This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Appointment of a Member to the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (Notice No. MPI 1532)'.
National Animal Welfare Advisory Commit ee Chair vacancy 
The term of appointment of the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) Chair 
expires on 31 October 2022. This creates a vacancy for a new chair. This is a high-profile 
voluntary role, providing an opportunity for someone with demonstrated senior governance and 
leadership experience, deep knowledge of the machinery of government, and appropriate 
policy and regulatory expertise, to make a contribution to animal welfare leadership in New 
NAWAC is established under the Animal Welfare Act 1999 to advise the Minister on: 
• the welfare of animals in New Zealand
• animal welfare research needs
• legislative proposals
• codes of welfare
• regulations
• traps and devices
• hunting and kil ing animals in a wild state.
Chair appointments are made, for a maximum term of three years, by the Associate Minister of 
Agriculture, who is required to ensure that the commit ee has knowledge and experience in 
certain relevant areas.   
There are at least four meetings a year, usually but not exclusively in Wellington. It is 
anticipated that there would be a day’s preparation required for each meeting. In addition, 
Chairs are called upon to lead the commit ee work programme as well as to participate in 
various working groups or subcommit ees which would involve additional meetings. Appointees 
are entitled to reimbursement of travelling expenses and a daily fee of $550 for meeting 
attendance and meeting preparation.   
Applicants must be New Zealand residents and are required to supply contact details for two 
referees. Applicants may be required to complete a conflicts of interest disclosure and undergo 
a Police check. Please note this is not a salaried position. 
Apply online with your covering letter and curriculum vitae or send these to 
Application for NAWAC 
NAWAC Secretary 
under the Official Information Act 1982
Animal Welfare 
Agriculture & Investment Services 
Ministry for Primary Industries 
PO Box 2526 
Wellington 6140 
Applications close on 29 April 2022