7/17/23, 12:23 PM
Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
Global Process Manual
You are here: Residence > Parent Category > Expression of Interest (EOI) >
Consider and Decide EOI
Creation/Lodgement of EOI
When to use
When an INZ 1202 Parent Category Expression of Interest (EOI) form has been provided for a Parent Category resident visa.
Support Officer
Immigra on Manager
Follow the timeframes in the table below when lodging a Parent Category Expression of Interest (EOI)
ACT 1982
Situa on
Parent EOI complete - Lodge EOI.
Complete lodgement, scan and upload to MAKO and transfer AMS applica on to process
office within seven working days.
Fee declined
Contact applicant within 48 hours and request fee.
Applicant has two working days (from contact) to provide fee.
RFL EOI on third working day if above deadline not met.
See SOP Return Failed Lodgement
Mandatory documents missing
Iden fy missing documents and contact applicant within 48 hours of receipt of EOI.
Applicant has two working days (from contact) to provide missing documents.
RFL EOI on third working day if above deadline not met.
See SOP Return Failed Lodgement
Confirm if the principal parent and their partner (if included in the EOI) have exis ng iden es within AMS.
To do so:
Search AMS for the parent/partner
Click on the Client bu on from the AMS toolbar. The AMS - Client Search screen should appear.
Enter parent’s and/or partner’s details in the applicable search boxes and click find now.
The search results will be listed below the Client Search screen.
Note: when searching for the parent/partner, use an asterisk (*) as this will enable a wildcard search which will populate more results based on t
informa on entered.
If the parent/partner can be located in
Go to Step 2
If the parent/partner cannot be located in
Create a new Client ID within AMS for the person, then proceed to
step 2.
Check for previously withdrawn Parent Category EOIs
If the principal parent previously
Contact the client to confirm whether they want their EOI to be re-

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
submi ed a Parent Category EOI on or
submi ed into the queue OR if they want to submit an EOI into the
before 7 October 2019 and withdrew that
Ballot instead.
EOI before 12 October 2022.
If they choose to have their EOI submi ed into the Ballot, proceed
to step 3.
If they choose to have their EOI re-submi ed into the queue, an IM
may waive by special direc on the approved form requirement, add
a note to AMS sta ng the waiver reason under regula on 34(1)(d),
then follow the process outlined in Parent Category re-submit EOI
If no such Parent Category EOI history is
Proceed to step 3
found in AMS.
Add the appropriate EOI to the parent’s record.
Once you have added or found the client, click on the Add icon
. The New Applica on screen will appear. Follow the guide here: AMS Manual and rai
Family Parent EOI under Special, Expression of Interest, Family Parent (Ballot).
Backdate the tendered date of the new EOI to the date the EOI was received.
The EOI will be created in AMS with a ‘Tendered’ status.
Check mandatory documents
ACT 1982
Select the applica on by double clicking it from the Applica ons tab. Open the Expression of Interest - Family Parent (Ballot) applica on and select the
Process Lodgements bu on
Check off the documents the parent has provided with their EOI against the lodgement ques ons listed on the Lodgement screen and ensure that all
mandatory ques ons on the form have been answered.
They must include a signed form
and pay the required fee.
The mandatory lodgement requirement/s
Select Yes to the lodgement ques on for each lodgement requirement.
have been met and relevant ques ons
Go to step 7 below.
The mandatory lodgement requirement/s
Select No to the lodgement ques on for each lodgement requirement.
have not been met and/or relevant
ques ons not answered.
The mandatory lodgement requirement/s
Lodgement deferred. Ques ons to be completed once addi onal
have not been provided but addi onal
informa on is provided. Once provided, refer to steps above.
informa on has been requested and is
If addi onal informa on is not received within two working days (of
pending a response.
contact), RFL the EOI on third working day if above deadline not met.
See SOP Return Failed Lodgement
Update the parent’s Client ID in AMS as appropriate
update current address using the
Address tab
update family members using the
Family tab
add the sponsor(s)/suppor ng partner, and, if applicable, immigra on adviser details using the
Contacts tab.
