Education New Zealand
Manapou ki te Ao
Level 5, Lambton House
15 May 2023
160 Lambton Quay
PO Box 12041
Wel ington 6144
New Zealand
P: +64 4 472 0788
John Luke
E: [email address]
[FYI request #22331 email]
Dear John
Official Information Act 1982 request – copies of ENZ full board
meetings February 2022 – March 2023 and dates for 2023 calendar
I refer to your Official Information Act (OIA) request to Education New
Zealand, received on 30 March 2023, seeking information as below:
Dear Education NZ,
May I kindly request the full board meeting for ENZ from February 2022
to now. I understand from my recent OIA request that the board meets
10 times a year. If would be great to also understand the meeting date
set for this year.
Also, to ensure transparency, I encourage the board to regularly
published the full meeting minutes on the website.
Yours faithfully,
john luke
Please find attached copies of Education New Zealand Manapou ki te
Ao’s Board minutes for the period February 2022 – March 2023. Note
that there was no meeting held in January 2023, which is consistent with
previous years.
This information is being partially released to you, subject to the
following withholding grounds of the OIA;
• Section 9(2)(b)(ii) - would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the
commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the
subject of the information;
• Section 9(2)(f)(iv) – the confidentiality of advice tendered by
Ministers of the Crown and officials;
• Section 9(2)(g)(i) - maintain the effective conduct of public affairs
through the free and frank expression of opinions by or between
or to Ministers of the Crown or members of an organisation or
officers and employees of any department or organisation in the
course of their duty;
Education New Zealand
Manapou ki te Ao
• Section 18(d) - that the information requested is or wil soon be
Level 5, Lambton House
publicly available.
160 Lambton Quay
PO Box 12041
Wel ington 6144
New Zealand
Regarding the second part of your request, please find below the dates
P: +64 4 472 0788
for ENZ Board meetings for the remainder of 2023:
E: [email address]
Board meeting for 2023
22 February
22 March
26 April
29 May
21 June
31 July
28 August
20 September
18 October
27 November
11 December
Thank you for your comment on providing our Board minutes on our
In preparing this information release ENZ has considered the public
interest considerations in section 9(1) of the OIA. You have the right to
seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
https:/ or freephone 0800 802 602.
Please note that it is our policy to proactively release our responses to
official information requests, where possible. We do not publish
requesters’ personal information. Please contact us if you have any
questions about this.
Yours sincerely
Di Solomon
General Manager
Government Relations
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday 22 February 2022, 9.30am to 3.08pm
Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington and via Zoom
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Rachael Tuwhangai
Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Abby Humphries (for item 2.4)
Matt Penney, Di Solomon (for item 2.5)
Dr Angela Beaton, Leon Fourie, Paul Irwin, Richard Kyle (for item 3.1)
Di Solomon, Shelley Robertson, Fiona O’Leary, Andy Jackson, Freddy Ernst, Dan Tasker, Corwin
Wallens (for item 3.2)
1.1 Apologies
1.2 Disclosures of interest
The register was noted.
1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting and action items
The Chair proposed that the minutes of the 16 December 2021 meeting be approved as a true and
accurate record.
Moved: Daniel Wilson
Seconded: Lyn Provost
1.4 Oral update by the Chair
The Chair gave a brief update on recent meetings and welcomed the addition of a new Board
2.1 Update from Chief Executive
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The CE informed the Board that the audit of ENZ had
been completed, that no major issues had been raised and that ENZ had retained its ratings. He
advised the Chair and Deputy Chair that they would be required to sign the Letter of Representation.
The CE highlighted well-being as an ongoing concern, commenting that it was a challenging
environment for staff. Further, the global competitive environment and impact on New Zealand’s
attractiveness contributed to the challenges.
The Board asked about the allocation of 5,000 cohort and how that was being managed. The Board
were keen to understand whether there was anything else they should do in terms of well-being given
they are Officers under the Health and Safety Act. The CE advised that he would investigate further
and update them on the terms of responsibilities in the next CE’s report. The Board asked about the
working from home environment and whether staff were adequately resourced to do their work.
Further, whether the present Lambton Quay office layout was adequate with the current number of
The Board asked about the staff turnover figure, commenting that it was high compared to the past.
The CE advised that ENZ was keeping up with staff replacements and that the recruitment process
was always rigorous to ensure ENZ employed the best candidates.
The Board were keen to ensure the Minister was fully across the serious competition to New Zealand,
and that the sector and Minister were aware of the position New Zealand was in. The CE advised
there was regular and ongoing communication, including in the fortnightly update to the Minister.
The Board said it would be useful for them to engage with all staff again.
2.2 Update on implementation of Cultural Review recommendations
The status of the Cultural Review recommendations were noted. In relation to staff diversity, the
Board asked for a breakdown by ethnicity of tier two and three staff, and pay equity information. The
CE advised he would get this data.
The Board also expressed interest in getting an update from Updraft Consulting. The CE advised that
the Board would have an update on the review at the April meeting, with a focus on aligning all the
recommendations with the proposed structure ahead.
2.3 Organisational review
The organisational review was discussed during the Board only session.
2.4 Quarterly report for 1 October 2021 to 31 January 2022 and Crown Entity proposed
measures for 2022/23
The Board discussed ENZ’s performance during the second quarter of 2021/22, being the quarter
between 1 October and 31 December 2021, and discussed the proposed Crown entity Estimates
measures for 2022/23 in Appendix 2.
The Board commented that ENZ’s leadership role needed to be stronger in the report and suggested
adding a short statement about what ENZ is actively doing, including the Minister’s direction for ENZ.
The Board asked for the key on the A3
ENZ’s Impact, Performance and Organisational measures to
be updated, commenting that it needed to be clearer and expanded. The Board recommended that
the executive summary be used to highlight key messages and operating status.
Subject to amendments, the Chair proposed that the Board approve sending ENZ’s quarterly report
for 1 October to 31 December 2021 to the Minister of Education and approve the proposed Crown
entity Estimates measures for 2022/23 in Appendix 2.
Moved: Daniel Wilson
Seconded: Rachael Tuwhangai
2.5 New policies – Risk Management; ICT Acceptable Use
The Chief Financial and Information Officer (CFIO) outlined the two policies which were being put
forward for approval. On Risk Management, he noted that it was decoupling a combined policy and
procedure. The Information Communications Technology (ICT) policy was due for renewal and about
keeping the policy updated to the new cloud-based ICT environment. The CFIO advised that all
communication channels, including messaging apps, were covered and staff received regular
reminders about acceptable use. The Board suggested the wording be strengthened to state that the
sharing of passwords is prohibited. The CFIO advised that he worked closely with other NZ Inc and
Education Sector agencies on a regular basis and the policy was generally aligned.
The Board noted that ENZ has assessed the effectiveness of the risk management and ICT
acceptable use policies and recommended some amendments.
The Board noted that the Audit and Risk Committee has reviewed the risk management and ICT
acceptable use policies, made some further recommendations, and agreed to refer the two policies to
the Board for approval.
The Board approved the new Risk management policy in Appendix 1 for the period 1 March 2022 to
30 June 2023 (to align the review with the Audit and Risk Committee’s annual risk discussion).
Moved: Lyn Provost
Seconded: Rachael Tuwhangai
The Board approves the new ICT acceptable use policy in Appendix 3 for three years from 1 March
2022 to 28 February 2025.
