, Writing and Maths.
Weaving through these workstreams are the principles of: Equity, Excellence, and Belonging; Collaboration;
Cultural Relationships for Responsive Pedagogy; Ako; and Reflective Practice; as outlined in the Teaching
and Learning Framework and Piritahi’s
Annual Plan.
The Timeframe of the Agreement
This agreement is for a period ending December 2022.
a) Agreement Review: At the end of 2022 and one year prior to the end of this term, the kura/schools in
this Community of Schools will formally review whether to continue with its current composition.
Parties to the Agreement
Blenheim School, Fairhall School, Riverlands School, Marlborough Boys College, Bohally Intermediate,
Marlborough Girls College, Mayfield School, Springlands School, St Mary's School, Tua Marina School,
Seddon School, Ward School, Rapaura School, Renwick School, Spring Creek School, Grovetown School,
Richmond View School, Wairau Valley School, Witherlea School, Redwoodtown School, Whitney Street
School, Marlborough Kindergarten Association (6 Kindergartens), NMIT and ECE’s.
How the Parties Will Work Together
a) We have collaboratively reviewed our vision and guiding principles, and will continue to do so annually.
b) We have identified shared achievement challenges/goals that are relevant to the needs of the
ākonga/students within our kura/schools.
c) We have collaboratively developed a Teaching and Learning Framework to address these shared
achievement challenges/goals in order to achieve the valued outcome we seek. This Teaching and
Learning Framework is attached.
d) We have collaboratively developed Action Plans to use to achieve the Teaching and Learning
Framework goals as outlined in the three workstreams.
e) We will utilise and manage the dedicated resources provided (the Community of Schools Within School
Lead teachers, Across School Leads, Co-Leads and associated Inquiry Time) to best implement the
Teaching and learning Framework
We agree to forward the MOE COL Collaboration payments and the MOE ECE COL payments to be
managed by Piritahi in accordance with our
Piritahi Finances MOU.
g) We agree to follow the application
Criteria for Projects.
h) We will involve parents, students, families, whānau and communities in developing and implementing
the Teaching and learning Framework.
Individual boards will reference the Piritahi Kahui Ako Teaching and Learning Framework and Annual
Plan within their own individual kura/schools’ Charters/Annual Plan
We have developed systems to use for monitoring, reviewing and adapting the Teaching and Learning
Framework as necessary.
k) We have developed shared data guidelines and a system we will use for collating, analyzing student
achievement and progress within schools and across Piritahi.
We will use the analysed data to review the Achievement Success Indicators
● All learners make expected progress
● Priority learners make accelerated progress
● Progress measured and analysed
● Trusted reliable data informs practice
● Equitable outcomes for all
m) We will work collaboratively to develop shared understandings and implement the Learning Support
Model across our Kahui Ako, including developing a Learning Support Register.
n) We have developed a website to communicate with our Piritahi community and will continue to update
Variation to the Teaching and Learning Framework
a) Where substantial changes are made to the Teaching and Learning Framework i.e. the challenges/goals
being addressed and/or the approaches used to address them, and/or milestone/ review dates, this will
necessitate our Community of Schools to agree to an amended plan. Any such amendment to the plan
will be attached to this original agreement.
a) The Community of Schools Privacy Protocol (as set out in Appendix 1), which is compliant with the
Privacy Act 1993, and the Official Information Act 1982 (sharing of aggregated data), has been adopted
by our Community of Schools. All participating boards agree to comply with and to ensure compliance
with the privacy protocol when dealing with personal information about leaders, teachers, students’,
parents, families, and whānau.
We acknowledge that the following must be recorded as an amendment to this agreement and the Ministry
of Education informed as per the following:
a) Change to the composition of this Community of Schools
i. Joining: Where a kura/school is to join our Community of Schools, the Ministry of Education process
is to be followed.
ii. Withdrawing: Where any board elects to leave our Community of Schools, they will provide notice no
later than the end of term 2 to our Community of Schools and the Ministry of Education. The
withdrawal will take effect from the start of the following school year.
This does not preclude a withdrawing kura/school from participating in another Community of Schools
without resourcing during this period of notice.
b) We acknowledge that our agreement to clauses A a) i and ii have resourcing and employment relations
implications for the kura/schools in our Community of Schools. Particularly:
i. where one of the roles is employed by a departing kura/school
ii. where the departing kura/school is critical to the maintenance of the ākonga/student pathway within
the Community of Schools
c) Changes to the composition of our Community of Schools will require:
i. approval by the Ministry of education
ii. amendment to the list of signatories to this agreement
Disestablishment of the Community of Schools:
If prior to the termination date of this agreement, our Community of Schools determines to disestablish, we
will notify the Ministry of Education of this intent immediately. We acknowledge the same conditions as in
clause A a) ii Withdrawing, apply to disestablishment.