Process applica on fee
Add details to AMS under the Finance tab.
Note: Only one fee will be paid for mul ple people included in the EOI where one is the principal parent, and one is their partner.
Complete the EOI lodgement process in AMS
Select the EOI by double clicking it from the Applica ons tab. Open the Expression of Interest - Family Parent (Ballot) applica on and select the Lodgeme
bu on
Backdate the ‘Accepted’ date to the date all required documenta on were received. If this was at the date of submission, the accepted date should be
backdated to the ‘tendered’ date.
When the lodgements and fees are completed successfully, the new EOI status will updated to ‘Accepted.’
The Decision field in AMS under the summary tab will be blank.
Finalise lodgement of the applica on.
Click OK to return to the
Applicants tab in AMS.
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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
e equ s te
The principal applicant’s AMS record (Client Details screen) is open.
Check status of the PA, and SA if applicable, in AMS
The status of the PA and SA in AMS is
IN or
Go to
Step 2
OUT and they do not hold a resident visa
The PA currently holds a resident visa
The client will not be invited to apply as they already hold
residency. The outcome email should explain this.
The PA and the SA hold a resident visa
Go to
Step 8
The SA (if applicable) holds a resident visa
Note the concern
Go to
Step 2
The PA status in AMS is DEAD or informa on
See Visa Pak 362
has been provided indica ng they have died
ACT 1982
Go to
Step 8
The PA/SA status in AMS is UNLI
They will not be able to apply for a resident visa –un l UNLI
status is resolved
See sec on 169 of the Immigra on Act 2009.
Note the concern
Go to
Step 2
Locate EOI forms
In AMS, note the EOI applica on number
The EOI was "accepted" before 12 October
Access the MAKO folder named Parent (Queue) EOI
Search for the client using their applica on number
Open the relevant folder to access the forms
The EOI was "accepted" on or a er 12
October 2022
Access the MAKO folder named Parent (Ballot) EO
Search for the client using their applica on number
Open the relevant folder to access the forms
Review the informa on supplied in the relevant forms
Review all EOI forms a ached.
Refer to the informa on in the most recent form when comple ng the credibility check.
The forms are:
INZ EOI form (INZ1202)
INZ Resubmission of EOI form (INZ1374)
INZ EOI update form (INZ1249)
Only INZ EOI form (INZ1202) has been
Go to
Step 4
submi ed
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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
INZ EOI form (INZ1202) has been submi ed
Use the informa on in the most recent form when comple ng
with either,
the credibility check. (This will usually be INZ1374 or INZ1249).
INZ Resubmission of EOI form (INZ1374)
Go to
Step 4
INZ EOI update form (INZ1249)
Check the informa on provided matches the informa on in AMS
If the client bio details or iden ty
documents in the most recent EOI form…
are consistent with the details held in AMS
Go to
Step 5
are inconsistent with the client details in AMS
Check evidence that sa sfies the new informa on (i.e., marriage
cer ficate for name change)
The EOI form has been updated more
Update AMS to match new informa on
recently than AMS
See SOP Edit Iden es in AMS
ACT 1982
Go to
Step 5
are inconsistent with the client details in AMS
Note the Concern
Go to
Step 5
The informa on in AMS is more recent
Consider all requirements
Complete a prima facie (take at face value) check of all requirements, based on informa on that is readily available.
Refer to the EOI forms as the primary source of informa on however, if relevant informa on comes to light from other sources e.g., AMS warnings,
informa on may inform the outcome.
Follow guidelines in paragraphs 7-17 of IAC 14-01 for considering a Parent Category EOI.
Health requirements
If, on face value…
The PA (and SA) meets the health
Go to
Step 5b
The PA and/or SA has a medical condi on but
is eligible for a medical waiver as per A4.60
The SA does not meet health requirements
Note the concern
because they have a condi on listed in
A4.60(a) and are therefore not eligible for a
Go to
Step 5b
medical waiver
The PA does not meet health requirements
Note the concern
because they have a condi on listed in A4.60
and are therefore not eligible for a medical
Go to
Step 5b
Character requirements
If, on face value…
The PA (and SA) meets the character
Go to
Step 5c
The SA does not meet the character
Note the concern
Go to
Step 5c
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The PA does not meet character
Note the concern
requirements as they are a person described
by sec on 15 or 16 of the Immigra on Act
Go to
Step 5c
English language requirements
Parent Category applicants must meet the minimum standard of English or the requirements to pre-purchase English for speakers of other languages (ES
tui on – see F4.25(a).
