14 June 2023
Connor Johnson
[FYI request #22344 email]
Tēnā koe Connor
Thank you for your email of 31 March 2023 to the Department of Corrections – Ara
Poutama Aotearoa, requesting information about personal protective equipment (PPE) that
Corrections Officers have access to. Your request has been considered under the Official
Information Act 1982 (OIA).
Firstly, I would like to apologise for the delay in responding to you. Unfortunately, it took us
additional time to col ate and assure the information from when we were last in touch
which has meant we did not meet the date we expected.
As you will appreciate, we manage some of New Zealand's most difficult people in an
environment that can be complex and challenging. Accordingly, Corrections invests
significantly in the health and safety of our staff. We have a number of processes in place to
safeguard the welfare of staff and people in prison, and resources available for staff
requiring additional support. We have a zero-tolerance policy toward violence of any kind.
Our staff recognise the importance of knowing and understanding people in prison, and
actively engage with them to reinforce positive behaviour. Staff anticipate and attempt to
resolve problems through the active management of people in prison, and are trained in de-
escalation techniques, and interpersonal and tactical communication skills. The goal is
always to manage a potentially volatile situation in a manner that minimises the likelihood
of violent behaviour.
The reality is the threat of violence is something we cannot eliminate entirely, but we do
everything possible to minimise this risk. We have invested significantly in training and tools
to keep our staff safe. This includes tactical skills, such as de-escalation, through to the
introduction of stab resistant body armour, on body cameras and the expanded deployment
of pepper spray.
In accordance with section 83 of the Corrections Act 2004 (the Act), the use of physical force
is limited to the minimum degree reasonable and necessary to resolve a situation as
promptly and as safely as possible. It can only be used if there are reasonable grounds to
Mayfair House, 44 – 52 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, Private Box 1206, Wellington 6140,
Phone +64 4 460 3000
believe the use of force is necessary. Examples of this include: in self-defence, in the case of
an escape, to prevent property damage, or in response to resistance to a lawful order.
Whenever practical before the use of force, approval from the Prison Director or an
authorised manager must be given. Force is not used as a means of punishment and can
only be used once prison staff have exhausted every effort to communicate with the person
to diffuse a situation. The use of force is only considered when all other reasonable
alternatives have been attempted or, in extreme circumstances, when all other reasonable
alternatives are considered inappropriate due to the nature of the situation. Force must be
discontinued at the first safe opportunity once control is regained.
Control and Restraint is the intervention strategy used to bring a person under control.
Control and Restraint involves the use of approved techniques to bring a person under
control and wil only be utilised in situations consistent with the Act.
Al custodial staff are trained in the use of physical holds to restrain offenders. Physical
holds can only be used by staff members with adequate training in the use of that hold. Al
staff must undergo refresher courses at least every 12 months. Each of these training
sessions reinforces legal requirements and principles underpinning the use of force.
Every opportunity must be taken to de-escalate the situation and control and restraint
techniques are only used a last resort. The use of force must be proportionate to the
circumstances and the degree of resistance given by the person.
Prisons are a dynamic environment and many incidents that occur in prisons are
spontaneous. These can happen when staff answer personal alarms, radio messages or staff
shouting for assistance. Types of spontaneous incidents include assaults by prisoners (either
on staff or prisoners) or escape attempts. Spontaneous use of force may be utilised by an
officer where it is determined that it is necessary in the situation to not wait to have the
Control and Restraint team deployed and it is evaluated to be the most appropriate tactical
option. The use of force can also include the use of pepper spray. Pepper spray can be the
least harmful way of responding, by temporarily incapacitating the prisoner, making it easier
and safer to restrain and relocate them.
Pepper spray may be issued only to an officer who has received adequate training in its use.
Officers trained in the use of pepper spray must undergo refresher courses at least once a
The officer must use the pepper spray in a way that minimises pain or injury to the prisoner,
so far as that is consistent with protecting prison security or the safety of any person. Once
compliant, the prisoner is relocated, decontaminated, and assessed by health staff for any
unexpected reaction.
Pepper spray has proven to be an effective tactical tool to protect the safety of staff and
prisoners. Individually carried pepper spray (ICP) is used to de-escalate situations such as
prisoners fighting in the yard and refusing to stop, prisoners refusing to return to their cel s
and displaying aggressive behaviour towards staff, and prisoners damaging property and
using broken glass as a weapon.
You requested:
1. Please supply all gear correctional officer carry on them such as handcuffs, panic
button, mace etc.
2. Please also include other things they are able to carry or certain ranks can carry.
3. Please also attach photos for each of the items.
4. Please supply a list of all tactical gear corrections have such as cel buster, riot
shields, body armour etc. also attach photos for these.
Please find enclosed Appendix One – Corrections Officer Personal Protective Equipment.
This document lists what PPE is supplied to Corrections Officers to carry out their normal
duties, when responding to an incident or issued to specialist Advanced Control and
Restraint Teams.
This PPE is not issued depending on rank, it is issued where a Corrections Officer has
received the appropriate training on the PPE and situations where they can be used.
Please note that this response may be published on Corrections’ website. Typical y,
responses are published quarterly, or as otherwise determined. Your personal information
including name and contact details will be removed for publication.
I trust the information provided is of assistance. I encourage you to raise any concerns
about this response with Corrections. Alternatively, you are advised of your right to also
raise any concerns with the Office of the Ombudsman. Contact details are: Office of the
Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wel ington 6143.
Ngā mihi
Leigh Marsh
National Commissioner