Moved: Lyn Provost
Seconded: Rachael Tuwhangai
4.1 Information only papers
The Board noted the Communications report – December 2021 to January 2022 and the Industry
Team 2021 Year in Review.
General Business
No general business items were discussed.
3.1 Update on Te Pūkenga’s International Education Strategy
The Deputy Chief Executive – Delivery and Academic and Chief Executive of Toi Ohomai Institute of
Technology provided the Board with an update on Te Pūkenga’s international education strategy, the
five key goals and the specific actions and steps expected to be implemented in order to facilitate the
achievement of the goals outlined in the strategy.
3.2 Ministry of Education – introduction and policy overview
The Board were provided with a high-level policy overview and update on Ministry of Education-led
policy workstreams by the Deputy Secretary – Policy, Group Manager – International Education
Policy, and other MoE officials. This included consultations underway, the 5,000 student cohort and
Ministerial travel options for 2022/23.
The meeting closed at 3.08pm.
Minute Action
Meeting: 21 October 2021
Board to receive regular status
On agenda. See item 2.2.
Grant McPherson
updates on Cultural Review
implementation at Board meetings
into 2022.
Meeting: 16 December 2021
Manaaki New Zealand
Lisa Futschek, Matt
Scholarships Programme – ENZ
to get written assurances from
MFAT that it would be able to
meet reporting requirements, that
an Official development
assistance (ODA) funding
perspective is obtained, in addition
to a pro forma report that is to be
tested with Treasury.
ENZ to consult with lawyers prior
to entering any contractual
arrangements, and that the
financial risk is detailed and on the
List of institutions in New Zealand
In progress. See CE’s
Karl Wixon
engaged in indigenous education
report –
Kono - Enhancing
ENZ’s core capabilit
internationally to be compiled.
Te Tiriti workshop to be arranged
To take place at Board
Karl Wixon
for the Board in 2022.
meeting on 21 June 2022.
Meeting: 22 February 2022
Board to be provided with update
Completed. Included in
Grant McPherson
CE’s Report to the Board
on responsibilities as Officers
under the Health and Safety Act.
at interim Board meeting in
Virtual meeting between Board
To be arranged in May
Karim Dickie
and all staff to be arranged.
Grant to provide Board with
Completed. Included in
Grant McPherson
CE’s Report to the Board
breakdown by ethnicity of tier two
and three staff, and pay equity
at interim Board meeting in
Updraft to provide the Board with
To be arranged for June
Grant McPherson
an update at April Board meeting.
Board meeting, as new
structure is taking effect.
ICT Policy wording about the
Matt Penney
sharing passwords to be
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 9 March 2022, 6.30pm to 7.15pm
via Zoom
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Rachael Tuwhangai
(from 6.49pm), Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Paul Irwin, Euan Howden
1.1 Disclosures of interest
Lyn Provost declared that she sat on a Board alongside Dr Damon Salesa, Vice-Chancellor of the
Auckland University of Technology (AUT).
1.2 Product and Service Diversification pilot project funding
The General Manager – Partnerships and Marketing outlined the two proposals, AUT Ventures and
The Mind Lab. He advised the Board that they had been short-listed from eight proposals received
during the product and service diversification pilot round in December 2021. The Board noted the two
proposals required funding.
The Board were supportive and approved the funding requested in the separate pilot proposals
provided for each provider, AUT Ventures and The Mind Lab.
Moved: Linda Sissons
Seconded: Lyn Provost
1.3 Update from the Chief Executive
The Chief Executive informed the Board that Education Export Levy (EEL) substitution funding for
ENZ is likely to be cut and that this would have an impact on ENZ’s work programme. The Board
Chair suggested a meeting with the Minister be arranged.
The CE also provided the Board with an update on COVID-19 and its impact on staff in New Zealand
and offshore, noting that a number of staff and family members had been affected. He advised the
Board that ENZ has business continuity plans in place.
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Minutes Special Board Meeting
Monday 4 April 2022, 12midday to 1.30pm
via Zoom
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Rachael Tuwhangai,
Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson (Chief Executive), Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Lisa Futschek (General Manager – International), Matt Penney (Chief Financial and Information
Officer), Sahinde Pala (Director – Student Experience and Global Citizens), Michelle Hancock
1.1 Disclosures of interest
1.2 Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships Programme: Updated Business Case for ENZ
to partner with MFAT
The Board noted the Updated Business Case to partner with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
(MFAT) on the delivery of the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships Programme.
The General Manager – International outlined the changes since the Interim Business Case was
presented to the Board in December and addressed specific points the Board had raised previously,
including the governance structure.
The Chair commented that the Business Case was extremely detailed and well thought-through. The
Board questioned the earlier transition timing and potential risk to ENZ. Further, whether overhead
costs such as stationery and building space had been considered, as well as time required of the
Chief Executive and leadership team. Given the current operating environment and budgetary
challenges, the Board asked for assurances that taking on the scholarships programme would not
negatively impact ENZ’s own work programme.
The Board were given assurances that those risks had been considered and factored into the
operating model. They were advised that MFAT personnel would be providing support for the
transition, including a dedicated change manager and that the programme would be leveraged
throughout ENZ including at leadership team level.
The General Manager – International highlighted the opportunity that the scholarships could provide
across a range of education providers and noted that approximately 60 percent of scholarship
recipients came from markets that Education New Zealand was focused on. Resourcing in a tight
labour market and long-term recruitment was recognised as a risk.
The Board asked about the high technology costs and whether ENZ would be looking to leverage
existing technology. The Board also queried Application Programming Interface (API) and who would
be managing the data overall. They were informed that a new scholarship system would be required
under the future state operating model and ENZ would retain responsibility for holding the core data,
and that this had potential to enhance the processing of ENZ’s own scholarship administration.
The Board were pleased that an ENZ Board member would sit on the MFAT Governance Group, and
that ENZ’s involvement would help provide an opportunity to inform future investment. The Board
asked about leveraging alumni and what Te Tiriti obligations might look like in tangible terms. On
alumni, they were advised that MFAT would retain a dedicated alumni team, but ENZ would also have
a scholar experience manager who would link in. On Te Tiriti obligations, the Board were informed
that work was underway in this area and there would be a clearer understanding in the coming weeks.
The Board complimented those involved on the Business Case for the thorough work done.
The Board noted that next steps entail ENZ agreeing to a Service Delivery Contract with MFAT,
finalising planning to transition the scholarships administration from MFAT to ENZ, and further activity
outlined in the Management Case.
The Board agreed that the rationale presented in the Updated Business Case is satisfactory for ENZ
to commit to a Service Delivery Contract, within the parameters of the Updated Business Case.
The Board approved ENZ’s Chief Executive exercising his delegations in signing a Service Delivery
Contract following MFAT’s approval of its associated Business Case which will be considered by its
Governance Group on 14 April 2022.
Moved: Lyn Provost
Seconded: Ziena Jalil
The meeting closed at 12.58pm.