At EOI stage, it is sufficient for the applicant(s) to indicate that they meet this requirement though evidence or agreement to pre-purchase ESOL tui on.
Go to
Step 5d.
Dependent child(ren) requirements
If, on face value…
The PA (and SA) has no dependent children as
Go to
Step 5e
set out in Immigra on Instruc ons F4.20
The PA and/ or SA has a child who will s ll be
Note the concern
considered a dependant a er the 4-month
ACT 1982
ITA period
Go to
Step 5e
Sponsor’s eligibility
If, on face value…
The sponsor(s) meet the sponsorship
Go to
Step 6
requirements as set out in F4.35.1
Sponsor income is not declared because they
Note the concern
previously relied on the Tier One op on for
guaranteed life me income or se lement funds,
Go to
Step 6
Sponsor income is declared at a level below
current requirement
The sponsor(s) does not meet the sponsorship
Note the concern
requirements as set out in F4.35.1
Go to
Step 6
Send Request for further informa on (RFI)
While the considera on of an EOI should be a quick face value check of the claims made in the EOI and there is not normally a requirement to seek furth
informa on, in rare cases it may be appropriate to contact the applicant(s) before making a decision as to whether to issue an ITA.
Consider any concerns that have been noted. See SOP Request addi onal informa on
If the concern is…
The PA or SA is UNLI
Go to
Step 7
Based on your assessment they would meet the
requirements for an ITA is this were resolved
The PA or SA is UNLI
Make a note to inform the applicant(s) of their UNLI status
And based on your assessment would not meet
the requirements for an ITA if this were resolved
Go to
Step 8
The PA does not meet health requirements
Make a note to inform the applicant that they do not meet the criteria
because they have a condi on listed in A4.60
for an ITA.
If the SA meets the criteria as PA, inform the client of this and ask
The PA does not meet character requirements as
they are a person described by sec on 15 or 16
whether they would like to proceed with only the SA.
of the Immigra on Act 2009.
Go to
Step 8
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The PA and/ or SA has a dependent child
Make a note to inform applicant(s) that they do not meet criteria to be
issued an ITA
Go to
Step 8
Sponsor income is not declared because they
Use template E11 to send the PA or contact person an RFI to request an
previously relied on the Tier One op on for
updated declara on that the sponsor meets the current requirements
guaranteed life me income or se lement funds,
set out in F4.35.1
Sponsor income is declared at a level below
A ach the EOI update form (INZ1249 )
current requirement
Details provided in the EOI form are inconsistent
Contact the PA and/or the contact person to request they complete INZ
with the client details in AMS
EOI update form (INZ1249 )
The informa on in AMS is more recent
The SA holds a residence visa
Send the PA or contact person an RFI to explain that since the SA has
residence or does not meet the health/character requirements the ITA
The SA does not meet health requirements
cannot be issued to update their EOI
ACT 1982
because they have a condi on listed in A4.60
and are therefore not eligible for a medical
A ach the EOI update form (INZ1249 )
PA can then choose whether the update the form, removing the SA
The SA does not meet the character
Allow 10 working days for updated informa on
If a response…
Is received in 10 working days
Update AMS as necessary
And address the concerns
Go to
Step 8
Is received in 10 working days and doesn’t
Go to
Step 8
address the concerns
Note: If the RFI is rela ng to the SA. Explain in the RFI
Is not received
that an ITA cannot be issued as the SA does not meet
criteria. Providing the relevant forms enables the client
to reapply as a single applicant.
