This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Bullying Cromwell College last 5 years'.

1 November 2022 
Dave Anderson 
[FYI request #20969 email] 
Tēnā koe Dave, 
Thank you for your email of 28 October 2022 to the Ministry of Education (the Ministry) 
requesting the following information: 
1. How many complaints of bullying has the school received in the last 5 years from: 
        1a. Pupils of Cromwell College 
        1b. Parents of pupils of Cromwell College 2. How many pupils have been removed from 
Cromwell college due to being bullied and/or parental loss of faith in Cromwell college in the 
last 5 years? 
3. How many pupils have been suspended or excluded from Cromwell college due to 
bullying in the last 5 years? 
4. In the last 5 years how many pupils have been referred to or made use of any of the 
following in relation to bullying? 
      4a. Blame Free Bullying programme. 
      4b. Restorative practices 
      4c. Circle of friends 
      4d. Mediation 
      4e. Sticks and Stones 
Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). 
We have determined that the information requested is not held by the Ministry but is believed 
to be held by Cromwell College and that it is more closely connected to the functions of 
Cromwell College. We have therefore transferred the request to Cromwell College under 
sections 14(b)(i) and 14(b)(ii) of the Act.  
You may expect a response from Cromwell College directly concerning your request. 
Thank you again for your email.  
Nāku noa, nā 
Cindy McDonald 
Principal Advisor, Official and Parliamentary Information 
Government, Executive and Ministerial Services 

OIA: 1298820 
National Office, Mātauranga House, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington 6011 
PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140. Phone: +64 4 463 8000 Fax: +64 4 463 8001