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Interim Board Meeting Notes
Tuesday 24 May 2022, 9.30am to 12.30pm
Via Zoom and Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Rachael Tuwhangai,
Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Shaun Sheldrake, Stephanie Ellis (for item 1.2)
Vignesh Nagasubramanian, Abby Humphries, Di Solomon (for item 1.3)
Angela Meredith, Matt Penney, Paul Irwin, Fiona Cameron, Lisa Futschek, Laura Simpson, Di
Solomon, Geoff Bilborough, Sahinde Pala (for item 2.1)
1.1 Chief Executive’s report
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The CE informed the Board that top of mind was the
Cultural review and organisational change, the ability to deliver Cohort 4 (5,000 students), upcoming
Ministerial travel and staff wellbeing. He updated the Board about his upcoming travel with the
Minister of Education to the United States of America, Brazil and Chile, commenting that education
would be front and centre over two weeks. Referencing media reports, the Board were interested to
know about current student visa numbers and Cohort 4.
1.2 Update on Cultural Review and organisation change
The Chief Executive updated the Board on the organisational structure and Cultural Review. Shaun
Sheldrake from Updraft Consulting and Stephanie Ellis from Strategic Pay provided their perspective
on the implementation and forward plan for 2022.
1.3 Quarterly report for 1 January – 31 March 2022
The Board discussed Education New Zealand’s performance during the third quarter of 2021/22,
being the quarter between 1 January and 31 March 2022.
The Board requested changes to the narrative and foreword of the Quarterly report for 1 January – 31
March 2022, asking that it include a note that future reports will be different in form. The Board asked
that the Chief Executive review amendments before the Quarterly report is sent to the Minister of
2.1 New Zealand International Education Strategy (NZIES) Refresh
The Board noted that the Ministry of Education is leading the refresh of the New Zealand International
Education Strategy (NZIES). The Board noted that public consultation on the draft refreshed Strategy
closes on 24 June 2022 and that ENZ will be able to provide feedback on the Strategy during and
after the public consultation. The Board also discussed a letter the Board Chair received from the
Minister of Education.
General Business
No general business items were discussed.
The meeting closed at 12.05pm.
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 21 June 2022, 9.30am to 3.30pm
Via Zoom and Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Rachael Tuwhangai, Ziena Jalil
APOLOGIES: Lyn Provost
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Matt Penney, Fiona Cameron, Lisa Futschek, Di Solomon, Ed Tuari, Laura Simpson, Geoff Bilbrough,
Sahinde Pala, Alex Spencer (for items 2.2 to 4.1)
Abby Humphries (for item 3.1)
Vikram Selveraj, Minnie Kalo Voi, Geraldi Ryan (for item 3.3)
Paul Irwin, Euan Howden, Tim Brown, Karl Wixon (for items 3.6 to 3.7)
1.1 Apologies
Lyn Provost
1.2 Disclosures of interest
The register was noted.
1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting and action items
The Chair proposed that the minutes of the 27 April 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record.
Moved: Rachael Tuwhangai
Seconded: Ziena Jalil
The Chair proposed that the meeting notes of the 24 May 2022 be approved as a true and accurate
Moved: Rachael Tuwhangai
Seconded: Ziena Jalil
1.4 Oral update by the Chair
The Chair gave a brief summary of recent engagements and updated the Board on the governance
review that was in the process of getting underway.
2.1 Update from Chief Executive
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The CE informed the Board that ENZ’s finances were
tracking well in the lead up to the end of the financial year. He spoke about his visit to the United
States of America for NAFSA, and to Brazil and Chile in South America. He informed the Board that
the trip exceeded all expectations and provided the Minister with a broad view of international
education beyond student recruitment. The Board were interested to know whether an education
component was included in the Prime Minister‘s itinerary to Europe.
The Board discussed Appendix 2 – the Strategic Business Plan 2021/22 dashboard and were
interested to understand the 15 projects listed. The Board recommended that the strategy session
planned for 21 July be deferred, stating that it would be premature given the refreshed New Zealand
International Education Strategy (NZIES) would still not be finalised.
2.2 Update on organisation change
The Chief Executive provided the Board with an update on the organisation change process, including
new appointments. He advised the Board that the process had gone well, and there was one senior
position to appoint. He gave an overview of director level appointments and operations management
and advised that new staff had been recruited for key roles in the insights and finance teams. In terms
of cultural change, the CE said there was a lot of emphasis on values and what is expected. He
advised that the review of delegations was still in progress. The Board were interested to know about
recruitment of Māori to the current vacancies.
3.1 Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance Expectations
The Board noted that ENZ has reviewed the draft Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance
Expectations in line with feedback from the Board, the Minister, and ENZ’s Crown monitoring
agencies. The Board provided feedback on:
• Statement of Intent (SOI) 2022-2026 impact measures and narrative
• Statement of Performance Expectations 2022/23 performance measures and operational
The Board approved and agreed to publish the draft Statement of Intent 2022-2026 and draft
Statement of Performance Expectations 2022/23 by 30 June 2022.
The Board noted that the refreshed New Zealand International Education Strategy (NZIES) may lead
to changes in ENZ’s operating environment, and its strategic intent.
The Accountability Manager advised the Board that the timing of when the NZIES is finalised will
determine whether it is practical for ENZ to amend the SOI, or instead to draft a new SOI for the
2023/24 financial year.
Given the timeline for finalising the NZIES has not been confirmed, the Accountability Manager
advised the Board that drafting a new SOI in time for the 2023/24 year may be a more pragmatic
approach. The Board supported this approach.
Moved: Daniel Wilson
Seconded: Rachael Tuwhangai
3.2 Business Plan 2022/23
The Chief Financial and Information Officer took the Board through the draft Business Plan 2022/23,
including key areas of focus in deliverables for the next 12 to 18 months. The Board described it as a
realistic plan in a difficult environment.
The Board approved ENZ’s Business Plan for 2022/23 in Appendix 1.
Moved: Linda Sissons
Seconded: Daniel Wilson
3.4 Oral update by the Audit and Risk Committee Chair
The Acting Chair of the Audit and Risk (ARC) committee gave a brief update on the ARC meeting
which took place on Wednesday 15 June. The Board Chair suggested that David Nalder speak to the
ARC on risk instead of the Board in the first instance.
3.5 ENZ’s strategic issues and risks for 2022/23
The Board noted that ENZ and the Audit and Risk Committee have reviewed the strategic issues and
risks against the current operating environment. The Board discussed the strategic issues in
Appendix 1 and the strategic risks in Appendix 2 for 2022/23 and provided feedback on additional
areas of focus. The Board provided feedback on the prototype risk reporting dashboard in Appendix 3
which reflects the Board’s feedback.
The Board agreed to schedule bi-annual risk discussions which are aligned with the Audit and Risk
Committee, and requested regular updates at each full Board meeting.
Moved: Linda Sissons
Seconded: Ziena Jalil
3.3 Meeting with three members of the New Zealand International Students’
The Board met virtually with three members of the New Zealand International Students’ Association
(NZISA) and were updated on the NZISA’s priorities and the experiences of international students
studying in New Zealand.
3.6 Focus on Strategic Objective Two: Pono
The Board noted the paper on Strategic Objective Two – Pono identified in ENZ’s Business Plan
2021/22. The Board received an update on the Diversification of international education products and
services programme.
The Board noted programme achievements over the past 12 months and ENZ’s initial assessment of
progress and learnings. The Board discussed ENZ’s key learnings, insights and next steps for the
Product and Service Diversification Programme.