Resolve UNLI status
RFI using TLS template E18a and email the request to the client
In AMS notes, record:
that the EOI has been selected pending resolu on of the UNLI status and correspondence has been sent to the client,
any given meframes. Ac on must be taken by the PA/SA within 10 working days of contact being made
A er 10 working days no evidence has been
Go to
Step 8
received, or no sec on 61 request has been
A sec on 61 request has been made within
Contact [email address] and ask to be kept informed about the
10 working days of contact
Hold the EOI un l a decision has been made on the sec on 61

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
If a er 10 Days the visa status has changed to
IN or
OUT, Go to
Step 8
Complete credibility check template
Complete the EOI credibility check template
Copy and paste the document into AMS
Print a copy
Save the printed copy and add to the physical file (for paper applica ons only)
Complete the determina on screen in AMS
ACT 1982
Note: requirements cannot be waived when considering an EOI To issue an ITA the IO must be sa sfied that each requirement can be met
when the applicant applies for the resident visa.
If, on face value…
The PA (and SA) meets the requirements
Go to
Step 10
The PA (and SA) does not meet the
Go to
Step 12
Approve the EOI in AMS
Select the ITA bu on.
Enter the ITA date so that ‘Invita on to apply issued’ is showing and the status updates to ‘completed’.
Create and send the ITA le er
In the AMS template le er system, access template le er E18 Parent Category ITA
Follow the prompts to complete the le er
Save le er as ‘final’
Save a version of the le er as PDF
Open ITA email template
Enter client details
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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
A ach
the ITA le er PDF
Parent Category Residence Applica on form (INZ 1206).
Sponsorship form for Residence for applica ons under the Parent Category (INZ 1024).
Na onal Security check (If applicable)
Remove references to forms that are not relevant to this visa type
Email the ITA le er to the PA or relevant contact person as iden fied in their EOI
Go to
Step 13
Do not issue ITA
Open the AMS template le er system and select the template le er E17 Parent Category EOI decline
Follow the prompts to complete the le er
Save the le er as ‘final’.
Email the le er to the PA or relevant contact person as iden fied in their EOI
ACT 1982
Note: In the email to applicants who are UNLI. Inform them of their unlawful status and provide details on the steps they should take to
resolve it INZ website .
Create AMS note
Create a note in AMS
If an ITA…
Is being issued
Paste the issue ITA email into the notes sec on with
the heading ITA ISSUED’
Is not being issued
Add a note confirming EOI decline has been sent
7/17/23, 12:26 PM
Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
Global Process Manual
You are here: Residence > Parent Category > Expression of Interest (EOI) >
Re-submit EOI
Re-submit EOI
When to use
When an INZ 1374 Parent Category Resubmission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) form has been provided for a Parent Category resident visa.
Support Officer
Immigra on Manager
Follow the timeframes in the table below when lodging a re-submitted Parent Category Expression of Interest (EOI).
ACT 1982
Situa on
Parent EOI re-submission complete - Lodge EOI.
Complete lodgement, scan and upload to MAKO and transfer AMS applica on to processing
office within seven working days.
Fee declined
Contact applicant within 48 hours and request fee.
Applicant has two working days (from contact) to provide fee.
RFL EOI on third working day if above deadline not met.
See SOP Return Failed Lodgement
Mandatory documents missing
Iden fy missing documents and contact applicant within 48 hours of receipt of EOI.
Applicant has two working days (from contact) to provide missing documents.
RFL EOI on third working day if above deadline not met.
See SOP Return Failed Lodgement
Confirm if the principal parent and their partner (if included in the EOI) have exis ng iden es within AMS.
To do so:
Search AMS for the parent/partner
Click on the Client bu on from the AMS toolbar. The AMS - Client Search screen should appear.
Enter parent’s and/or partner’s details in the applicable search boxes and click find now.
The search results will be listed below the Client Search screen.
Note: when searching for the parent/partner, use an asterisk (*) as this will enable a wildcard search which will populate more results based on the
informa on entered.
