Social Security Appeals Authority
Member Position Description June 2021
The Authority
Remuneration and Expenses
The Authority is an independent statutory
Authority members are paid a fee (currently
tribunal, established under Schedule 8
$497.50) for each day spent on Authority
section 1 of the Social Security Act 2018
(the Act).
They are also entitled to a meal and
incidental allowances (currently $70.70 per
day) when travelling away from home, and
The Authority consists of at least four
can claim for expenses such as travel,
persons. One of the members must be
parking, telephone calls and postage costs.
appointed as the Authority’s Chair and
another member as the Deputy Chair.
Knowledge, Skills, & Experience
While it is not a requirement of the Act, the
practice in recent years has been to have a
While specific knowledge, skills and
Chair/Deputy Chair with a strong legal
experience requirements are not prescribed
background able to interpret and make
in legislation, it is expected that members
rulings on complex legal matters.
have a strong connection to the wider
The role of the two Members positions by
comparison is to assist the Chair/Deputy
In addition, members should have:
Chair by providing a broader community
• a knowledge of the legal framework and
perspective to the Authority’s decision-
jurisdiction of the Authority
making processes, as well as additional
expertise on issues likely to come before it.
• good statutory interpretation skills and an
understanding of administrative law
• sound judgement, an appreciation of
The Authority’s function is to hear appeals
tribunal procedures and of the concept of
against decisions on income support
natural justice, and an ability to conduct
entitlements made by the Ministry of Social
hearings in a manner that enables proper
Development that have been confirmed or
participation by all involved
varied by a local Benefits Review
• practical knowledge of New Zealand
social security legislation and regulations
• an awareness and respect for diversity in
all its forms, including differences in
Appointments are made by the Governor-
belief, gender, race, religious customs,
General, on the recommendation of the
age, disability, mental capacity, sexual
Minister for Social Development and
orientation, social or economic status and
Employment after consultation with the
Minister of Justice.
• an ability to communicate clearly and
Members may be appointed for a term of up
to five years, with three-year terms most
• a high level of personal independence and
common. All members are eligible for
Administrative Support Services
The workload of members varies, but
Administrative and registry support services
typically involves one week a month, for 10
are provided by the Tribunal Division of the
months of the year (the Authority does not
Ministry of Justice, which has offices in
currently sit in January and July).
Wellington and Auckland.
The Authority alternates its hearing between
Auckland and Wellington, but also regularly
travels to other centres around the country
from time to time.
Document Outline