Level 2, Wintec House
P 0800 86 22 84
Corner Anglesea and Nisbet Sts
Hamilton 3204
30 March 2023
Shaun Campbell
By ema
il: [FYI request #21790 email]
Tēnā koe Shaun
Request under the Official Information Act 1982 – Competenz apprentices
I refer to my letter to you dated 10 March 2023 in response to your request for information dated 10
February 2023. Thank you for your email of the same day, specifying that you would like the
information requested below in relation to the NZ Certificate in Fabrication:
I would like to get information on the percentage of apprentices under the competenz
programme who are currently listed as "NOT ON TARGET".
I would also like to get information on the average number of years for apprentices to
complete their apprenticeships; and the completion rate of apprentices who enter their
This letter provides a formal decision on your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).
Background context
As at 1 January 2023, Competenz became part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and
Technology (Te Pūkenga). As you may be aware, the New Zealand Certificate in Fabrication is delivered
through a combination of in-work training and block courses delivered through ‘provider based’
providers, such as the former polytechnics. All of New Zealand’s 16 former polytechnics are also now
part of Te Pūkenga.
Due to the high number of in-work assessments involved with the New Zealand Certificate in
Fabrication, apprentice progression and completion were significantly impacted by the COVID-19
lockdowns. Numerous apprentices were not considered essential workers and were therefore not
able to be on site during lockdowns. If apprentices were onsite, they were focused on essential
production for employers, not on completing on-the-job learning material. Additional y, during the
lockdown period, apprentices were not able to attend any on-campus learning. This meant that Te
Pūkenga Competenz had to cancel more than 50 block courses, which impeded the progress of
apprentices further.
The decision
As at 13 March 2023, there are 885 learners enrolled with Te Pūkenga - Competenz in the NZ
Certificate in Fabrication. Ninety six percent of these apprentices are on track to complete their
qualification within the expected qualification duration, and four percent are currently over the
expected duration of their training.
At the end of 2022, it took an average of 45 months for Competenz apprentices to complete the NZ
Certificate in Fabrication. This is on track with industry expectations. Please note that in calculating
this average, we have excluded any learners who had prior learning which meant they could complete
their apprenticeship sooner.
At year end 2022, 53 percent of apprentices completed their apprenticeship from enrolments in the
previous years.
You have the right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman under section 28(3) of the OIA if you are
not happy with this response. Information about how to do this is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by cal ing 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi
Peter Winder
Tumuaki | Chief Executive
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