If the parent/partner can be located in
Proceed to step 2
AMS and the principal parent
previously submi ed a Parent Category
EOI on or before 7 October 2019 and
withdrew that EOI before 12 October
If the parent/partner can be located in
They may have filled in the INZ 1374 form rather than the INZ 1202 form
AMS but no such Parent Category EOI
by mistake seeking to enter the Ballot Pool.
history is found in AMS
An IM may waive by special direc on the approved form requirement
and add a note to AMS sta ng the waiver reason under regula on 34(1)
(d), then proceed to Step 3 in the Parent Category EOI
Crea on/Lodgment SOP

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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
If the parent/partner cannot be located
They may have filled in the INZ 1374 form rather than the INZ 1202 form
in AMS
by mistake seeking to enter the Ballot Pool.
Create a new Client ID within AMS for the person.
An IM may waive by special direc on the approved form requirement
and add a note to AMS sta ng the waiver reason under regula on 34(1)
(d), then proceed to Step 3 in the Parent Category EOI
Crea on/Lodgment SOP
Note: If the approved form requirement is waived by special direc on (by someone delegated appropriately) the EOI can be submi ed into the
ballot without the parent submi ng the approved INZ 1202 form.
Add the appropriate re-submi ed EOI to the parent’s record.
Once you have found the client, click on the Add icon
. The New Applica on screen will appear. Follow the guide here: AMS Manual and raise a
Family Parent EOI under Special, Expression of Interest, Family Parent.
Backdate the tendered date of the new EOI to that of the previously withdrawn EOI to reflect the submission date.
The EOI will be created in AMS with a ‘Tendered’ status.
Check mandatory documents
Select the applica on by double clicking it from the Applica ons tab. Open the Expression of Interest - Family Parent applica on and select the Process
ACT 1982
Lodgements bu on
Check off the documents the parent has provided with their EOI against the requirements listed on the Lodgement screen and ensure that all
mandatory ques ons on the form have been answered.
They must include a signed form
and pay the required fee.
The mandatory lodgement
Select Yes to the lodgement ques on for each lodgement requirement.
requirement/s have been met and
Go to step 7 below.
relevant ques ons answered.
The mandatory lodgement
Select No to the lodgement ques on for each lodgement requirement.
requirement/s have not been met
and/or relevant ques ons not
The mandatory lodgement
Lodgement deferred. Ques ons to be completed once addi onal
requirement/s have not been provided
informa on is provided. Once provided, refer to steps above.
but addi onal informa on has been
requested and is pending a response.
Update the parent’s Client ID in AMS as appropriate
update current address using the
Address tab
update family members using the
Family tab
add the sponsor(s)/suppor ng partner, and, if applicable, immigra on adviser details using the
Contacts tab.
Process applica on fee
Add details to AMS under the Finance tab.
Note: Only one fee will be paid for mul ple people included in the EOI where one is the principal parent, and one is their partner.
Complete the EOI lodgement process in AMS
Select the EOI by double clicking it from the Applica ons tab. Open the Expression of Interest - Family Parent applica on and select the Process
Lodgements bu on
Backdate the ‘Accepted’ date to the original ‘accepted date of the EOI that was withdrawn.
When the lodgements and fees are completed successfully the new EOI status will update to ‘Accepted.’
The Decision field in AMS under the summary tab will show ‘in pool’ for EOIs that were re-submi ed.
Finalise lodgement of the applica on.
Click OK to return to the Applicants tab in AMS.
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Global Process Manual Global Process Manual
ACT 1982
Selection dates/draws
Thursday, 8 June 2023
1:12 pm
As of 01 May 2023, the period for sponsor income is based on the date the EOI was selected.
Al EOI selection dates:
• 14 November 2022
• 14 February 2023
• 09 May 2023
If you are unsure of the selection date for an EOI, look in the AMS notes for the date it was moved
from NaDO to Christchurch.
ACT 1982
EOI forms:
Parent (Ballot) EOI
Parent (Ballot) EOI (Approved access) (wd.govt.nz) <- direct to EOIs
Parent (Queued) EOI
Parent (Queued) EOI (Approved access) (wd.govt.nz) <- direct to EOIs
Original EOIs are named by the application number, updated forms are the application number
followed by a U. They are put into the folder named by the year it was originally lodged (if in the
queued lot).
