16 June 2023
45 Pipitea Street, Thorndon, Wellington 6011
PO Box 805, Wellington 6140
Phone +64 4 495 7200
Shayne Gibson
Fax +64 4 382 3589
<[FYI request #22588 email]>
ail [email address]
ite www.dia.govt.nz
Dear Mr Gibson
Your Official Information Act request OIA2023-0780, dated 27 April 2023
In regard to your Official Information Act (the Act) request, that was received by the
Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) on 27 April 2023, the Department’s
response follows.
You have requested:
‘an extract of the annual amount spent with all suppliers for the 2021/2022 financial
year. I would like this data in an open format, csv or json formats would be suitable.
I would like the following details provided:
1. Supplier Name
2. Suppliers NZBN number (if available)
3. Total Amount Spent (we clarified that you were seeking GST exclusive figures).’
An Excel workbook of the information is attached, as well as a pdf file.
The Department is refusing the release of detailed information of those suppliers receiving
under $10,000 per annum under sections 18(f) and 9(2)(a) of the Act. This limit is also in line
with that applied to the Department’s Select Committee responses.
Section 9(2)(a) refers to the privacy of natural persons. The Department is responsible for
reimbursing survivors and witnesses who appear in the Royal Commission into Historical
Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions. Section 18(f) refers to
substantial collation and research that would be required to review the information for
those individuals.
The Department is refusing the release of supplier information under Section 18(f) where
the expense was incurred by a staff member, who submits an expense claim. Substantial
collation and research would be required to review the expense claims and identify the
suppliers. Staff expense claims are not included in the response.
We consider that the withholding of information as mentioned above is not outweighed by
other considerations which render it desirable, in the public interest, to make that
information available
Further detail on the information
1. The information was compiled from data in the Accounts Payable system, based on
payment of invoices dated between 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.
2. These invoices are for both operating and capital expenses.
3. Some suppliers have several accounts in the Accounts Payable ledger. These
accounts have been totalled where it appears from a review of invoices that the
organisation is the same legal entity. However, some entities operate a number of
companies and there is a risk that different companies have been included in the
total incorrectly.
4. ‘Supplier’ is deemed to be the organisation that the Department pays for a service.
This may be an agency that sources services from others, eg Orbit Travel for airfares,
hotels and other travel services, Bank of New Zealand for purchase cards.
5. Payments to organisations or individuals who are paid to participate in Committees
administered by the Department, are excluded as the recipients are not considered
to be suppliers.
6. Grants disbursed by the Department to organisations or individuals are excluded as
the recipients are not considered to be suppliers.
7. Individuals who are included in the response are listed by their initial and last name,
in line with the disclosure in the Department’s replies to the Select Committee.
We intend to publish our response to your request on
www.dia.govt.nz. This letter, with
your personal details removed, will be published in its entirety. Publishing responses
increases the availability of information to the public and is consistent with the Act’s
purpose of enabling more effective participation in the making and administration of laws
and policies, and promoting the accountability of Ministers and officials.
If you have any feedback or questions about the Department’s response, please let us know
[email address]
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or Freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Sharyn Mitchell
Chief Financial Officer
Organisation Capability and Services| He Pou Aronui
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