Before We Start:
Round 1:
Round 2:
Final Round:
Used Pūaha before?
Any feedback?
Status of Applications?
Where for Admission now?
What can you see?
Any other comments?
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
"Maybe 'Course Advice' or
"Everything you need in one
1 Not Recorded
landing page.
landing page.
"Maybe under 'profile'?"
'My Degree'?"
"Finding courses and signing up for tutorials"
"Maybe make the buttons
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
My Applications > 'Apply now' more clear and visual"
2 Not Recorded
landing page.
landing page.
"Maybe under 'profile'?"
(Illustrate the buttons)
"Good to see Myallocator there!"
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
"Easy to access" & "see
3 Not Recorded
landing page.
landing page.
My Applications
Home > Admissions
everything on the bar"
"I'd like to be able to find
courses that are available, and
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
find their codes." (Course
4 Not Recorded
Unsure ("don't think so")
landing page.
landing page.
Home > Accomodation?
Home > Admissions
finder / CNRI)
"Pretty easy" & "some dead
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
"Simple, but has what you
5 Female
end links"
landing page.
landing page.
"Maybe under 'profile'?"
Home > Admissions
"Concise, which is good"
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
My Applications > 'Apply now' "Straightforward, everything is
6 Not Recorded
landing page.
landing page.
My Applications
"It's all very samey, repetitive.
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
No distinction between
"Good to have applications all together" & "make buttons clearer
7 Male
landing page.
landing page.
Home > Accomodation?
Home > Admissions
/ bigger"
Pointed it out themselves ahead
Home > Accomodation?
of our question: "it's great that
(Spent time looking at the 'My
"Good to find all the
"An improvement on the
the acommodation / scholarship Found immediately on main
Tools' bar, but didn't see the
accommodation /
"Not really ‐ good to have all this together" & "help in finding the
8 Female
Yes ("a little")
things are front and centre"
landing page.
"My applications" above it.)
Home > Admissions
scholarships, etc."
right person for course advice"
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
Home > Course advice > Back "Looks good" & "nice to have
9 Female
Yes ("once")
landing page.
landing page.
"Maybe under 'profile'?"
to Home > Admissions
a central place"
"I really like it!" & "Can we make course selection easier?"
"Maybe by clicking the
buttons for 'Accomodation'
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
and 'Scholarships' on the main
"Nothing to complain about." & "Can we access changing courses
10 Male
Yes ("couple of times")
landing page.
landing page.
Home > Admissions
"Smooth & Straightforward"
through this?"
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
"Visibility of main home screen buttons ‐ make them not white"
11 Female
No ("but I've heard of it")
landing page.
landing page.
"Maybe in 'student email'?"
Home > Admissions
& "struggled in the past to find MyAllocator"
"Good to be able to see
everything" "It was hard to
"Admission & Enrolment as separate things is confusing" & "I like
Found immediately on main
Found immediately on main
find Myallocator on the
that Maps has its own icon ‐ it's hard to find buildings when
12 Male
landing page.
landing page.
Found it themselves.
Found it themselves.
you're new"