You can either search using the top right search bar, or click on 'Document (XXXX)' on the left tab to
open all the folders at once, then search using the content filter search bar on the left.
In the case that you RFI and receive an updated form, upload it into the correct folder by clicking
'Add Item' and 'Document':
Keep your assessments here: T:\Christchurch\Team Work Visa\Parent Category 2022
When pasting notes in AMS, be sure to remove any irrelevant chunks of text in the template, such as
'ITA issued' if you are not at a decision stage.
You can find situation-specific rationale in No response and Deceased applicants.
Unlawful: We only care if the applicant(s) has a status of NEWC, OUT or IN. Don't worry if they have had any
past periods of unlawfulness* - we're not assessing on that.
For the Sponsor - we only care if they have residence visa not subject to those S49 conditions (SMC
visa holders)
ACT 1982
*If the applicants are
currently unlawful, we can send them the UNLI RFI. This gives them
several options to rectify their unlawful status.
Thursday, 8 June 2023
11:17 am
When issuing an ITA, save the ITA as a PDF and email it to the client/LIA/contact written in the EOI
along with their EOI form(s).
If you have been in touch with the client(s) before (i.e. RFI response) you can use the email they
used. Otherwise, if you're ITA-ing right away, use all available contact details for the client(s) and
sponsor(s), as well as an advisor if applicable.
Use the below blurb in your email (updated 09 May 2023). Don't forget to adjust the details relevant
to the EOI like additional forms and remove the partner chunk if there is only a single applicant.
Subject: Invitation to Apply for Parent Category Residence -
ACT 1982
Body: Kia ora,
I am pleased to inform you Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has considered your Expression of
Interest and would like to invite you and your partner to apply for a Parent Residen
INFORMATION t Visa under the
Parent Category.
Please find attached to this email your invitation to apply (ITA) letter and a copy of your Expression
of Interest (EOI).
Your invitation to apply letter has full instructions on your next steps in this process. Part of the
instructions are for you to submit your signed Parent Category Expression of Interest form.
Your application must be received by INZ with all of the relevant documents
within four months
from the date of this letter. We cannot accept your application after that date. Your invitation to
apply for residence does not remain open indefinitely.
Please visit our website at Information about Parent Resident Visa | Immigration New Zealand to
find out where to submit your application, the application fee, immigration levy, and to get the
forms you will need to complete the application. The main forms that you will need are as follows:
• INZ1206 Parent Category Residence Application (immigration.govt.nz)
• Sponsorship Form for Residence (INZ 1024) (immigration.govt.nz)
Ngā mihi
[email signature]
Check whether your client(s) wil need to complete either of these forms.
• National Security Check Form (INZ 1209) – Al sections must be completed in English.
Any gaps in employment or education should be included in your information. This
form must be completed by each applicant included in the application. Please note
that non-included partners stil need to submit one with * your application also
• Additional Information Form (INZ 1200) – Al sections must be completed in English.
Any gaps in employment or education should be included in your information. This
form must be completed by each applicant included in the application.
Thursday, 8 June 2023
12:31 pm
Check the decline tab to see if your situation may warrant a decline rather than an RFI.
ACT 1982
Situations that typically result in an RFI are:
• We only have the old EOI form and income is not met
• The client(s) are currently unlawful
Situation-specific blurbs are available in EOI RFIs.
You may find it more efficient to send an email to all available contact emails for the client(s),
sponsor(s), and any advisor if applicable. Then, if you do not receive a response, you can go directly
to calling the sponsor(s).
We have been allowing 10 working days for initial RFIs.
If sending an email, do so from [email address] and add the email to AMS notes for
your app.
I have completed a credibility check on this EOI, and I am satisfied that the information
provided in the EOI appears genuine and credible and indicates the clients included:
☒ have no character issues that would be captured under Section 15 or 16 of the Act and
therefore make them ineligible for a character waiver.
☒ have no medical issues that would make them ineligible for a medical waiver per
instructions A4.60 (a).
