15 May 2023
[FYI request #22482 email]
Ref: OIA-2022/23-0814
Dear ASE
Official Information Act request relating to COVID-19 vaccines, mortality, and
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request received on 17 April 2023.
You requested:
“I am seeking all information held by NAB/DPMC relating to correlation and/or causality
between COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality and/or morbidity.
For clarification, the above request includes:
• all information held by NAB/DPMC relating to any correlations between COVID-19
“vaccines” and mortality.
• all information held by NAB/DPMC relating to any correlations between COVID-19
“vaccines” and morbidity.
• all information held by NAB/DPMC relating to causality between COVID-19 “vaccines”
and mortality.
• all information held by NAB/DPMC relating to causality between COVID-19 “vaccines”
and morbidity.
• all information relating to the status, release, management, and/or dissemination of
such information, as requested herein.
• all information relating to any such information, as requested herein, that may have
been passed from, to, or through NAB/DPMC channels.”
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, including the National Assessments
Bureau (NAB) has conducted searches of its electronic document management systems and
has not identified any information relevant to your request.
One paper titled ‘
COVID-19 Vaccine and Māori’ produced for the Ministry of Health, February
2021, has been identified as having a minor reference within scope of your request which I
have provided via an extract. For a full copy of the paper, you may wish to contact the
Ministry of Health.
10.1 Specific information that was felt not to be true
There was a wide range of comment on what had been heard that respondents felt was not
true. Particular groups of comments were:
People will/have died from the vaccine
5% said they had heard reports of deaths and/or comment that people would die from taking
the vaccine:
Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand 6011
64 4 817 9698 www.dpmc.govt.nz
“Causes death.”
“It wil kil you.”
“Reports of mass deaths overseas after vaccination.”
With the exception of the above paper, the remainder of your request to the Department of
the Prime Minister and Cabinet is refused under section 18(e) of the Act, as no information
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under
section 28(3) of the Act.
Yours sincerely
Clare Ward
Executive Director
Strategy, Governance and Engagement