New Zealand Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Manatū Aorere
21 September 2022
195 Lambton Quay
Private Bag 18−901
Wellington 6160
New Zealand
T +64 4 439 8000
F +64 4 472 9596
[FYI request #20561 email]
OIA 28299
Tēnā koe Scott
I refer to your email of 15 September 2022 in which you request the following under the Official
Information Act 1982 (OIA):
ONE: I would like to make a request for copies of all submissions received by MFAT as
consultations on the proposals to enhance Export Controls Regime Operations, for the
consultation period that closed 14 September. This can be confined to electronic
submissions only, and exclude any hardcopy submissions.
TWO: I would like to request a list of the submitters who made submissions as a
hardcopy, if any.
THREE: I would like to request a list of all external participants who attended the four
consultation workshops:
1) The Māori Consultation Hui held 23 August
2) Research and university focused workshop held 24 August
3) Exporter focused workshop held 25 August
4) Civil Society (including NGOs) focused workshop held 29 August
FOUR: Finally, the consultation document notes that consultation could also occur as a
meeting with MFAT staff in some circumstances:
"In some instances, stakeholders and Treaty partners may be able to arrange an
individual meeting with Ministry staff to discuss the proposals and provide feedback.
This option is intended for situations in which stakeholders and Treaty partners wish to
discuss matters that they are unable to raise in a workshop or hui, for example due to
commercial confidentiality or security reasons."
I would like to request a list of all stakeholders who met with MFAT staff in the way
described here.
As the consultation period only closed on 14 September 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trade (the Ministry) is still assessing the submissions and inputs received throughout the
consultation period before providing advice to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to consider.
Therefore, I am refusing your request for this information under section 9(2)(f)(iv) of the OIA,
to protect the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials, for the
time being.
e [MFAT request email]
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Where the information has been withheld under section 9 of the OIA, we have identified no
public interest in releasing the information that would override the reasons for withholding it.
After the advice is considered by Cabinet, the Ministry intends to publish a summary of the
Please note that we may publish this letter (with your personal details redacted) on the
Ministry’s website.
If you have any questions about this decision, you can contact us by email at:
[email address]. You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the
Ombudsman of this decision by contacting or freephone
0800 802 602.
Nāku noa, nā
Sarah Corbett
for Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade