7 September 2022
S George
[FYI request #20183 email]
Dear S George
Request for information
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request dated 8 August
2022 requesting information on the New Zealand Police Oath.
My response to each of your question can be found below.
1. Please provide me with the Official Oath (word for word) That all sworn
New Zealand Police are required to recite as part of becoming a Sworn
Police officer in the New Zealand Police.
A recruit is attested as a sworn officer of Police during their graduation parade.
During this parade the Commissioner reads the Oath in English and the Oath is
then read in Te Reo Māori by a staff member.
The Commissioner then reads the Affirmation in English and this is again
followed by the Af irmation read in Te Reo Māori.
Once these have been read, each recruit’s name is then read in full. At this, the
recruit steps forward and replies by saying, “Ae” or “I do”.
Those employees who take the Oath are required to hold the Bible in their right
hand during the reading of the Oath and at the time of affirming their acceptance.
Police Oath used
Tenei au e kī taurangi nei, ka rato
I swear that I wil faithfully and
pirihonga, urupü hoki ahau i Te
diligently serve Her Majesty, Queen
Arikinui, a Irihāpeti, Kuini o Niu Tīreni,
Elizabeth of New Zealand, her heirs
me ōna uri whakaheke, i roto i te kore
and successors, without favour or
tautoko, kore aroha ränei, kore mahi
affection, malice or il -will. While a
kino, kore whakaaro kino rānei. I
constable I wil , to the best of my
ahau e pirihimana ana ka pōkaikaha
power, keep the peace and prevent
ahau ki te hohou i te rongo me te
offences against the peace, and wil ,
kaupare atu i ngā mahi kotikoti i te
to the best of my skil and knowledge, rongo, ä, i roto i öku tino pükenga me
perform all the duties of the office of
ōku mōhio, ka whakatutuki i ngä mahi
constable according to law. So help
kua whakaritea hei mahi mä te
me God.
pirihimana e ai ki te ture. Nōreira,
äwhina mai i ahau e te Atua.
The Royal New Zealand Police College: Te Kāreti Karauna O Nga Pirihimana O Aotearoa
Papakowhai Road, Private Bag 50906, DX SX111219, Porirua 5240, New Zealand.
Telephone: 64 4 238 3000. .
Police Affirmation used
I solemnly and sincerely affirm that I
Tenei au e whakaatu pono nei, ka rato
wil faithfully and diligently serve Her
pirihonga, urupū hoki ahau i Te
Majesty, Queen Elizabeth of New
Arikinui, a Irihāpeti, Kuini o Niu Tīreni,
Zealand, her heirs and successors,
me ōna uri whakaheke, i roto i te kore
without favour or affection, malice or
tautoko, kore aroha rānei, kore mahi
ill-will. While a constable I will, to the
kino, kore whakaaro kino rānei. I ahau
best of my power, keep the peace and e pirihimana ana ka pōkaikaha ahau
prevent offences against the peace,
ki te hohou i te rongo me te kaupare
and wil , to the best of my skill and
atu I ngā mahi kotikoti i te rongo, ā, i
knowledge, perform all the duties of
roto i ōku tino pūkenga me ōku mōhio,
the office of constable according to
ka whakatutuki i ngā mahi kua
whakaritea hei mahi mā te pirihimana
e ai ki te ture.
Are all police officers required to "swear" the Oath?
No person can become a constabulary member of Police without first taking the
Oath or Af irmation.
3. Is there an alternative to "swearing the Oath" given for New Zealand
Police officers that they are able to take.
As previously indicated, the prospective constabulary employee must take the
Oath or alternatively the Affirmation.
At what stage of training /serving are they required to take the Oath.
Recruits take the Oath/Affirmation once they have fully completed and passed
the initial training course. The ceremony takes place at their graduation parade.
Those employees that re-join the Police but are not required to attend the initial
training course are attested once they have completed the training plan prepared
by the Royal New Zealand Police College.
5. Is there any legal or employment consequences if a New Zealand Police
officer who has ‘sworn the Oath’ does not act in accordance with the
It is the duty of every Police employee, regardless of position, to conduct himself
or herself in accordance with the code of conduct, prescribed by the
Commissioner. A breach of Our Code or Values is managed through a
disciplinary process using the principles and processes set out in the
Employment Relations Act 2000. It is an expectation of constabulary employees
that they always uphold our values and reputation.
6. Is there more than one Oath. If so please provide wording for all Oaths.
There is only one Oath and one Affirmation. No alternatives can be used.
If you have any questions, you may contact
[email address].
Yours sincerely
Superintendent Warwick Morehu
Director – Training, RNZPC
New Zealand Police