John Luke
[FYI request #22125 email]
Reference: OIA-2022/23-0685
Dear John Luke
Official Information Act request for the Letter from the Chinese Ambassador offering
assistance for the cyclone recovery effort and the BRI Memorandum of Arrangement
Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act (the Act), received on
17 March 2023. You requested:
“I noted
Can you please provide the full copy of the letter from Chinese Ambassador and full
copy of the BRI memorandum of arrangement.”
I have determined that your request should be transferred, and we have extended the ten
working day time-limit available to make these transfers. This extension is required because
of the consultation needed to determine if we could respond directly.
I can now advise that I believe the information you have requested is more closely connected
with the functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT). Accordingly, I have
decided to transfer your request to the MFAT under section 14(b)(ii) of the Act.
The MFAT have the usual timeframes under the Act from receipt of this transfer to make a
decision on your request.
Yours sincerely
Amy Teague,
Manager, Ministerial Services
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9700 Facsimile 64 4 472 3181