Blenheim School
Bohally Intermediate
Fairhall School
Grovetown School
Marlborough Boys College
Marlborough Girls College
Mayfield School
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
Rapaura School
Renwick School
Richmond View School
Riverlands School
Redwoodtown School
Resource Teachers of Learning & Behaviour
St Mary's School
Seddon School
Springlands School
Spring Creek School
Tua Marina School
Wairau Valley School
Ward School
Whitney Street School
Witherlea School
Early Childhood Education
● Marlborough Kindergarten Association (Mayfield, Redwoodtown, Renwick, Seymour, Springlands,
Signed: __________________________ Name:___________________________
Role:____________________________ Date:____________________________
● Step 2 Growth Marlborough
Signed: __________________________ Name:___________________________
Role:____________________________ Date:____________________________
● Best Start (Springlands, Blenheim Central, Mayfield)
Signed: __________________________ Name:___________________________
Role:____________________________ Date:____________________________
● Blenheim Early Learning Centres (Uptown, John Street, Te Kupenga)
Signed: __________________________ Name:___________________________
Role:____________________________ Date:____________________________
● Little Footsteps (John Street, Scott Street)
Signed: __________________________ Name:___________________________
Role:____________________________ Date:____________________________
● Porse in Home Childcare
Signed: __________________________ Name:___________________________
Role:____________________________ Date:____________________________
● Renwick Preschool
Signed: __________________________ Name:___________________________
Role:____________________________ Date:____________________________
Appendix 1: Piritahi Kahui Ako Privacy Protocol
Who is this protocol for?
This protocol is for Boards, tumuaki/principals, kaiako/teachers and other Community members associated
with Communities of Schools. It is part of the MoA that Boards and tumuaki/principals will sign up to. The
purpose of this guide is to provide Communities of Schools with guidance and protocols in relation to
information sharing and privacy of information associated with forming and operating a Community of
Sharing Personal Information
Members of Piritahi Kahui Ako are disclosing and using personal information about children and young
people, with agreement from them or their parent/guardian, for the purpose of meeting student
achievement and wellbeing needs across Piritahi Kahui Ako.
What information will be shared and why?
Why we are sharing information
Piritahi Kahui Ako is part of a group of education providers that shares information to:
● identify trends and patterns to support Piritahi to resource for equity.
● identify children and groups of children who might need additional learning support
● ensure that the adults who work with children (such as teachers or teacher aides) have the skills
and resources they need to support them
● decide what additional learning support would help children, whether individually or in groups.
Piritahi may use agreed End of Year collated data to advance the goals of Piritahi Teaching and Learning
In addition Piritahi will create a register for the purpose of administration and analysis, for example to find
out about the overall numbers of children requiring specific types of support. This will allow the Ministry to
support Piritahi to plan ahead for numbers of staff and specialists, and other services and types of support.
Who will access the information and why
The Piritahi Co-Leads and data analysts, will have access to all data, for the purposes explained in the above
paragraphs. Principals and school staff members responsible for overall student achievement and learning
support will have access to the information in order to best respond to the needs of students within their
school, and to collaboratively resource for equity.
How information will be securely shared, transmitted and stored
● During the initial sharing from each school and ECE, information will be stored on a private,
password-protected shared drive.
● While the information is collated and stored only lead principals and the data analyst will have
access to the data while the information is being collated.
● When the information is transmitted e.g. to authorised people in the group to discuss it, each
school will only have access to their own school data and the collated group data as a whole
(excluding names).
How people can access the information to make corrections
This information is available for parents/caregivers and children through assessment and reporting
When and how you will remove information from a shared register or database
Information will be retained in a password-protected shared drive for children who have left Piritahi Kahui
Ako, to enable data analysis and comparisons to be retained. This information will be kept for five
consecutive years.
How a privacy breach will be managed
In the case of a privacy breach we will follow the guidelines and key steps from The Office of the Privacy
(www.privacy.org.nz/data-breaches/data-safety-toolkit) for the purpose of investigating and
responding to the breach and preventing a repeat.
Parent / Caregiver Consent
A Consent to Share Personal Information Form will be signed for each child.
IES Communities of Schools Guide for Schools and Kura
Applicants should be told what personal information about them is being collected and why (see suggested
privacy statement below).
1. Applicants should be told who the information will be shared with.
2. Applicants should be given the opportunity to correct or update any information held about them.
3. Applicants information will only be used for the purpose for which it is collected.
Suggested addition to privacy statement for selection panels
1. Communities of Schools selection panels should add the following statement to the Privacy
Statement on the application form for the new Community of Schools roles: “The personal
information you provide in this application form is being collected and will be used by the
Community of Schools selection group to assess your suitability for the role of [ ]. We will also ask
your kura/school for information about your suitability for this role.”
2. The information collected by a selection panel can only be used for the purpose of determining the
suitability of the applicant for the role
3. Only members of the selection panel are able to access information collected for this purpose
Privacy of personal information for staff occupying Community of Schools roles
Staff appointed to the Across Community of Schools roles will also have access to personal information
about staff and students. Staff in these roles should ensure that any personal information about
ākonga/students or kaiako/teachers acquired in the performance of their duties is kept confidential or is
made anonymous. They will responsible for ensuring that any information held by them in the performance
of their Community of Schools role is kept secure and is either destroyed or transferred to their successor
when leaving the role.
Official Information Act 1982
1. Where a request for official information is made by a third party to the Community of Schools, that
request should be forwarded to the appropriate school to provide a response in accordance with
the Official Information Act 1982.
2. Where a third party requests information from a school and that school is not the prime holder or
generator of that information, the school will transfer the request to the kura/school which is the
prime holder or generator in accordance with section 14 of the Official Information Act 1982.
Refer to IES Communities of Schools Guide for Schools and Kura - 08/05/2015 page 24-27