File No. DOIA 2223-0675
10 October 2022
Ziyun Wang
[FYI request #20674 email]
Dear Ziyun Wang
Thank you for your email of 6 October 2022 requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982, the
following information:
Can you please kindly provide the average Immigration Contact Centre (ICC) wait time for both
the priority line and public line for September 2022?
Please refer to the tables below for the average Immigration Contact Centre wait time for both the
priority line and general line, for September 2022.
Priority Line
General Line
Average Wait
Average Wait
September 2022
September 2022
I trust you will find this information useful.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this response. The
relevant details can be found at
Yours sincerely
Nelowfar Ghumkhor
National Manager, Immigration Contact Centre
Engagement and Experience
Te Whakatairanga Service Delivery
15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wel ington 6140 New Zealand
E [email address]
T +64 4 472 0030