This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Costs of phone providers in NZ to release customer data'.

Police National Headquarters 
 180 Molesworth Street, PO Box 3017, Wellington 6011 
Phone +64 4 474 9499   Fax +64 4 8191295 
Ref: AFS 14/8002/1 
Ombudsman’s File: 396174 
 11 March 2016 
Mr Cody Cooper 
[email address] .nz 
Dear Mr Cooper 
Official Information Request – Complaint to Ombudsman 
I refer to your complaint made to the Ombudsman seeking a review of the Police response, 
dated 23 December 2014, to your Official Information Act request of 27 November 2014 
which included “any and all, information (such as manuals) held by Police in regards to ….2 
Please find attached an historic 2 degrees contact process.  The process is no longer up-to-
date or relevant.  Contact details have been redacted from this document in reliance upon 
section 9(2)(a) of the Official Information Act. 
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision if you are not satisfied with 
the way I have responded to your request. 
Yours sincerely 
P Berry 
Detective Inspector 
National Criminal Investigations Group