The Board discussed having a Board representative on the Advisory Group. The Board expressed its
comfort with former Board member Victoria Spackman continuing in this role and reporting through to
the Board when required.
The Board agreed to the continuation of the Advisory Group and that the Board considers meeting
with some of its members in the future when appropriate.
The Board discussed the future role of this Programme and how it could be funded and resourced
beyond the end of the CRRF funding in June 2023. The Board commented s9(2)(g)(i)
3.7 Product Innovation Fund: Funding request for innovation submissions referred by
Steering Group
The Board were advised that a paper seeking the Board’s approval to the funding will be circulated at
a future date.
4.1 Information only papers
The Board noted the Communications report – April to May 2022 and the findings from ENZ’s
indigenous education stocktake.
General Business
No general business items were discussed.
The meeting closed at 3.38pm.
Minute Action
Meeting: 21 October 2021
Board to receive regular status
Oral update to be provided Grant McPherson
updates on Cultural Review
by the Chief Executive,
implementation at Board meetings
see item 2.2 Update on
into 2022.
organisation change
Meeting: 16 December 2021
Te Tiriti workshop to be arranged
New date to be determined Karl Wixon
for the Board in 2022.
following meeting between
Chief Maori Advisor and
Board Chair.
Meeting: 22 February 2022
Virtual meeting between Board
Hybrid event to be
Karim Dickie
and all staff to be arranged.
organised, with Wellington-
based Board members
attending in person.
Meeting: 27 April 2022
David Nalder to be approached to
Completed. David Nalder
Karim Dickie
speak to the Board on risk.
to speak to the Board at
August Board meeting.
See agenda item **.
Strategy session, including
Deferred to later date
Grant McPherson
discussion on the strategic
when refreshed New
framework, to be included as part
Zealand International
of the July interim Board meeting.
Education Strategy
(NZIES) is finalised.
Meeting: 21 June 2022
Completed. Fiona O’Leary
ENZ Monitors – MoE and MBIE –
Karim Dickie
to be invited to speak to the Board
invited to speak to Board
to outline expectations.
at August Board meeting.
See agenda item **
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Interim Board Meeting Notes
Tuesday 21 July 2022, 9.00am to 10.20am
Via Zoom and Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson (until 10.00am),
Rachael Tuwhangai, Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson
1.1 Chief Executive’s report
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The CE spoke about planning for the New Zealand
International Education Conference (NZIEC) 2022. He updated the Board on the student visa
processing challenges that exist and the outcomes of a joint Education and Immigration Ministers
meeting which took place on 5 July. The Board discussed recent developments at Te Pūkenga. The
CE also provided an update on the Fit for Purpose change process, advising all Senior Leadership
Team members have been appointed. He also advised that only two members of the SLT will receive
a remuneration increase, both based on performance and equity.
1.2 Prime Minister’s Scholarships for Asia and Latin America – Lincoln University
invoice for payment
The Board noted that ENZ has followed its policies, processes, and selection criteria in approving
applications for the Prime Minister’s Scholarships for Asia and Latin America.
The Board noted that three of the 30 approved applications were from Lincoln University, the funding
total of which exceeds the Chief Executive’s financial delegation.
The Board noted that ENZ is undertaking a review of its financial delegations and plans to seek the
Board’s approval to a higher financial delegation for the Chief Executive to approve all pass-through
costs to Scholarship recipients.
The Board approved payment of the Lincoln University invoice in Appendix 1 for three approved
programmes totalling $313,000.
Moved: Lyn Provost
Seconded: Ziena Jalil
General Business
No general business items were discussed.
The meeting closed at 10.20am.
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday 23 August 2022, 10.00am to 4.10pm
Via Zoom and Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson (except between
12.00-12.30pm), Rachael Tuwhangai, Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Matt Penney, Fiona Cameron (virtual), Lisa Futschek, Di Solomon (virtual), Ed Tuari (virtual), Laura
Simpson, Geoff Bilbrough, Sahinde Pala (virtual), Alex Spencer (for items 2.1 to 4.1)
Kirk Hope, Rachel Simpson (for item 3.2)
Fiona O’Leary, Shelley Robertson (for item 3.3)
Abby Humphries (for item 3.4)
Matthew Nalder (for item 3.6)
Paul Irwin (for items 3.8)
1.1 Apologies
1.2 Disclosures of interest
The register was noted.
1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting and action items
The Chair proposed that the minutes of the 21 June 2022 meeting be approved as a true and
accurate record.
Moved: Ziena Jalil
Seconded: Linda Sissons
The Chair proposed that the notes of the 21 July 2022 meeting be approved as a true and accurate
Moved: Lyn Provost
Seconded: Daniel Wilson
1.4 Oral update by the Chair
The Chair gave a brief summary of recent engagements, including attending a Crown Entities Forum
and meeting with Audit New Zealand. He spoke about his participation in the New Zealand
International Education Conference (NZIEC) and congratulated the staff involved with organising the
five-day event. The Board endorsed the Chair’s comments, describing the conference as a
tremendous effort, professional and well attended.
2.1 Update from Chief Executive
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The CE updated the Board on recent Ministerial
activity, including the Minister’s international travel plans and the Prime Minister’s upcoming
engagement with international students. He spoke about the New Zealand International Education
Conference (NZIEC) and the positive feedback received. Also, the recent sector survey results which
showed ENZ was adding value to the sector. The CE advised the Board about his outreach
programme, including recent meetings with Te Pūkenga and University Vice Chancellors. He updated
the Board on feedback received, including on Immigration New Zealand and the challenges of timely
visa processing.
3.2 Engagement with Business New Zealand
The Board met with Kirk Hope, Chief Executive of Business New Zealand, and Rachel Simpson,
Business New Zealand’s Manager – Education, Skills and Immigration, and discussed key business
issues related to the significance of international education to New Zealand.
3.3 Engagement with the Ministry of Education as ENZ’s leading Crown monitoring
The Board met with Fiona O’Leary, Director – Monitoring and Appointments, and Shelley Robertson,
Group Manager – International Education Policy, from the Ministry of Education. Discussion covered
the current policy and monitoring environment, future monitoring and the Education Crown Entity
Monitoring Framework.
3.6 Risk management
David Nalder from Efficus Limited spoke to the Board on risk management. The Chair of the Audit and
Risk (ARC) Committee noted the suggestions. The Board agreed these would be discussed in more
depth at a future ARC meeting before coming back to the Board for further consideration.
3.4 Quarterly Report for 1 April to 30 June 2022
The Board discussed Education New Zealand’s (ENZ’s) performance during the fourth quarter of
2021/22, being the quarter between 1 April and 30 June 2022.
The Board provided feedback on the report and approved sending ENZ’s quarterly report for 1 April to
30 June 2022 to the Minister of Education.
3.5 Oral update by the Audit and Risk Committee Chair
The Chair of the Audit and Risk (ARC) committee gave a brief update on the ARC meeting which took
place on 28 July 2022. The ARC Chair advised that they covered the Chief Executive and Board
expenses, the end-of-year financial results and the Auditor General’s report on the monitoring
framework for Crown Entities.
The ARC Chair recommended that the minutes of all future ARC meetings be included in future Board
meeting papers for full Board member information and approval.
3.7 Proposed Partnership Governance Group membership of the Manaaki New
Zealand Scholarship Programme
The Board discussed which potential Board member the Board would like to propose as the Board’s
representative on the Partnership Governance Group of the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship
The Board identified and agreed that Linda Sissons would be the Board member on the Partnership
Governance Group of the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme.
