This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'The New Zealand Flag Referendum Gallery'.

26 October 2022 
Lance Watson 
[FYI request #20792 email] 
Ref: OIA-2022/23-0219 
Dear Lance Watson 
Official Information Act request: The New Zealand Flag Referendum Gallery 

Thank you for your Official Information Act (OIA) request received on  
8 October 2022.  You have asked the following questions about the public flag 
design submissions that were on the Flag Consideration Panel’s website 
“Was the gallery of 10,291 submissions retained and stored somewhere?  
Or was it deleted? If it was retained, is it still available for public viewing 


The Flag Consideration Project 2015-2016 led to two referenda on changing the 
New Zealand flag. Two flag-related websites were created to support the 
process: and  The website 
provided information on the project and displayed the public’s flag designs 
submissions.  Both websites were decommissioned in 2016 after the referenda 

The submitted flag designs were retained and stored by the Department of the 
Prime Minister and Cabinet in electronic form. The designs are available on 
request, by contacting the Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet (Constitutional and 
Honours) using the Cabinet Office’s contact details. 

Those details and further information about the project, including all the Cabinet 
papers relating to the Flag Consideration Project, are on DPMC’s website at 
Flag Consideration Project | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 
Telephone: +64 (4) 830 5010. Email: [email address] 

Please note that you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and 
review my decision under section 28(3) of the Act. 
Yours sincerely 
Rachel Hayward 
Acting Clerk of the Executive Council