File ref: IRC-4623
9 May 2023
[FYI request #22270 email]
Kia ora Mike,
Parking Services – Procurement
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings
Act 1987 (the Act), received on 26 March 2023. You requested the fol owing information:
Regarding your procurement that resulted in an award to Arthur D Riley & Co Ltd (ADR) relating to
parking services.
Can you please provide
1. The procurement plan and note if there were prior iterations for different procurement
approaches or attempts.
2. The procurement evaluation process, areas of evaluation and associated weightings, and
findings of the RFP responses.
3. Any material (inc. but not limited to memo's, emails etc) relating to concerns raised with
the procurement, evaluation, selection, or commercial agreement made with ADR.
4. Project risks, issues, assumptions, and decisions recorded in the implementation and
operation of the products or services provided by ADR.
5. The Solution Architecture (SAD) written for the technology related to ADR's contracted
parking services.
6. Brochures or similar information on the equipment installed in our car parks or meters by
7. What fields (aka attributes of data, or information) and/or reporting, analysis, or insights
you receive from ADR.
As confirmed in your email dated 1 April 2023, your request centres around the procurement(s)
that previously contracted ADR to provide services to the Council and not related to the current
Request for Proposal (RFP), released in respect to Parking Solutions on 22 August 2022, of which
no contract has been awarded to a service provider at this stage.
Wellington City Council has partly granted
your request for information.
Below are the documents that fall in scope of your request and my decision to release the
Document name/description
Appendix 1 2013 – Request for Information (RFI) Parking
Appendix 2 2014 - Request for Proposal (RFP) Parking Services Released
Appendix 3 Appendix to the 2014 - Request for Proposal (RFP)
Parking Services
Appendix 4
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2013 RFI. 1 of 4
the Act
Appendix 5
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2013 RFI. 2 of 4
the Act
Appendix 6
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2013 RFI. 3 of 4
the Act
Appendix 7
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2013 RFI. 4 of 4
the Act
Appendix 8
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2014 RFP. 1 of 8
the Act
Appendix 9
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2014 RFP. 2 of 8
the Act
Appendix 10
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2014 RFP. 3 of 8
the Act
Appendix 11
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2014 RFP. 4 of 8
the Act
Appendix 12
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2014 RFP. 5 of 8
the Act
Appendix 13
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2014 RFP. 6 of 8
the Act
Appendix 14
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2014 RFP. 7 of 8
the Act
Appendix 15
Withheld under 7(2)(b) of
ADR’s response to the 2014 RFP. 8 of 8
the Act
Question 1 – Provide the procurement plan and note if there were prior iterations for different
procurement approaches or attempts.
2013 – Request for Information (RFI) Parking Services
The Council released an RFI on 7 May 2013, with a closure date of 7 June 2013, in order to gain a
better understanding of the supply of Parking Services, appendix 1 provides a copy of this RFI.
2014 - Request for Proposal (RFP) Parking Services
Fol owing the completion of the RFI above, the Council released an RFP with a closure date of 14
October 2014, which was ultimately awarded to Arthur D Riley & Co Ltd (ADR).
Particular innovations sought from this RFP included:
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On-line permitting and correspondence
Pay-by-Phone capabilities – initially for Coupon Parking Areas, and then trialled for
Pay and Display Parking
Council being more directive over on-street presentation and customer service; and
Exploring the application of License Plate Recognition and in-ground sensors.
Please note, an appendix to this 2014 RFP was also produced to provide indicative information so
that suppliers could understand further the general objectives, methods, and tasks associated with
the services.
Appendix 2 and 3 provides a copy of the 2014 RFP, which was awarded to ADR, and the appendix to
this RFP
Questions 2 to 4
In response to the fol owing requests:
• The procurement evaluation process, areas of evaluation and associated weightings, and
findings of the RFP responses.
• Any material (inc. but not limited to memo's, emails etc) relating to concerns raised with
the procurement, evaluation, selection, or commercial agreement made with ADR.
• Project risks, issues, assumptions, and decisions recorded in the implementation and
operation of the products or services provided by ADR.