☒ are likely to meet English language requirements (per F4.25)
☒ do not appear to have any dependent children (per F4.30.5)
☒ have at least one sponsor who meets the family relationship requirements (per F4.30)
☐ have a sponsor (or sponsors) who appear to be acceptable per instructions F4.35,
including the minimum income threshold requirement, and (if applicable) the
requirements for joint sponsorship. –
Not Satisfied
ITA declined:
ACT 1982
I have completed a credibility check on this EOI, and I
am not satisfied that the
information provided in the EOI appears genuine and credible for the following reasons:
• Applicant does not appear to meet sponsor requirements to be an acceptable
sponsor as set out at R4.5 and does not meet F4 20.15
• Multiple attempts to contact the applicant & sponsor for updated information
have been made including:
• RFI’s sent by email 2 March 2023 – no response
• and two calls ph calls 23/03/23 no reply, no message facility.
• Email to sponsor – 24/3/23
I am therefore declining to ITA as the information on file does not indicate that the
applicant is likely to meet category requirements and I am satisfied I have exhausted all
forms of contact.
Your Name
Immigration Officer
Immigration New Zealand
The date you completed the work
Deceased applicants
Thursday, 8 June 2023
1:00 pm
In the case that the applicant(s) have passed away, we decline the applications in AMS, but
do not
use the word 'decline' in any external communications.
VAT rationale:
I am not able to be satisfied that the claims made within the EOI are sufficient to meet the
requirements under the Parent Category, because information has been received from the
applicant's sponsor/family member that the applicant has died.
In communicating that decision,
as long as the sponsor is an authorised contact it would be
appropriate to write and advise them that the
EOI has been closed (rather than declined).
ACT 1982
If there is no-one authorised, then just note in the AMS record that a letter communicating the
decision has not been sent as the person has died.
Dear [Applicant/Sponsor],
I hope this email finds you well.
We acknowledge the information provided that [Applicants Name] has passed away.
We wish to express our deepest condolences to you and your family.
Immigration NZ can now close off the Expression Of Interest.
Thank you for your engagement with Immigration NZ.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and I wil
endeavour to assist you as best I can.
A refund may be applicable in some circumstances. In order to consider and pay a refund,
Immigration NZ will require official confirmation such as the death certificate.
We understand this may be a difficult time, and would also like to begin the refund process in
a timely manner. Therefore, please supply the death certificate so a refund may be
We also need to be satisfied any refund is going to the right person or entity. If the applicant
paid the fees themselves, then please provide a copy of the wil , or a letter from the deceased
estate to establish who the refund should go to or who the executor is. This will assist
Immigration NZ in completing this process accordingly.
Please provide evidence that you paid the fee yourself, and the fee refund may be considered
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and I will
endeavour to assist you as best I can.
If you receive a death certificate, email it to the Duty TA with the fol owing blurb:
Request Update Status - applicant deceased
Advising this applicant (with ID number) is deceased.
Duty TA wil update the ID and complete housekeeping in AMS for a deceased person
If no such official document has been provided, just make an AMS note under the application
ACT 1982
including the email correspondence advising about the applicant’s death as we cannot update the
client’s status without official confirmation.
Thursday, 8 June 2023
12:32 pm
Send all EOI declines to QC. [email address]
Find al decline blubs in the Letter and email inserts and templates tab of this OneNote.
Reasons to decline to ITA include:
• The applicant(s) already hold residence
• The sponsor(s) have not been ordinarily resident in the three years preceding the EOI
• The sponsor(s) have not been residents or citizens for at least three years before the EOI
• The applicant(s) have indicated they wish for the application to be 'finalised' and have not
requested a withdrawal
• The applicant(s) have passed away (we
do not indicate in our comms that they have been
declined - follow the Deceased applicants process)
• Any requirement is not met based on the original EOI, and we do not receive any
ACT 1982
communications from the applicants/related parties - following the No response process
When declining in AMS, choose 'declined failed - other.'
Thursday, 8 June 2023
12:32 pm
IOs are able to withdraw EOIs before or after receiving the INZ 1183 (withdrawal form). When
withdrawing, choose 'withdrawn - fee refunded.'
We can only do this if the applicant/authorised contact specifically indicates they wish to withdraw.
