Samantha Gain – GM Metlink
Tim Shackleton, Melissa Anderson, David Boyd
Nicki Lau Young, Director NTS
28 October 2022
There are a number of decisions required to be made in relation to the roll out of Snapper on Rail which have financial implications in terms of
farebox collected and/or impacts on customer experience. We are seeking approval of these decisions prior to implementation on 12
Financial Impact
Default fare to apply from
A default fare needs to apply if a passenger forgets to tag off as it is the
None – potentially additional
go live
only way of charging a fare for the journey taken.
revenue due to the imposition of
default fares
It is proposed that the default fare for all lines is set at $10/$5
(adult/child) on the basis that, based on half price fares, this default fare
level is below the maximum fare charged on the rail network. This default
fare level is not unnecessarily punitive during the transitional period when
customers are most likely to inadvertently not “tag off” but is also high
enough that people will choose not to proactively “tag off” as the default
fare is less than the actual fare.
We still need to confirm our proposal for the default fare once full price
fares return. Based on the rationale above, this would lead us to a default
fare of $20/$10 which is a relatively high ‘penalty’ for lower zone journeys
(including the Johnsonville Line) and may risk customer push-back or
customers disposing of their Snapper card if it has a very low or negative
balance as a result of incurring a default fare.
We will monitor the number of default fares being incurred during the
transitional period of 12 November through to 15 January. We will then
recommend a full price fare default fare position in mid-January.
It is recommended that you:
Approve an initial default fare of $10 for an adult and $5 for a child with further option analysis to be undertaken prior to the end of
the half price fares;