25 November 2022
B Whyman
[FYI request #20964 email]
Tēnā koe B
Thank you for your Of icial Information Act request to the Department of Conservation,
received on 27 October 2022 in which you asked:
I am please requesting the following information regarding budgeting of the co-
governance of Te Urewera with Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua:
* Total sum of spending allocated for the future (as known now)
* Budget for expected revenue now and in the future (as allocated now)
* Details of budgetted revenue generating schemes for the future
* Proposed plan for accommodation creation within the Te Urewera Park for the
We have a support role in the operational management of Te Urewera, but no role in the
governance of it. The governance is performed by the Te Urewera Board consisting of three
members appointed by the Minister of Conservation and six appointed by Tūhoe – Te Uru
Taumatua. The information that would be in scope of your request for present and future
budgets, revenue, and plans of the co-governance of Te Urewera does not exist. As a result,
I am declining your request under section 18(e) of the Official Information Act.
For your reference, I wil be asking my team to proactively release information about the
current events that have taken place in Te Urewera. The information wil cover details of our
past and present operational funding allocations to the Te Urewera Board and wil be
released on our website as soon as possible.
You are entitled to seek an investigation and review of my decision by writing to an
Ombudsman as provided by section 28(3) of the Of icial Information Act.
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Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) and enclosed documents
may be published on the Department’s website.
Nāku noa, nā
Henry Weston
Deputy Director-General Regional Operations
Department of Conservation
Te Papa Atawhai
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