Noting the extra responsibilities that the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, and representative on
the Partnership Governance Group of the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme undertake,
the Chair asked that they receive an uplift in remuneration. The Chief Financial Officer approved this
in principle.
Moved: Ziena Jalil
Seconded: Daniel Wilson
3.9 Review of Information and Management Records policy
The Board noted the General Manager Corporate Services has reviewed the updated Information and
Records Management Policy and associated guidelines in Appendix 1 and recommends its adoption.
The Board queried whether ENZ had a current disposal schedule, commenting that a retention and
disposal policy was important. Subject to the inclusion of additional text (“and the Board”) to include
them in the policy, the Board approved the reviewed Information and Records Management Policy in
Appendix 1 for three years from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2025.
Moved: Daniel Wilson
Seconded: Lyn Provost
3.10 Board meeting dates and proposed work programme for 2022-23
The Board approved the meeting dates for 2023. The proposed work programme was discussed, with
further consideration to be given to meeting locations in 2023.
3.8 Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi proposal – Iwi Taketake
The Board discussed the Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi proposal and asked the General
Manager – Diversification to check with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) whether
there are any regulatory constraints they should be complying with, in particular the pastoral code and
quality assurance. For monitoring purposes, the Board recommended that this become standard
practice with new innovation initiatives.
The Board agreed for $450,000+GST funding to be released to the pilot ‘Iwi taketake: Co-construction
of an Indigenous Postgraduate Curriculum’ in partnership with Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi,
as part of the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, funded though the Diversification of
International Education Products and Services Programme of work.
Moved: Linda Sissons
Seconded: Rachael Tuwhangai
3.1 Staff engagement: Interim results of Pulse survey
The Board noted and discussed the initial results and insights derived from the 10-question Pulse
survey six weeks into Fit For Purpose (FFP). The Board commented that ENZ staff had been working
in a difficult environment and the response was a reasonable reflecting of that. The Board requested
that future reports include a clear set of follow-up actions.
4.1 Information only papers
The Board noted the Focus on Strategic Objective: Hono, Chief Executive’s Gifts, Benefits and
Expenses disclosure and the Communications report: June to July 2022.
General Business
No general business items were discussed.
The meeting closed at 4.10pm
Minute Action
Meeting: 21 October 2021
Board to receive regular status
Oral update to be provided Grant McPherson
updates on Cultural Review
by the Chief Executive,
implementation at Board meetings
during item 3.1 Chief
Executive’s report
into 2022.
Meeting: 16 December 2021
Te Tiriti workshop to be arranged
Workshop to be arranged
Ed Tuari
for the Board in 2022.
in November/December
Meeting: 22 February 2022
Virtual meeting between Board
Staff engagement to take
Karim Dickie
and all staff to be arranged.
place at Board meeting on
Thursday 15 December.
Meeting: 27 April 2022
Strategy session, including
On agenda. See item 2.1
Grant McPherson
discussion on the strategic
Strategy session
framework, to be included as part
of the July interim Board meeting.
Meeting: 23 August 2022
Recommendations from David
To be discussed at next
Matt Penney, Alex
Nalder to be on agenda of next
Audit and Risk Committee Spencer
Audit and Risk Committee meeting meeting in November.
for discussion. Recommendations
to come to full Board for
Noting the extra responsibilities
Closed. The Board Chair
Matt Penney
that the Board Deputy Chair, Chair asked for the request to be
of the Audit and Risk Committee,
withdrawn given it could
and representative on the
not be done internally.
Partnership Governance Group of
the Manaaki New Zealand
Scholarship Programme
undertake, the Chair asked that
they receive an uplift in
Te Whare Wānanga o
Completed. ENZ met with
Paul Irwin
Awanuiārangi proposal –
NZQA’s Policy and
Taketake (TWWoA). General
International team of the
Manager – Diversification to check
Quality and Assurance
with the New Zealand
division and there were no
Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
concerns raised. The team
whether there are any regulatory
expressed interest in the
constraints they should be
opportunity to explore
complying with, in particular the
indigenous education
pastoral code and quality
accreditation offshore in
assurance. For monitoring
partnership with TWWoA.
purposes, this approach is to
This has been confirmed in
become standard practice with
a written response.
new innovation initiatives.
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Interim Board Meeting Notes
Thursday 22 September 2022, 9.30am to 12.30pm
Via Zoom and Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Matt Penney (Acting Chief Executive), Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
APOLOGIES: Lyn Provost, Rachael Tuwhangai
1.1 Chief Executive’s update
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The Acting Chief Executive updated the Board on top
priorities, including progress on the cultural review and organisational change, visa processing, staff
wellbeing and finance.
2.1 Review of people and operations delegations
The Board noted that ENZ has reviewed the people and operations delegation. The Board asked for
scholarship spending figures to be included in future bi-monthly reporting to the Board.
The Board approved the Manaaki scholarship programme change of delegations.
Moved: Linda Sissons
Seconded: Daniel Wilson
2.2 Deed of lease
The Board discussed and approved the deed of lease for ENZ’s new office arrangement in Auckland.
Moved: Ziena Jalil
Seconded: Daniel Wilson
General Business
The Chair advised that a request to uplift the remuneration of Board members taking on extra
responsibilities was withdrawn given it could not be done internally.
The Chief Executive noted three upcoming Ministerial missions, a budget letter from the Minister of
Finance and the status of ENZ’s budget bid process.
The meeting closed at 11.45am.
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
DRAFT Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday 20 October 2022, 9.30am to 12.41pm
Via Zoom and Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost (until 10.18am), Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Ziena
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Matt Penney (virtual), Fiona Cameron, Lisa Futschek, Di Solomon, Ed Tuari, Geoff Bilbrough,
Sahinde Pala (virtual), Wendy Kerr (virtual), Alex Spencer (for items 2.1 to 5.1.4), Sanjay Sewambar
(for item 2.1)
APOLOGIES: Rachael Tuwhangai
1.1 Apologies
Rachael Tuwhangai.
1.2 Disclosures of interest
The register was noted. Update received from Ziena Jalil to remove MIT and Unitec roles.
1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting and action items
The Chair proposed that the minutes of the 23 August 2022 meeting be approved as a true and
accurate record.
Moved: Daniel Wilson
Seconded: Linda Sissons
The Chair proposed that the notes of the 22 September 2022 meeting be approved as a true and
accurate record.
Moved: Daniel Wilson
Seconded: Linda Sissons
1.4 Oral update by the Chair
The Chair provided a brief update on the Ministry of Education process to appoint a new Board Chair.
2.1 Strategy session
The Board and Senior Leadership Team held a session on the ENZ strategy for 2022/23. The Board
discussed the ENZ strategy tree and noted appendix items 2 to 7 which provided background context
on ENZ’s operating environment and the Minister’s expectations of ENZ.
The Board highlighted the need for clarity around ENZ’s strategy and supported a simplified
framework which fits with the Statement of Intent (SOI). Further, that clear links with the Kono, Hono,
Pono, Tono headings be drawn. The Board suggested that the vision of the strategy tree be replaced
with the vision outcome in the New Zealand International Education Strategy (NZIES).
