5 May 2023
M.S.S Laxana
By email: [FYI request #22383 email]
Tēnā koe M.S.S Laxana
Official information request regarding vending machines at VUW
I refer to your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act)
dated 4 April 2023:
the number of vending machines on-campus
the different items contained in the vending machines i.e. approximately
what type of food is stocked in those vending machines, how much water
is stocked, how much carbonated/non-carbonated drinks is stocked, how
much drinks with added sugar is stocked, how much healthy v unhealthy
snacks are stocked
is there a mix of healthy vs. unhealthy food and drinks in the vending
machines and is consideration given as to what proportion the split
should be like i.e. is it a 50-50 split?
I also refer to your request for further information on this topic dated 4 April 2023
Is revenue and/or units of sale kept track of electronically, and if so is this
done on a weekly basis for each vending machine or for all vending
Number of vending machines on campus
The table below contains the number of vending machines at Te Herenga Waka Victoria
University of Wellington:
Number of Vending Machines
Te Aro
Different items contained in the vending machines
The attached documents contain information regarding the contents of the vending
machines. Please note, there are currently two vending machine suppliers to the
University who provide differing reports regarding current stock levels.
Mix of healthy vs. unhealthy food
The University is committed to offering a range of healthy food options on campus for
both staff and students at a reasonable cost. Vending machines are just one of our many
and varied food offerings which include outlets such as Milk and Honey, Wishbone, Maki
Mono, The Lab, NamD, Subway, and Krishna Food. Catering provided in our catered
Halls of Residence must meet strict health and nutritional requirements.
However, the University does not hold information regarding the ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’
status of items contained in vending machines on its campuses and halls. Therefore this
aspect of your request is refused in accordance with s18(g) of the Act as the information is
not held by the University.
Reporting of revenue and sales
The University receives monthly statements of sales figures and revenue from its vendors
but does not receive reports about the number of sales of each individual product.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of the
decisions made regarding this request. Information about how to make a complaint is
available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact me at
[VUW request email].
Ngā mihi nui
Blair Doherty
Senior Advisor, Official Information and Privacy
Legal Services
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington