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'Crimson Education'.
Meet your new study partner Get started on your journey to medical school with MedView's new UCAT tool. Develop a study plan and make sure you stay on track to achieving your goal of becoming a doctor! Students get: Parents get: Access to a UCAT diagnostic test to Access to the students' results so understand their baseline level of they can log in anytime and see performance how their student is performing Created a personalised UCAT study A weekly digest email with high plan based on their exam date and level key metrics about their results of their diagnostic test student's performance Personalised feedback on what areas they need to improve on (dashboard and study plan) Access to 3500+ practice questions including 10 full mock exams Realistic UCAT testing experience including accurate UCAT scoring algorithm Weekly digest email to remind them of key areas of improvement Want to learn more? Find out more about our new UCAT prep tool by contacting us at [email address]