The Board highlighted the need to keep the Ministry of Education fully informed and in agreement with
ENZ’s 2022/23 strategy, recommending that ENZ seek in writing approval from the Deputy Secretary
– Policy.
The Board were advised that a 2022/23 strategy would be included on the December Board meeting
agenda for Board approval.
2.2 Board/Senior Leadership Team engagement
The Board and Senior Leadership Team discussed preferred ways of working. The Board expressed
interest in receiving key messages at the conclusion of each meeting which they could share with
stakeholders. The Chair recommended that the agenda be structured so that the Senior Leadership
Team attend a specific part of the meeting rather than the full meeting. Attendance at other parts of
the meeting would be determined in advance by the Chair in consultation with the Chief Executive
and Secretary.
3.2 Update from Chief Executive
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The CE updated the Board on the Fit for Purpose
organisation change and the number of appointments since 1 June 2022. He advised the Board that
ENZ would be relocating its office in Auckland from Quay Street to Queen Street. The CE updated the
Board on recent engagement with Immigration New Zealand and discussion around visa processing.
4.1 Information only papers
The Board noted the Focus on Strategic Objective: Kono, the Diversification of international education
products and services – Strategic scan, the 2022/23 Strategic Business Plan dashboard, and the
Communications report: 1 August to 30 September 2022.
On the diversification of international education products and services, the Board were interested in
receiving an update on the Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi project.
General Business
No general business items were discussed.
The meeting closed at 12.41pm
Minute Action
Meeting: 21 October 2021
Board to receive regular status
See item 3.1 Chief
Grant McPherson
Executive’s report
updates on Cultural Review
implementation at Board meetings
Appendix 1 – Update on
into 2022.
organisation change.
Meeting: 16 December 2021
Te Tiriti workshop to be arranged
Workshop deferred to
Ed Tuari
for the Board in 2022.
February/April 2023.
Meeting: 22 February 2022
Virtual meeting between Board
On agenda, see item 2.2.
Karim Dickie
and all staff to be arranged.
Video message to be
recorded for offshore staff.
Meeting: 23 August 2022
Recommendations from David
Ongoing. Discussed at
Matt Penney, Alex
Nalder to be on agenda of next
Audit and Risk Committee Spencer
Audit and Risk Committee meeting meeting on 14 November;
for discussion. Recommendations
interim Board meeting on
to come to full Board for
17 November.
See item 3.7 Bi-annual risk
Meeting: 20 October 2022
Board to receive background
Completed. Information
Matt Penney
information on ENZ’s budget bid
included as appendix item
at interim Board meeting
on 17 November.
Board to receive key messages at
See item 4.1.2
Geoff Bilbrough
the conclusion of full Board
Communications report: 1
October to 30 November
Board to receive an update on the
See item 2.1
Wendy Kerr
Te Whare Wānanga o
Diversification of
Awanuiārangi project.
international education
products and services:
Programme update
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
DRAFT Interim Board Meeting Notes
Thursday 17 November 2022, 9.30am to 11.15am
Via Zoom and Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Ziena Jalil, Rachael
IN ATTENDANCE: Matt Penney (Acting Chief Executive), Karim Dickie (Secretary)
1.1 Chief Executive’s update
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The Acting Chief Executive updated the Board on top
priorities, including progress on the cultural review and organisational change, staff wellbeing and
finance. He also provided the Board with the latest Immigration New Zealand international student
visa information.
On international student visa approvals, noting negative sentiment at a recent New Zealand Indian
Business Council event the Board suggested ENZ raise this when meeting with Immigration New
Zealand. Further, that ENZ encourages Immigration New Zealand to provide more guidance to
education providers on desired student profiles (by country, region, cities), noting the nuances of each
The Board highlighted that international student school enrolment figures were encouraging,
especially at those schools which retained internal international student recruitment capability. The
Board commented that this would be worth bringing to the Minister’s attention.
2.1 Oral update from the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee
The Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) provided an update on the ARC meeting held on
Monday 14 November. She outlined the agenda items covered, including the issues and risks register
and the finance report for the 4 months to 31 October 2022. The ARC Chair gave an update on the
ENZ assurance programme and noted that the Chief Executive expenses: July 2022 to October 2022
had been approved. She noted the Board expenses: July 2022 to October 2022.
The ARC Chair clarified that Board Chair expenses will now be explicitly approved by her, and that a
policy for Board member professional development needs to be developed. The Board were advised
that the minutes of the 14 November ARC meeting will be included in the papers for the next full
Board meeting on 15 December 2022.
2.2 Budget 2023
The Acting Chief Executive advised the Board that the next financial year would be challenging for
ENZ, noting inflation and cost pressures. He highlighted a number or revenue streams, including the
restart of the Education Export Levy (EEL) on 1 January 2023, and events and interest revenue. The
Chair suggested that partnership opportunities be explored as a possible option for ENZ.
General Business
The Board discussed the ENZ Quarter 1 report to the Minister - July to September 2022 which had
been circulated via email for approval. The Board approved sending the report to the Minister of
Education subject to the front narrative being updated.
The December agenda was discussed and advance apologies were received by Lyn Provost.
The meeting closed at 11.15am.
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday 15 December 2022, 9.30am to 4.40pm
Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Rachael Tuwhangai, Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Matt Penney, Fiona Cameron, Lisa Futschek, Ed Tuari, Sahinde Pala, Wendy Kerr, Alex Spencer (for
items 1.4 to 4.1), Tim Brown, Christina Gomes (for item 2.1), Peter Winder and Richard Kyle (for item
3.2), Laura Simpson (for item 3.3 and 3.6), Alison Adams, Pam Ford and John Allen (for item 3.3),
Abby Humphries (for item 3.4)
APOLOGIES: Lyn Provost
1.1 Apologies
Lyn Provost.
1.2 Disclosures of interest
The register was noted. New interest received from Linda Sissons.
1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting and action items
The Chair proposed that the minutes of the 20 October 2022 meeting be approved as a true and
accurate record; noted meeting notes of the 17 November 2022 interim meeting.
Moved: Linda Sissons
Seconded: Ziena Jalil
1.4 Oral update by the Chair
The Chair provided a brief update on the Public Service Pay discussions.
2.1 Diversification of international education products and services: Programme
The Board received an update on the delivery and insights of the diversification of international
education products and services workstream, and an overview of the next steps for the COVID-19
Response and Recovery Fund (CRRF) funded Diversification of Products and Services programme.
The Board noted the programme achievements over the past six months, ENZ’s assessment of
insights and learnings and the remaining work programme priorities. The Board considered and
discussed ENZ’s key learnings, insights and next steps for the Product and Service Diversification
Programme, including how it may assist with the engagement plan. The Board also discussed the
future role of this Programme and how it could be funded and resourced beyond the end of the CRRF
funding in June 2023.
The Board expressed enthusiasm for the programme of work and acknowledged the financial
challenges posted by the end of CRRF funding in June 2023. Further, the Board expressed interest in
receiving an update in 2023.
3.1 Chief Executive’s report
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The CE updated the Board on the organisation
change process and progress since 1 June 2022. The Board noted the progress made and that areas
raised by the Cultural Review and Staff Engagement Survey had been addressed or were well
advanced. He also discussed staff wellbeing, the ENZ strategy and planning process and the COVID-
19 Response and Recovery Fund (CRRF) and September 2023 report due to Treasury. He also
raised the Baseline Impact Valuation (BIV) and advised them that the February 2023 meeting would
cover this item in more depth. In addition, the February agenda would also include the sector
engagement plan and review of ENZ’s international footprint.