If not, we have to clarify.
Use the following email wordings based on your situation:
The applicant
Withdraw the application, then send the following email:
requests a
Subject: Information about your Parent Residence Expression of Interest AN
without providing XXXXXXXX
INZ 1183
form) or
Kia ora,
requesting a
I would like to confirm that your application has been withdrawn, as per your
request received by email/phone on (date).
This is based only on your decision to withdraw your application and will not
affect any future visa applications you may make.
Please note that as we have not yet heard from you regarding the refund
documentation, we have not yet processed your refund.
To be able to process your refund, we require you to send a completed
INZ1183 form and A clear copy of a bank statement of the account into which
the refund wil be paid to [email address]. Ensure that the bank
statement clearly shows:
• The Bank Logo
• The Account Name
• The Account Number
Further information on how to apply for a refund is set out at the following
web page: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-
[email signature]
If the applicant
Acknowledge the applicant's email and forward it to
requests a
[email address].
ACT 1982
withdrawal and
provides INZ 1183 Withdraw the application.
and bank details If the applicant
Subject: Information about your Parent Residence Expression of Interest AN
requests a
withdrawal and a
refund, but does Body:
not provide any Kia ora,
To withdraw and request a refund, please fol ow the steps on our website:
Receipts can be retrieved from AMS but in order to process withdrawal,
please advise client to provide the fol owing documents and send them to
[email address]
1. Completed INZ 1183 Refund Request form
2. A clear copy of a bank statement of the account into which the refund
will be paid. Ensure that the bank statement clearly shows:
o The Bank Logo
o The Account Name
o The Account Number
3. If the fee was paid by an estate: Estates letter as we need to make
sure it's going to right person.
[email signature]
If the applicant
Subject: Information about your Parent Residence Expression of Interest AN
does not want to XXXXXXXX
continue with the
application but
has not
Kia ora,
specifically said
they want to
If you would like to withdraw and request a refund, please fol ow the steps on
our website: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-
visas/visas/visa/parent-resident-visa and reply to me confirming that you
would like to withdraw.
Receipts can be retrieved from AMS but in order to process withdrawal,
please advise client to provide the fol owing documents and send them to
[email address]
1. Completed INZ 1183 Refund Request form
ACT 1982
2. A clear copy of a bank statement of the account into which the refund
will be paid. Ensure that the bank statement clearly shows:
o The Bank Logo
o The Account Name
o The Account Number
3. If the fee was paid by an estate: Estates letter as we n
INFORMATION eed to make
sure it's going to right person.
[email signature]
EOI Q: Can I decline an EOI when the applicant has another Residency application that has been
decided but not completed (2/3 green boxes) 9(2)(g)(i)
A: Hold till Ministerial is done (Satwant).
Q: What do I do when the sponsor is showing as OUT for a significant period when it appears they
have been in the country?
A: RFI for evidence of travel into NZ (PPT and flight tickets). THEN get TA to raise the issue with
customs movement checks people and they may be able to confirm the client has re-entered NZ and
the re-entry just wasn't put into AMS.
ACT 1982
Approved EOI forms (updated 14 November 2022)
INZ 1202 Parent Category EOI NOV22.pdf
INZ 1249 Parent Category EOI Update Form NOV22.pdf
INZ 1374 Parent Category EOI NOV22.pdf
EOI scans - MAKO
Parent (Ballot) EOI
Parent (Queued) EOI
Refund email: [email address]
Refund request form: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/documents/forms-and-
All ITA links:
Information about Parent Resident Visa | Immigration New Zealand -
Parent Category Guide (INZ 1207) -
Fees, decision times and where to apply - h
RELEASED UNDER THE OFFICIAL ttps://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-
Parent Category Residence Application form (INZ 1206) -
Sponsorship Form for Residence (INZ 1024) (immigration.govt.nz) -
How to get a police certificate | Immigration New Zealand -
• Find a radiologist or doctor near you | Immigration New Zealand -
• Health | Immigration New Zealand - https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-
• Contact us | Immigration New Zealand - https://www.immigration.govt.nz/about-
ACT 1982