3 October 2022
Geoff Reid
[FYI request #20467 email]
Tēnā koe Geoff
Thank you for your Official Information Act (OIA) request to the Department of Conservation,
received on 5 September 2022, in which you asked for:
“For the Wellington Harbour Islands in each financial year since 2016-17 (inclusive) the
following information.
The budget for:
a. All work directly relating to animal pests including, but not limited to, planning,
field work and reporting.
b. All work directly relating to plant pests including, but not limited to, planning,
field work and reporting.
c. All work directly relating to revegetation (other than pest plant management)
including, but not limited to, planning, training, plant propagation, planting,
monitoring and releasing native plants.
The source of funds for each of 1a, 1b and 1c including, but not limited to, the amount
sourced from central government, Treaty settlement funds and Wellington International
Airport Ltd.”
Please note the following in relation to our response below. The financial systems from where
the data is extracted do not differentiate between staff time for planning, fieldwork and reporting
and cannot be provided as part of the itemised cost breakdown. We regret therefore that we
must refuse this part of your request under section 18(e) of the OIA as this information does
not exist, as it is not recorded by us. The costs provided represent the operational funding only.
The Wellington International Airport sponsorship is set at $10,000 annually. This is
incorporated into the Central Government funding pool and therefore itemised here as a
combined cost.
Your questions and our responses are listed below:
1. The budget for all work directly relating to animal pests including, but not limited to,
planning, field work and reporting.
Animal Pests
2016/2017 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2017/2018 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2018/2019 Treaty settlement
2018/2019 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2019/2020 Treaty settlement
2019/2020 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2020/2021 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2021/2022 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2. The budget for all work directly relating to plant pests including, but not limited to, planning,
field work and reporting.
2016/2017 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2017/2018 Treaty settlement
2017/2018 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2018/2019 Treaty settlement
2018/2019 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2019/2020 Treaty settlement
2019/2020 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2020/2021 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2021/2022 Treaty settlement
2021/2022 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
3. The budget for all work directly relating to revegetation (other than pest plant
management) including, but not limited to, planning, training, plant propagation, planting,
monitoring and releasing native plants.
2021/2022 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2020/2021 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2019/2020 Treaty settlement
2019/2020 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2018/2019 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
2016/2017 Treaty settlement
2016/2017 Central Govt/Airport Sponsorship
Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai
Te Papaioea/Palmerston North Office, Private Bag 11010, Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442
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Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) may be published on the
Department’s website.
If you wish to discuss this with the Department, please contact Senior Ranger Biodiversity
Brent Tandy by email at
[email address]. Nāku noa, nā
Jack Mace
Director Operations, Lower North Island | Kaihautū Matarautaki Kāhui Matarautaki, Mai i Potaka ki te raki,
ki Te Upoko o Te Ika ki te tonga, ki Turakina ki te hauāuru, ki Rēkohu/Wharekauri ki te rāwhiti
027 201 7394 |
[email address]
Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai
Te Papaioea/Palmerston North Office, Private Bag 11010, Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442
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