13 February 2015
Official Information Request No. 9000132875
(Please quote this in any correspondence)
Mr Ben Ross
By email: [FYI request #2196 email]
Dear Mr Ross
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
Re: Clarification re Lot 59 Manukau
I refer to your email, which we received on 24 November 2014, seeking information
regarding Lot 59 Manukau and the Manukau Interchange.
1. What happened to any apparent funding that was meant to allow both interchanges to
be built and operational by the end of next year
The current programme is to be out to tender by mid 2015 as advised by Auckland
Transport in their response to CAS-446312-M0Z8M4 on 18 December.
2. Why are the future proceeds from the sales of three parcels of Lot 59 in Manukau where
the Manukau Interchange is to be built as allowed by the Finance and Performance
Committee in September (much to the disgust of the Southern Auckland communities in
any case) not being actively ring fenced by Council, so those land sale proceeds could
be used to pay for the construction of the Manukau Interchange thus not put pressure
on general funding streams. I believe the proceeds were to be around $11-$18m at the
minimum which would cover a very large proportion of the $16.9m price tag for the
No decision has been made whether or not to ring-fence this funding or not. Accordingly
we do not hold relevant information and so your request is refused under s17(e) of the
3. Will the delay in both Interchanges have any further consequences on the New South
Auckland Bus Network starting mid 2015 for which both (especially Otahuhu) which are
reliant on those interchanges being operational
As advised by Auckland Transport in their response to CAS-446312-M0Z8M4 on 18
December, if the Manukau Interchange design cannot be implemented, then reduced
facilities will be required for the New Network bus service design in the interim.
4. Have Expressions of Interest gone out into the market for the sale of Lot 59 (the
sections in yellow)? Is that EOI in the public domain or will it be in the public domain
once the EOI has been ‘released?’
We are expecting to go out to the market to seek proposals around March 2015 and the
EOI will be in the public domain at that time.
5. If the Manukau Interchange is being delayed until 2021 I assume that the current stops
outside the Centre (Westfield) Mall Entrance by the food court will remain in operation?
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101
Will in the interim Council and AT do some quick cheap remedial works to spruce up the
run down stops until the Interchange at Lot 59 is built.
The output of the Long Term Plan will determine the scheduling for this project and the
decisions that you have asked about will follow from this. Accordingly, we do not hold
relevant information and so your request is refused under s17(e) of the Act.
6. With the Manukau Interchange now apparently stalled for 6 years is there a chance to
go back to the drawing board or rather start from scratch and get a Community led
design for the interchange rather than an AT led one that no one effectively like thus
later ridiculed (note: Sawtooth designs do not work for Metro Bus Stations)
As noted above, the output of the Long Term Plan will determine the scheduling for this
project and the decisions that you have asked about will follow from this. Accordingly,
we do not hold relevant information and so your request is refused under s17(e) of the
7. What happens to Lot 59 if the Manukau Transport Interchange cannot be built until
2020/2021 owing to the funding constraints in the Basic Transport Network package? I
ask because of the Urban Development risk where you have the lots in yellow being
developed once the land is sold but the section in blue which AT hang onto and is
meant to be used for the Interchange is left rather barren - that is we have a potential
eye sore looming unless the Interchange is built 2015.
The intent is to deliver a Transit Orientated Development that will be guided by the
earlier master plan. The Council group is conscious of the importance of integrating the
design of the interchange and surrounding buildings at the same time enabling flexibility
of development through staging to meet market demand.
8. Finally if the Manukau Interchange has stalled until 2021 will the Land Sale at Lot 59 be
put on hold if not cancelled?
Auckland Council Property Limited and Auckland Transport are working together to
ensure the success of this project and will continue to do so. As noted in response to
questions 5 and 6, decisions such as this depend on the output of the Long Term Plan
and therefore we do not hold information relevant to this request and must refuse under
s17(e) of the Act.
You have the right in accordance with section 27(3) of the LGOIMA to make a complaint to
the Office of the Ombudsmen regarding Auckland Council’s refusal to release any
information under this letter and for the delay in getting this response to you.
If you have any further queries please contact me on 09 890 8127, quoting Official
Information Request No. 9000132875.
Yours sincerely
James Stephens
Information Advisor
AKLC Electoral Office/Public Info Unit
Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 |
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Ph 09 301 0101