3.2 Te Pūkenga
Peter Winder, Chief Executive of Te Pūkenga, provided an update to the Board on Te Pūkenga’s
progress. The Board discussed the challenges, opportunities, and next steps to support Te Pūkenga
and its international education strategy. The Board expressed interest in having annual engagement
with the Chief Executive of Te Pūkenga.
3.3 Economic Development Agencies
The Board met with representatives of Economic Development Agencies: Alison (Ali) Adams, Chief
Executive of ChristchurchNZ, John Allen, Chief Executive of WellingtonNZ, and Pam Ford, Director –
Investment and Industry at Auckland Unlimited.
3.4 Draft 2021/22 Annual Report
The Board discussed the draft 2021/22 Annual Report. The Board noted that the year-end audit of
ENZ will commence in late January 2023, that two members of the Board will be asked to sign the
letter of representation to Audit New Zealand after the Board has approved the Annual Report 2021/2
and that the approval process for the Annual Report requires a final audit report.
Further, the Board noted that ENZ is considering its impact and performance measures for the
development of its next Statement of Intent and Statement of Performance Expectations and that ENZ
does not currently consider there will be significant changes to these measures.
The Board endorsed the updated draft the Annual Report 2021/22 which incorporates the Board’s
feedback, and agreed that ENZ provide the draft Annual Report 2021/22 to Audit New Zealand ahead
of its year-end audit of ENZ.
Moved: Daniel Wilson
Seconded: Rachael Tuwhangai
3.5 Biannual risk discussion
The Board noted the current strategic issues and risks facing ENZ and the international education
sector as outlined in in Appendix 1. The Board provided feedback on the strategic issues and risks to
support the development of the Statement of Intent 2023-27. The Board also noted that ENZ’s Senior
Leadership Team (SLT) reviews and updates the strategic issues and risks registers monthly.
The Board discussed a range of matters, including whether there are other areas of strategic risk. The
Board recommended management consider whether any changes to ENZ’s approach or positioning
of its strategic issues or risks was required and if there were any areas that ENZ should consider
The Board expressed interest in the framework being reviewed. The Board asked that the negative
experiences of international students in New Zealand/impact on diaspora reporting back to market
country be included as a risk. The previous recommendations of David Nalder were raised. The
General Manager – Corporate Services advised the Board that David Nalder would be meeting with
the Operations team to discuss business planning and performance related issues. It was agreed that
the Audit and Risk Committee would discuss these matters at the next opportunity.
3.6 Proposed 2023 Board/Sector engagement plan
The Board noted and provided feedback on the proposed approach for the Board’s engagement with
the sector in 2023. The Chair commented that an All of Government Forum, including Immigration
New Zealand and Ministry of Education officials, could be useful.
4.1 Information only papers
The Board noted the Focus on Strategic Objective: Kono – He Rautaki Māori, the Communications
report: 1 October to 30 November 2022, the Baseline valuation, the confirmed minutes of the Audit
and Risk Committee meeting on 28 July 2022 and the draft minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee
meeting on 14 November 2022.
On the paper, Focus on Strategic Objective: Kono – He Rautaki Māori, the Board were interested to
know about ENZ’s engagement with indigenous scholars in the South Pacific, and the cultural
capability app which is in development.
General Business
No general business items were discussed.
The meeting closed at 3.49pm
Minute Action
Meeting: 21 October 2021
Board to receive regular status
Completed. Summary
Grant McPherson
updates on Cultural Review
provided at the December
implementation at Board meetings
Board 2022 meeting.
into 2022.
Future updates on
development will be
included in the Chief
Executive’s report.
Meeting: 16 December 2021
Te Tiriti workshop to be arranged
Workshop deferred to April Ed Tuari
for the Board in 2022.
2023 or when a new Board
Chair is appointed.
Meeting: 23 August 2022
Recommendations from David
Ongoing. Discussed at
Matt Penney, Alex
Nalder to be on agenda of next
Audit and Risk Committee Spencer
Audit and Risk Committee meeting meeting on 14 November;
for discussion. Recommendations
interim Board meeting on
to come to full Board for
17 November; Board
meeting on 15 December.
David Nalder is meeting
with the Operations team
to discuss integrating risk
with decision-making
within ENZ’s planning and
reporting processes. An
update will be provided to
the Audit and Risk
Committee in April 2022.
Meeting: 20 October 2022
Board to receive key messages at
Completed. See item 4.1.2 Geoff Bilbrough
the conclusion of full Board
Communications report: 1
December to 31 January
2023. To be included in all
future Communications
Meeting: 15 December 2022
Issues and Risk register to be
Ongoing work to amend
Alex Spencer
reviewed, noting feedback
the Risk management
received on risk mitigation and
policy and procedure to
RAG ratings.
provide for the
identification of inherent
and residual risk. The
updated policy and
procedure will be
considered by the Audit
and Risk Committee in
April, then the Board in
June. Once the changes
have been implemented,
the dashboard will then be
redesigned to incorporate
the Board’s feedback.
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
DRAFT Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 22 February 2023, 9.30am to 3.40pm
Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Matt Penney, Fiona Cameron, Lisa Futschek, Ed Tuari, Sahinde Pala, Wendy Kerr, Alex Spencer (for
items 2.1 to 4.1), Sanjay Sewambar (for item 3.1), Abby Humphries (for item 3.1 and 4.1), Angela
Meredith, John Wren and Marie Clark (for item 3.3), Duncan Robb (for item 4.2).
APOLOGIES: Rachael Tuwhangai (from 11.17am onwards)
1.1 Apologies; Disclosures of interest
Rachael Tuwhangai left the meeting at 11.17am.
The register was noted. Updates from Lyn Provost included addition of Commissioner of
Parliamentary Standards; deletion of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board role.
1.2 Minutes of the previous meeting and action items
The Chair proposed that the minutes of the 15 December 2022 meeting be approved as a true and
accurate record.
Moved: Linda Sissons under
Seconded: Daniel Wilson
1.3 Oral update by the Chair
The Chair provided a brief update. He noted a delay in Board appointments, the change of Minister of
Education and the Prime Minister’s support for international education.
2.1 Chief Executive’s report
The Chief Executive’s report was taken as read. The CE updated the Board on his external and
internal priorities. He provided an overview on the state of the sector, New Zealand government
agency engagement and driving ENZ as a results-based organisation. The Board were interested to
understand the differing rates of international student enrolments at universities, as well as the
shortage of homestay accommodation available nationwide.
The Board expressed interest in having Immigration New Zealand visa processing reports included as
an appendix item to the Chief Executive’s report again. The Board requested that future updates on
people also include the figures of Māori staff and a breakdown of FTEs in Auckland and Wellington.
The Board expressed interest in inviting Andy Jackson, Ministry of Education Deputy Secretary –
Policy, to the next meeting to provide an update on changes at the Ministry and to address items from
Board members.
On the forward agenda, the Board agreed to holding the April meeting in Auckland and the August
meeting in Christchurch.
3.1 Estimates of Appropriations for 2023/24
The Board noted that ENZ is considering new impact measures while developing a new Statement of
Intent 2023-2027, as directed by the previous Minister of Education.
