University of Auckland, University of Canterbury, University of Otago,
University of Waikato, Victoria University of Wellington, Auckland
University of Technology, Lincoln University, Massey University
(“the NZUniversities”)
Peking University , People's Republic of China
("the Participants")
The Participants (PKU and the NZUniversities) will work collaboratively
towards the continuing operation of the New Zealand Centre at Peking
University ("the Centre").
1. Purpose
The Centre aims to promote and advance understanding and cooperation across
diverse fields of academic and other sector engagement between New Zealand and
2. Objectives
The objectives of the Centre are to:
a) Promote scholarly exchanges and collaboration of researchers and academics
across all disciplines among Peking University and other relevant Chinese
Universities and the New Zealand Universities;
b) Provide a forum for China-New Zealand dialogue among different sectors
(government, academia, business) in education, cultural exchange and
cooperation, economic transformation, innovation and national growth
strategies, and other
topics of mutual interest;
c) Promote New Zealand studies at PKU through lectures, courses, conferences,
and workshops;
d) Undertake special projects to enhance New Zealand-China understanding and
cooperation in research, teaching, and publication on New Zealand Studies.
e) Prepare and operationalise an annual work plan, by joint decision with the
NZC Advisory Board.
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3. Responsibilities of the Participants1
The New Zealand Universities will
a) Provide teaching staff for the undergraduate course on New Zealand History
and Culture annual y for students at PKU;
b) Manage an annual programme for visiting researchers and academics and
student interns from New Zealand; and a reciprocal programme for visiting
researchers and academics from PKU to New Zealand, in consultation with
the NZ Centre Director at PKU;
c) Undertake to deliver public seminars, conferences or workshops on topics
relevant to NZ-China research and policy relationships at the Centre.
Peking University will
a) Provide appropriate space for the Centre and ensure the Centre and its
activities are promoted on campus;
b) Host the annual undergraduate course on New Zealand History and Culture;
c) Promote the Centre to all faculties within PKU and advance opportunities to
partner with visiting NZ academics;
d) Support New Zealand researchers and academics in making contact with the
PKU faculty relevant to their disciplinary interests and manage a reciprocal
programme for visiting researchers and academics from PKU to New Zealand
in consultation with the Chair of the New Zealand Advisory Board;
e) Promote seminars by New Zealand visiting researchers and academics;
f) Promote the Centre's activities with other Chinese Universities, government
agencies and relevant sectors.
4. Governance
a) The Centre at PKU wil be headed by a Director ("Centre Director") to be
appointed by Peking University in consultation with the New Zealand Centre
Advisory Board ("NZC Advisory Board");
b) The NZC Advisory Board will comprise representatives from the New Zealand
Universities and include representatives from the Ministry of Business,
Innovation and Employment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and
Education New Zealand;
c) The NZC Advisory Board will develop the strategy and priorities with the New
Zealand stakeholders and ensure the close alignment of objectives and
d) The Chair of the Advisory Board ("the Chair") wil be appointed for a two-
year term by the NZC Advisory Board members;
e) The Chair wil act as a point of contact between the Centre Director and the
NZC Advisory Board;
f) From time to time, representatives from Peking University and the NZC
Advisory Board will meet to discuss matters of mutual interest regarding
oversight, management, and operations of the Centre.
1 COVID-19 travel restrictions al owing
Memorandum of Understanding between Peking University & the NZ Universities
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5. Operations
a) The Centre wil be housed in a purpose-built facility at Peking University
b) The Centre will endeavour to provide space for visiting New Zealand
researchers and academics who may be asked to contribute seminars and
guest lectures at Peking University, including the undergraduate course on
New Zealand;
c) The New Zealand Universities wil continue to provide financial support
through the NZC Advisory Board, as may be jointly decided with Peking
University, towards the Centre's operations. The core funding for the Centre's
operating budget is to be jointly decided annual y by the Participants, usually
no more than NZ$ 45,000;
d) The Centre's Director will liaise with the Chair of the NZC Advisory Board to
create opportunities for Chinese researchers to contact their counterparts in
New Zealand.
6. Durationa) This Memorandum wil commence on the date on which it is signed by the
Participants, or, if signed on separate days, on the day the last signatory signs
the Memorandum, and wil continue in effect for five years from that date;
1. If either of the Participants or one of the New Zealand Universities
wishes to terminate its participation in this Memorandum during its
term, that Participant will raise the matter with the other Participants
for discussion under 4 (f) of this Memorandum. The Chair of the NZC
Advisory Board will ensure that all members of the NZC Advisory
Board are informed.
b) All matters of contention are to be resolved by mutual arrangement.
Three months before the expiry of this Memorandum, the Participants will review the terms
of this Memorandum. Subject to a satisfactory review by the Participants, which confirms
that the Memorandum is achieving the objectives set out above, the Participants may
renew the Memorandum for a further term of five years subject to any changes accepted in
writing by the Participants.
This Memorandum is signed in English and Chinese.
Memorandum of Understanding between Peking University & the NZ Universities
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27 July 2022
27 July 2022
Document Outline