This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Disregarded Sick Leave'.

Tyler Craig 
[FYI request #23072 email] 
Tēnā koe Tyler 
OIA: 1312447 - Disregarded Sick Leave 
Thank you for your request of 10 June 2023 to the Ministry of Education for the following 
1) What reports, information and confirmation are provided to schools when they submit a 
disregarded sick leave application for a teacher due to Covid? 
2) Are schools provided with confirmation that the application has been accepted? What 
form does this take? What do any templates look like that are provided to schools? What 
information is included? 
3) Are these reports, information and confirmation sent to schools for every application or 
are they sent in bulk? 
Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).  
In response to part 1 of your request, when an application for disregarded sick leave is submitted, 
authorised users within the school can see the application and its status in the ‘My Requests’ tab in 
the Taku portal (the same system through which the application is made). 
In response to part 2 of your request, when an application for disregarded sick leave is approved, 
the school is sent an automated email. A sample copy of this email is provided as Appendix A
In the event of an application being declined or only partially approved, a personalised email is 
sent to the school outlining the status of the application and any actions required. 
In response to part 3 of your request, each application is approved individually, and each approval 
generates a separate email to the school. Schools can access an overarching view of all requests 
made by accessing the ‘My Requests’ tab in the Taku portal. This page includes an option to 
download a ‘printable view’ of all requests submitted. 
Wel ington National Office, 1 The Terrace, Levels 5 to 14, Wel ington 6011 
PO Box 1666, Wel ington 6140, DX SR51201 Phone: +64 4 463 8000 

Thank you again for your email. Please note, we may publish this response on our website after 
five working days. Your name and contact details wil  be removed. 
Ngā mihi 
Anna Welanyk 
Hautū | Deputy Secretary 
Te Pou Ohumahi Mātauranga 
OIA: 1312447