5 December 2022
TK Lewis
By email
RE: Official information request
To Whom It May Concern,
We refer to your official information request, dated 17 November 2022, for a
list of al current Crown entity subsidiaries of Public Trust and a copy of
section 7 of the Public Trust Act 2001.
This is publicly available information, which means that we may refuse your
request under section 18(d) of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). However,
on this occasion we have enclosed:
a list of the subsidiaries that have been established for the purpose of
carrying out Public Trust’s Corporate Trustee Services (CTS) business; and
a copy of section 7 of the Public Trust Act 2001.
We have not provided information about subsidiaries that have been
established for the purpose of carrying out Public Trust’s retail business. That
information is held in a fiduciary capacity. Information held by Public Trust in a
fiduciary capacity is expressly excluded from the meaning of ‘official
information’ under section 2(1) of the Act.
We invite you to make use of the Companies Register (https://companies-
register.companiesoffice.govt.nz) and the New Zealand Legislation website
(www.legislation.govt.nz) should you have any further queries in relation to the
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of this decision by the
Ombudsman. Further information is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Public Trust
Private Bag 5902, Wel ington 6140 publictrust.co.nz
Please note it is our policy to proactively release our responses to official
information requests where possible. We wil consider publishing our
response to your request at www.publictrust.co.nz, with your personal
information removed.
Yours sincerely,
Kel y Reuben
Corporate Solicitor
Public Trust
Private Bag 5902, Wel ington publictrust.co.nz