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Catriona Robinson
*Immigration - All Staff
COVID-19 Response Recognition Award [UNCLASSIFIED]
Thursday, 5 January 2023 1:56:49 PM
Kia ora koutou
Welcome back to the office for 2023 and my very best wishes to you and your families for the
new year. I hope you all managed to rest and recharge over the holiday period. I certainly did,
including some relaxing time on the beautiful sunny beaches of the Kāpiti Coast.
You may have seen on Te Taura just before Christmas an article about a COVID-19 Response
Recognition Award. As Aotearoa New Zealand’s COVID-19 response is now in a phase of
managing the virus, the Government is formally recognising people who played a critical role in
the response via the COVID-19 Response Recognition Award.
If you worked directly for or supported MIQ, worked at our borders, or contributed to the
COVID-19 response outside of your substantive duties, you may be eligible. I acknowledge the
enormous part many of our people played – and continue to play – in the COVID-19 response
across all of MBIE.  This award, however, is limited in scope just to the frontline workforce in
MIQ and INZ.
Eligibility criteria for Immigration New Zealand people
To be eligible for the COVID-19 Response Recognition Award through INZ, you need to have
been employed by MBIE for at least one month (in total) and active in a role during the qualifying
period 26 March 2020 – 27 February 2022 and either:
Working at the Auckland or Christchurch airports border during the qualifying period, or
In role(s) that required working in an INZ office during level 3 or 4 lockdowns
If that’s you, please register through the MBIE registration portal by Friday 24 February 2023.
The registration portal doesn’t mention INZ specifically, but it is the correct form.
MBIE registration portal
The awards are comprised of a lapel pin in a display box and a personalised certificate. They will
be sent by New Zealand Post to New Zealand addresses from February 2023. Please enter your
MBIE office postal address if you would like to collect your award from your workplace.
If you have any questions, email the COVID-19 Response Recognition Award team.
Ngā mihi,
Catriona Robinson (she/her)
Immigration New Zealand | Ratonga Manene
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment | Hīkina Whakatutuki
[email address] | Mobile: s9(2)(a)
15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140, New Zealand