We have assessed these questions and are refusing this part of your request under section 17(e)
of the Act because the requested documents cannot be found. The Councils data retention policy
with respect to documentation under a tender process requires us to hold the information for a
minimum of seven years. In this instance we are unable to locate the information requested above
relating to the 2013 RFI and 2014 RFP.
Please note, if the information requested against questions 2 to 4 was held by the Council, the
decision to withhold this information may have been made under section 7(2)(b) of the Act as the
release of the information would likely unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of Arthur
D Riley.
Question 5 - The Solution Architecture (SAD) written for the technology related to ADR's
contracted parking services
For clarity, we have defined a Solution Architecture Document (SAD) as the following:
A solution architecture document is a document that describes the structure of a software solution,
including the architecture of its components, the relationships between those components, and the
principles that guide its design. The solution architecture document is typically used as a reference
for designing, building, and maintaining a software system, and it can be used by developers,
architects, and other stakeholders to understand the overall design of the system and how it fits
into the larger business or technical environment.
On investigation into this part of your request, the only information found in scope has been
found within ADR’s response to the 2013 Request for Information and 2014 Request for Proposal.
The decision to withhold this information has been made under section 7(2)(b) of the Act as the
release of the information would likely unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of Arthur
D Riley.
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Question 6 - Brochures or similar information on the equipment instal ed in our car parks or
meters by ADR.
Under the procurement plans mentioned in question 1, ADR do not provide the Council with
equipment installed in car parks or parking meters.
ADR provide technology to support Parking Service’s back-end systems, alongside the Paymypark
application and hardware for enforcement (e.g., handheld devices and printers).
We have assessed these questions and are refusing this part of your request under section 17(e)
of the Act because the requested information does not exist.
Question 7 - What fields (aka attributes of data, or information) and/or reporting, analysis, or
insights you receive from ADR.
ADR’s software allows for multiple reporting functions for Parking Services by either manual
generation or on request pre-scheduled reporting.
Pre-scheduled Reporting
A previous stocktake of reports received by ADR dated 2020, highlighted over 70 scheduled
reports sent to Parking Services. These reports are received by Parking Services in different
frequencies requested by Parking Services e.g., daily, weekly, monthly.
Manual Generation
Further to the pre-scheduled reports mentioned above, ADR’s software also allows for Council
Officers to manually generate reports on an ad hoc basis; called ‘ad hoc reporting’. This is a
reporting function that captures 14 entities, each with its own sub reporting features to allow for
in depth reporting.
A further reporting page available to officers highlights a list of 28 reports which can be generated
at the click of a link, these reports differ from the ones mentioned above as the filters are pre-set.
In the event a more detailed report is required, officers will use the ad hoc reporting function
mentioned above.
Subject of reports
The subject of the reports mentioned above covers most aspects of Parking Service’s day to day
roles and responsibilities, and includes (but not limited to):
• The lifecycle of an infringement
• Infringement Violations
• Parking Permit processing
• Payment reports
• Debt col ection and Court lodgements
• Appeal work queue information
To answer your request as it stands would require officers to manual y capture each reporting
function available to officers, which span three different deliverables (pre-scheduled reports, ad
hoc reporting, and pre-set reports), over 120 different reports and provide an overview as to what
each report captures. Without refining your request, the Council would either consider refusing
your request under section 17(f) of the act due to substantial manual col ation or research or we
may consider charging for the request.
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However, we can confirm that under the current contract we have, the delivery of the below list of
reports are required to be provided by ADR as a minimum:
Report Name
Aged Receivables
Work Queue Statistics
Ticketor WCC Daily Receipts report YYMMDD (Bank
Court Lodgements
LARR & Non-Parking Offences
Overpayments & Refunds Report
Payment Plan Report
Daily &
Persons Unknown
Pre-Court Payment Report
Post-Court Payment
Ticket Upload Report
Officer Error Report
WCC Monthly Management Report
DD File for Part Payments
Court Preview and Court File
Debt Recovery Preview and Debt Recovery File
Reminder Notice File
Aged Receivables Report
PMP Summary
Right of review
If you are not satisfied with the Council’s response, you may request the Office of the Ombudsman
to investigate the Council’s decision. Further information is available on the Ombudsman website,
Please note, we may proactively release our response to your request with your personal
information removed.
Thank you again for your request, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards
Ollie Marchant
Official Information
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