26 June 2023
[FYI request #23062 email]
Tēnā koe James
Official Information Act (OIA) request: funding Stats NZ has provided to Te Matatini Thank you for your email dated 3 June 2023, in which you requested the following information:
Under the OIA please provide details of any and all funding Statistics New Zealand has
provided to Te Matatini/Te Matataini Inc since 2017.
Stats NZ and Te Matatini Society Inc agreed to a strategic partnership in October 2022. The
partnership aimed at:
• engaging effectively with Māori, particularly youth that could not be reached via other
channels in 12 rohe, across 48 rōpū
• raising awareness of census with Māori
• converting awareness into response via assisted completion events at the Te Matatini
festival (22 – 25 February 2023)
• leveraging Te Matatini Society Inc’s reputation to build trust and confidence in Stats NZ.
In total, Stats NZ funded $250,000 towards the Te Matatini festival. $100,000 went toward the
event itself and $150,000 was distributed by Te Matatini for regional activities in the 12 rohe and
48 rōpū represented at the festival.
In addition to the $250,000 funding to Te Matatini Society Inc, Stats NZ also spent:
- $50,000 on Stats NZ costs at the event, including staff, transport and accommodation
costs, and
- $50,000 to run assisted completion events prior, during, and post the festival in the
regions and associated with Te Matatini events.
No other funding has been provided to Te Matatini/Te Matatini Society Inc since 2017.
Should you wish to discuss this response with us, please feel free to contact Stats NZ at:
Of [email address].
If you are not satisfied with this response, please feel free to contact us or you have the right to
seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman. Information about how to make a
complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or 0800 802 602.
[Statistics New Zealand request email]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wel ington 6140
It is Stats NZ’s policy to proactively release its responses to official information requests where
possible. This letter, with your personal details removed, wil be published on the Stats NZ
website. Publishing responses creates greater openness and transparency of government
decision-making and helps better inform public understanding of the reasons for decisions.
Feel free to get in touch if I can be of further help.
Nāku noa, nā
Mike Webb
Senior Manager – External & Government Relations | Office of the Chief Executive
Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa
[Statistics New Zealand request email]
toll-free 0508 525 525
8 Willis Street, Wellington
PO Box 2922, Wel ington 6140