18 May 2023
Connor Johnson
[FYI request #22506 email]
Tēnā koe Connor
Thank you for your Official Information Act request to the Department of Conservation,
received on 19 April 2023 about fire vehicles.
Your questions and our responses are listed below:
1. Question 1. A spreadsheet containing al of your fire vehicles and trailers with the
plate and base it is stationed. For example:
DQR 380 - Waimakariri
CZL 643 - Rangiora
Response. The Department of Conservation has only one dedicated fire vehicle,
DTF144 which is a Toyota 4x4 utility based at Twizel. This vehicle is currently under
disposal action.
2. Question 2. I would also like you to supply a list of al internal communications and
discussions, information, inquiries etc about any plans to acquire more/new fire
Response. The Department of Conservation has no intention to obtain any further
vehicles related to fire use. As such there is no communication about acquiring more
fire vehicles.
Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) and enclosed documents
may be published on the Department’s website.
Nāku noa, nā
Claire Spencer
Director, National Programmes (2)
Department of Conservation
Te Papa Atawhai
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