The Board noted that ENZ is considering new performance measures while developing its Statement
of Performance Expectations 2023/24 and that these measures are designed to align closely with the
New Zealand International Education Strategy 2022-2030. Further, the Board noted the table in the
paper which set out the full matrix of proposed SOI, SPE and Estimates measures.
The Board approved the proposed measures for the Estimates for Appropriations for the 2023/24
financial year.
Moved: Linda Sissons
Seconded: Ziena Jalil
3.2 Rebuilding and transforming the sector
The Board noted the current planning activities and their alignment across ENZ and the progress
made towards 2023/24 ENZ planning.
The Board provided feedback on the proposed direction for the Action Plan to Rebuild and Transform
the sector. The Board were interested to better understand how Te Tiriti underpins ENZ’s work
programmes and requested more information about priority markets, current investment in them and
how they are determined.
3.3 Baseline Valuation
The Board noted the briefing to the Minister of Education in Appendix 1, the final version of the
Baseline Valuation in Appendix 2, and the Baseline Valuation Insights Report in Appendix 3 were
provided to the Board for information at the 15 December 2022 meeting. The Board discussed these
documents, in particular the details outlined in the Executive Summary of the briefing to the Minister
of Education. The Board provided feedback on the draft press release, commenting that it should
emphasize the value international education contributed to New Zealand previously and the potential
it could bring again.
4.1 Minister’s Quarterly report: Quarter 2 (October to December 2022)
The Board discussed Education New Zealand’s (ENZ’s) performance during the second quarter of
2022/23, being the quarter between 1 October and 31 December 2022.
Subject to incorporating Board feedback, the Board approved sending ENZ’s quarterly report for 1
October to 31 December 2022 to the Minister of Education.
Moved: Ziena Jalil
Seconded: Daniel Wilson
4.2 Wellington premises
The Board raised accessibility and whether the new design would be user friendly for those with
disabilities. The Board questioned s9(2)(b)(ii)
and the exit provisions if ENZ
needed to end the lease early. The Board also questioned the size and were assured it is adequate
for foreseeable staff numbers.
The Board noted the total financial commitment for the full term of the new lease is s18(d)
over nine years.
The Board noted that all costs for the hard fitout and renovations will be met by the Landlord and that
ENZ may upgrade items at its own expense, such as the kitchen, some offices, and other fixtures.
The exact fitout will be determined as part of the design process which will involve staff consultation.
The costs are likely to be within the Chief Executive’s delegation.
The Board approved ENZ to enter into a new lease agreement with Robt. Jones Holdings Limited for
the premises at Level 5, 160 Lambton Quay in Wellington.
The Board authorised two ENZ Board members to sign the new Agreement to Lease and Deed of
Moved: Ziena Jalil
Seconded: Daniel Wilson
4.1 Information only papers
The Board noted the Focus on Strategic Objective: Tono paper and the Communications report: 1
December 2022 to 31 January 2023.
General Business
No general business items were discussed.
The meeting closed at 2.00pm
Minute Action
Meeting: 16 December 2021
Te Tiriti workshop to be arranged
Workshop discussed with
Ed Tuari
for the Board in 2022.
new Chair and decision
made to defer. Specific
date to be determined.
Meeting: 23 August 2022
Recommendations from David
Ongoing. Discussed at
Matt Penney, Alex
Nalder to be on agenda of next
Audit and Risk Committee Spencer
Audit and Risk Committee meeting meeting on 14 November;
for discussion. Recommendations
interim Board meeting on
to come to full Board for
17 November; Board
meeting on 15 December.
David Nalder is meeting
with the Operations team
to discuss integrating risk
with decision-making
within ENZ’s planning and
reporting processes. An
update will be provided to
the Audit and Risk
Committee in April 2022.
Meeting: 15 December 2022
Issues and Risk register to be
Ongoing work to amend
Alex Spencer
reviewed, noting feedback
the Risk management
received on risk mitigation and
policy and procedure to
RAG ratings.
provide for the
identification of inherent
and residual risk. The
updated policy and
procedure will be
considered by the Audit
and Risk Committee in
April, then the Board in
June. Once the changes
have been implemented,
the dashboard will then be
redesigned to incorporate
the the Board’s feedback.
Meeting: 22 February 2023
Immigration New Zealand visa
See item 2.1 Chief
Alex Spencer, Fiona
Executive’s report
processing reports to be re-
included as an appendix item to
CE’s report. People update to
include figures of Māori staff;
breakdown of FTEs in Auckland
and Wellington. Information on
differing international enrolment
rates among universities to be
2.1 Released
Andy Jackson, Ministry of
Completed. Meeting took
Karim Dickie
Education Deputy Secretary –
place on 22 March 2023.
Policy, to be invited to meet the
Board in March to provide an
update on changes at the Ministry
and to address items from the
Information on priority markets,
On agenda of April 2023
Matt Penney
current investment in them and
Board meeting.
how they are determined to be
provided to the Board.
Meeting (Interim): 22 March 2023
Proposed measures to be
On agenda of April Audit
Di Solomon, Abby
reassessed and circulated to the
and Risk Committee
Board ahead of testing at the April
meeting. Circulate to ARC
Audit and Risk Committee
members and the Board
meeting. Following that, the
on 6 April 2023.
measures would be put forward for
final approval at the April Board
Education New Zealand – Manapou ki te Ao
DRAFT Interim Board Meeting Notes
Wednesday 22 March 2023, 10.00am to 12.00pm
Education New Zealand, Level 5 Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PRESENT: Steve Maharey (Chair), Lyn Provost, Linda Sissons, Daniel Wilson, Rachael Tuwhangai,
Ziena Jalil
IN ATTENDANCE: Grant McPherson, Karim Dickie (Secretary)
Matt Penney and Di Solomon (for items 1.1 and 2.1), Fiona Cameron, Lisa Futschek, Sahinde Pala,
Wendy Kerr, Geoff Bilbrough Andy Jackson, Katrina Sutich and John Brooker (for item 1.1)
Sanjay Sewambar and Abby Humphries (for item 2.1)
Board only
The Board noted the finish of Steve Maharey’s term as Chair and the appointment of Tracey Bridges.
1.1 Engagement with the Ministry of Education
Senior leaders from the Ministry of Education joined the Board session. The MoE officials discussed
recent organisational changes at the Ministry and outlined the new structure. The Board and MoE
officials discussed the Ministry’s policy framework on international education.
2.1 Performance measures for the Statement of Intent 2023-27 and the Statement of
Performance Measures 2023/24
The Board noted that the ENZ proposed measures includes the Estimates of Appropriations
measures as approved by the Board at its February 2023 meeting.
The Board noted that ENZ intends for those measures to be ENZ’s Impact Measures for its Statement
of Intent 2023-2027 and that ENZ will include two management measures relating to staff wellbeing
and Crown-Māori obligations in its Statement of Intent 2023-2027.
The Board provided feedback on the measures and asked for more specificity. It was agreed that the
proposed measures would be reassessed and tested at the April Audit and Risk Committee meeting
before being put forward for Board approval at the April Board meeting. It was agreed that the full
Board would be sent the measures at the same time as Audit and Risk Committee members.
General Business
No general business items were discussed. The meeting closed at 12midday.
Document Outline